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Family History

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Mr. Kalnafien Zurl

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Altair Starr) and was a member of Russian Democratic Republic

A long time veteran of wars, Tired of his villages happy go lucky lifestyle, he revolted. He tested his skill by slaughtering countless victims, becoming a renowned swordsman in mere weeks. Feared by many, he decided to use his power to test his leadership, and thus Chad Nezad was born. His town is for fallen elves that like a war instead of avoiding one. His name itself means God-Slayer in the drow tounge.

Mr. Altair Starr

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Altair Starr) and was a member of Russian Democratic Republic

Son of Kalnafien Zurl and a troll slave, Granik Starr.

Altair Starr noted the weakness of his father's magic using ways, and sought to prove himself better by sticking to his troll heritage and riping off limbs instead of the magical persuasion.

He learned of his father's death and is here to try to avenge him by killing the traitors that slew him, unfortunately being slain while on vacation.

Mr. Altair Starr

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Altair Starr) and was a member of Russian Democratic Republic


Mr. Altair Starr

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Altair Starr) and was a member of Russian Democratic Republic
