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Mr. Eleandor

Lived in Era 16 and got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor).

Eleandor was a old and crazy man, he tried to build something that was doomed from the beginning, now no one will remember his name.

Mr. Efrandor

Lived in Era 16 and got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor).

Efrandor, son of Eleandor is just as bad as his father, the fact that his father was killed trying to build a city of his own hasn't come across his mind, and now he's trying to do the same, oh my.

Well I must say, Efrandor has ben rather good in building some sort of empire, he has even killed some enemies, not at all like his father Eleandor who got killed by enemies, loser.

Oh my, Efrandor must be some sort of beliver, more than once has he beaten away hostile armies with impossible odds and help from some friends, however, Gods help doesn't seem to be enough all the time, but what the hell, Efrandor still kicks ass!

Oh my x2, Efrandor has got news about the world ending and everything getting really nasty if you stick around, so he decided to build a nice looking shelter with some bushes and trees to sit in when the big armageddon arrived.
And so he did, with his bare hands, wow, what a guy.

Efrandor: A freaking cool guy.

Sir Efrandor

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

What can you say, he survived the armageddon and is now trying to build a better world for all mankind, how kind can you get!?

It seems like the big boom has given Efrandor some brain-damage, to bad that the doctor that is needed for the operation is about 100 years away from being born, oh well, just to wait I guess.

The brain-damage made Efrandor to accidently press a switch during an attack on Pilantana that immediatly killed everyone and everything within a 2 mile radie, "too bad", he said when only he remained, "but I guess these kind of things happens", then he went and had some beer.

Wow, Efrandor must have some luck, he fell in the stairs today and hit his head, but instead of dying hes brain-damage dissapeared, a interesting thing is that the doctor that would be born 100 years from that stair-falling day had just that treatment for brain-damages, what luck hey.

Who would have guessed, after spending some time with some pirates in Riot, Mirror reappears in the living world.

Efrandor are a real nerd sometimes, one of his citys got colonised, but hey, he just likes the company, so he won't do anything about it, what a scarycat.

Efrandor has gotten himself up on the evolution stage, now he will forever be reminded as, "Efrandor - The fat and not so big Viceroy with a good heart, but steel as claws, so enemies, beware".

As not so many knows, Efrandor ain't that smart, he didn't realise that all that tiny fat he had on him woulöd give him a heartdisease, and that he would cut himself with those steel-claws of hes.

I guess you have to see the good with the bad, one good thing is that the fat got cut of with the claws, a bad thing is that the bleeding is bigger then the biggest river, and the claws hadn't been washed, so now Efrandor is infected, don't think it will work falling down a stair this time.

What luck, Efrandor meet an hero's deth, lying in his bed, getting warmer, hearing screams about some big red and yellow clouds coming towards the ground.
Sadly Efrandor never knewed exactly what it was before he fell asleep.

Good for him a sperm from his body managed to survive and somehove fell in to a huge brick of ice and when the armageddon came, the sperm keept on living within the ice...

Mr. Efrandor

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

When the armagedon had cooled down, the iceblock started floating down to warmer lands, there it landed in front of a bautiful women, thirsty as she was, she started to drink the ice, accidently getting the one sperm in her body, and strange-made as she was she got pregnant and 9 months later, little Efrandor saw the light of the earth.

At the age of 5 minutes, he made his first city, giving tribute to his great grandfather he named it Laugor.

Efrandor felt like giving more tribute to his dead forefather, so, he made Laugor a shity town, with, literarly, lots of shit.

This, Efrandor tought, was a good plan to keep enemies away from it, he could never believe that himself didn't want to live in there, well well, why not go and take another city, to bad Efrandor got some stumick problem..

HAHA, the enemy tooked the ass-towns from Efrandor, guess who will smell poopy for the rest of their lives now, moahahaha!

Efrandor has also managed to becoming Viceroy, honouring his dead father and grand father, rest in peace y'all Ef's!

Oh my, it seems as Efrandor got some problems with his throat, let's hope he doesn't get to sick, that would realy be devestating, but, that great doctor with the stair-treatment will soon be born, he might be able to help Efie out some, let's hope, shall we.

Naaa, the doctor suggestet to decapitate the whole head, didn't seem like that good of an idea to Efrandor, so he will just take drugs until he feels alright, cheers for Jutussin R8!!

Damn, Jutussin R8 didn't do anything to help Efrandor, he just started sleeping alot instead, that made his son, Efrandor, very mad so he thought he would kill him, but just then the armageddon came, oh well, bette rluck next time, at least you're the ruler now.