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Family History

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Mr. Smuffinmuffin

Lived in Era 18 and got 1 heir(s) (Smuff II).

Fire was in the sky. It rained death like nothing they had ever seen. The wraiths of Honorgar where upon them. Men of the Kindom stood, still, looking in horror. They could not stand and fight, they had to run, run far away into the hills, woods and mountains.
The few survivors that made it to the east kindom have promised Chaos upon the creaturs of Honorgar. Now they are rebuilding thier once mighty kindom and are looking west, with new science to aid they revenge,towards Honorgar.

Mr. Smuff II

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff Iii) and was a member of The Legions of the Republic

The second generation of the survivors stand strong. The creaturs of honorgar have not found this east kindom, so it is upto the second generation to re-arm, re-build and re-take the lands of the kindom.