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Lady Gjall

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Moon) and was a member of Blitzkrieg Buccaneers

My life was nice and boring. After i turned eighteen, the city I lived in was attacked by Humans. We lived under their rule for two years before we managed to get ahold of wepons. After we got the wepons we began ambushing small human patrols in and out of the city. Soon we had enough wepons for every elf in the city. I lead the attack on the keep, after we breatch the door we fought for hours with the remaining humans. We killed every human in our city and I was voted in as the new leader. I renamed the City to Centrilla Keep, Centrilla was my fathers name. He had been killed when the hunams attacked us. Years have pasted since our last fight for freedom.

The next battle was with Viceroy Hawkins. He is another elf that attack an Outpost of mine. He continued toward the main keep and tookover a friends city. After he was closer to the main keep I sent our army to deal with him. I beat him back to his city and went to retake me Outpost. The battle was a short one, but we reclaimed the Outpost. I ordered the army to return and pick up new units. As they were returning Viceroy Hawkins attacked and took over the Outpost again. My army got the new units and returned to the Outpost. We reclaimed and sent him a message telling him not to attack again and I would not attack his main city. He agreed not to attack me, saying that he was alone and surrounded by people that were enemies of his kingdom.

I made three new Outposts to help bring in more supplies. For many year noone bothered to attack me. Jack J Smack attacked a city next to mine. The city belonged to a friened name Mr. Bruant. Before Jack's army was able to take over Bruant city I sent my army out to attack him. Sadly my army didnt arrive in time and I couldn't attack. Members of my kingdom were being attacked to the west, so I was needed over their. I told him he was luckly that I was needed in another place. My army didnt get that far before the cities i was going to save were taken over. The attacking armies belonged to Sir. Darkfaith. I asked him why he attacked the cities that belonged to fellow members of my kingdom and he said that the guy had messed with him. I decided to turn around and let the others deal with it. Soon after members of Freedom fighters started attacking.

Soon after members of Freedom fighters started attacking, they are the enemy of my kingdom. During the attacks from Freedom fighters, Jack J. Smack decided to attack my main keep. He tryed twice before going after my colony a little to the west. My army had arrived in order to keep King Dope from taking it over. King Dope saw that he had no chance of taking the city after my army arrive so he moved his army north to attack the Mine Outpost. I attacked and killed 347 soldiers in Jack J. Smack's army then had my army run north to intercept King Dope's army again. It Was after this that we finally worked out a deal and i allowed him to take the colony that he was origially. I had fought an army from Freedom fighters twice, the first time it was a battalion and the second time it was a division. The division was bigger than my army and I wasnt sure I would win until my battle commander said we had the better chance of winning I won both times that i engaged the enemy army. :) .

Lumber Colony is still in controll of King Dope but Prince Marduk from serenity has an army moving towards it. If I can get their before Prince Marduk does i will colonize the colony and if possible set the tax so that King Dope gets all the wood.
Well that plan didn't go was well as I wanted but Lumber Colony is now under my controll again.

Sir Bradwardine Cruel is about to attack Centrilla Keep (main town). He hasn't given a reason why, he just started moving his army toward the keep. his army is a brigade so supposeily there is 8319 soldiers in it. My army has 2000 and my city has abot 2013 soldiers to defend it. This isn't going to end well, not well at all!!!WEll I messaed up, I sent all my soldiers to attack Sir Bradwardine Cruel's army, I had a 71% chance of winning. I LOST :'(. So he took Centrilla keep then he took Here BE Resource. Now hes getting ready to attack Lumber Colony. I have sent everyone i could to Mine Outpost. King Pyro says that ppl are on their way to help me but I got a better chance of Prince Marduk attacking this guy.

I sit here and I feel kinda odd, I have been thinking about my past. I have been helped by members of other kingdoms more than the members of my kingdom. Two of those times they were from members of ENEMY kingdoms. Viceroy Hawkins of Legacy, King Dope of Freedom Fighters, Prince Marduk of serenity, and Mr. Darkfaith of Valar.

Well I am now Lady Gjall. Finally a member of my kingdom decided to free my city Lumber Colony. Now Viceroy Bebb Kebab is trying to retake Centrilla Keep. Bradwardine Cruel sent two armies this time, One is a corps with 20194 soldiers the other is a Brigade number of soldiers unknown. The Corps is moving towards Here BE Resorces, the Brigade is moving towards Mine Outpost. I added more walls and thoughsands of my strongest defenders to protoect Mine Colony so it will not fall. Just as they say history is repeating, again.

Dragon Masters is a bunch of fracking morons, They deserve to be killed by serenity! Well the last few days have been fun, not only am I now hiding from Serenity but I have to fight every ally DM had just to survive. Frackers! Serenity didn't let me join so I have had no help fighting three kingdoms. Hey Marduk can you help me? Neways I have fought off 5 attacks so far with two armies still on the way, so far nothing bigger than a brigade has been sent to attack me!

Prince Marduk agreed to help protect me and Riot let me join. I will be helping them with what ever problems they may have with other players and 3 mayb 4 months from now I will try my luck at running a kingdom! I will call it Outlaws or The Outlaws. Neways my new Cap is starting to pay off. I'm finally starting to make money again so it shouldn't be long untill I am ready to fight again!

Well this is just great, a Riot member and serenity member have started fighting. That member was Darkfaith, he was kicked after the attack was reported. Twice I have tryed to defend his actions now and he repays me by turning his armies towards my cities. I even offered to have him be made a Viceroy in my friends new kingdom. He didn't even reply to my message, just started attacking.

Ms. Moon

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Phoenix) and was a member of Phoenix Federation

Hello all, Its gonna be 18 days b4 I can establish New Centrilla. That stupid Arma spell ruined everything. Well its been harder to find a place than I thought it would be, all the heirs were placed in the same area and we havent had the time to sort things out yet. Hopefuly I will get to the place I want b4 some1 else gets it.

GRRR its taking me forever to find a place it will let me build! Ok so I finaly got a place to build and had a little over 200 ppl left. I decided to call it Centrilla and now I need to build an army quickly to keep ppl from randomly attacking me.

Well King Loki and a good friend of mine has fallen in battle to the evil Abydos kingdom, in the north i was just burning ne army that got close but now I will burn their cities and make them suffer for killing my friends! ok well the Abydos member that killed them nolongers owns a city in that area so now im kool with it. btw I took him out b4 we signed a NAP with them.

Ok well war with Heaven goes well, we beat their corps back and some of us look forward to its return. Also Para might b warring with us b/c of attacks on us, tho Highwayman says this were getting boring in a message to me. This sounds like a real party era, 2bad some fracker cast the arma spell again. O well the war will probly start again next era!

Well the little party of a war goes well, lots of fun. 2 bad we had to burn that unlimited city. Neways I will b rejoining DM 4 the next era and b known as Queen Phoenix.

YAY I finally made me own kingdom, Its called Phoenix Federation and It's alrdy stronger than My old kingdom RIOT (srry guys).

Ms. Phoenix

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Phoenix) and was a member of Phoenix Federation

Ok so things go well so far, I plan on moving and making a city East of were I arrived on this world. Soon I will try to get more ppl to join my kingdom and help my former kingdom mates fight against the EVIL kingdoms, or ne1 we feel like fighting.

Well looks like war was forced upon me b4 i could go after the kingdom i wanted, :'( . A member of Male Models burned my city to the ground so my Phoenixes had to fly to another area.
The pirate and a few old friends r getting rdy to have a party so i will b joining in soon as i can.