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Viceroy Slim

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Slim Jim) and was a member of torn

.......................................................................................................ENTERING DARKNESS THERE MUST BE LIGHT..............

This was enscribed into the back of slim it had been there for many years but everyone new it was the final mesage left from slim`s father.

slims father was killed by the kingdom of future as he had opposed them all of his life in the final years of LORD SLIM JIMs life future had surronded his final cities and started to attak them one by one in his last plea to set his great nation free he delved into the thick of battle. Sadly it was on this day that the grim reaper had piked to end the life of Slim Jim........]
as slimjim breathed his final breaths he asked for his only son to be brought to him. Slim named after his father was brought to the might Slimjim. Lord Slim Jim pulled his sword out and carved an enscription into his sons back this is was supposedly done to allow Lord Slim Jim`s spirit enter his sons body so that one day he may return as the devine leader of there nation........................................................................................................................................................................

Now aged 18 a ritual is underplace to bring back the Lord Slim Jim so he will once again raign over there nation as the ritual draws to any end a voice can be heard in the faint distance
................................................................................................................I WILL ONCE AGAIN RULE OVER YOU MY BROTHERS WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT.......................................

and with that the riual was finneshed.. the LORD SLIM JIM was returned to his place on the throne in the city of EXILE.........

current history:

joined the kd of torn. am now playing on mantrax future are starting to dominate this world. what happend to them haveing noobs play for them...... well in my current state i feel threatend by bigone i am starting to develope my military as a defence.. i no of two other kds that feel the same for future they must be stoped

armageden plunged darness into the world there were many brave battles fought and many a man died for his kd

..............out of darkness there will be no life.................

Viceroy Slim Jim

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Slimjim The Second) and was a member of torn

what his father sed to him before he died will stay in his memor forever. the words that changed his life forever...
"the meaning of life is to live untill you die and the meaning of death is to be forgoten"

with the new world there will be famuse battles and many deaths and many alliances but out of darkness there will be no life.

slim jim vowed to avenge his farthers death and he started this by re-entering the kd that his farther had pledged his allegance to and with that he started to develope his first city reaper...