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Mr. Icekiller

Lived in Era 18 and got 1 heir(s) (Bloodravin).

I was a normal person living in a run of the mill city. It was at war but what city wasn't. One day however the dreadfull humans came. At the time out city had very little in form of an army because our city was just ment for mining. The humans came in the thousands and we had but a few hundred troops. Those brave orc fought just long enough to give the people a chance to get away. The citys peoples split into a few large groups. Each had around 1500 pestents and 150 makeshift troops. I don't know what happened to the others but I've heard that they were caught and, in the way of the humans, killed bruitly for no reason at all.

Our group didn't have it easy though. We came under attack but this time it was from, not the humans but the feared........elfs. I hear that for other races the elfs are graceful and nice but for anything or anyone that doesn't apease then, they are but death. There attack consitsed of only a handful of them but that was pleanty. Many died by sword and arrow alike, but the most fell because of there devil work.

Magic they call it. It's broght nothing but death and dastruchion for my people. The only bright side to the whole thing is that they only saw the front half of our group. I quickly mustered the rest and lead the attack. the elfs were so tied into the gleeful blood that they were causeing to stain the ground that they didn't see use intill it was to late. In one swift bow i kill two of those dreadful "animals". We didn't spare any because we knew that they would just keep hunting use if we did. It paines me to say but I still hate what I did. Even though I had to kill I still wish that i hadn't. Takeing a life for them might be easy but those two lifes I took shall hunt me untill my dieing breath.

After that we didn't come across any other life, but for a few rabbits and other small things. We were luckly because we were able to find a bit of land that was between two rivers. I quickly went from just telling people what and were to build houses and mills to becoming there new king. I don't know how well we will far but I hope it's better then before. Thease may well be my last words for i hear that we are soon going to be in a new "era". A blooder era.

THE ERA OF HELL...........

Mr. Bloodravin

Lived in Era 19 and got 0 heir(s) .

My father knew that it would only be a short time before the humans and elfs found out about his city of the free. For two years we lived in peace but that peace couldn't last long enough. One night my father came to me and said "Son I need you to take a group of peasnets and soliders and run from this land. Here the elfs have a foothold but if you get far enough away then our people just might have a cance. Go now and be strong!"

That night we left and just as I looked back one last time I could see and smell the burning houses and fleash that was caused by the humans. It took us a few mounths but we made it to the "new" land. Much to our dismay we saw that this so called "new" land had a few small citys of humans and elfs. But what filled my heart was when I saw that it had many more orcs and trolls. This was going to be a bloody war but we would win.

Now how wrong was I. The enemys out side and I'm going to die. The only thing I can do now is to send my son forward and hope he does better then I have.