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Mr. Tovladian Soltyr

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Reece Soltyr) and was a member of Border Patrol

Tovladian Soltyr of Mjolnar did not become a ruler over night. He was once a humble ranger of the Nightshade forests, until one day that all changed. The king of Midgaurdia charged Tovladian with the saving of his son, Reece Tyrhand, Prince of Midgaurdia. Tovladian fought many foes and gained many friends along the way of completing the task before him. Upon slaying the Demon, Zalcor, and rescuing Crimson's son, Tovladian was awarded land and riches for the completion of his task.

Since this time he has settle a small city of elves that he named "Frenris" after a wolf of the norse people. It is a city that is quickly growing and becoming known among the lands. Soon came the times of war however and a king by the name of Sorra a dwarf of the monarchy of Kingdom Hearts prepared to attack his people. Tovladian knowing the times when to flee and when to fight new that it was time to escape his fair city and avoid the loss of any of his followers. Tovladian and his people travaled into the core of a monarchy known as The Alliance, and settled a new city there, the city of Mjolnar. He lived happily within the kingdom of The Alliance until war broke, which it was not a good time for war since it was this time, Reece Soltyr was born, being named after the boy he saved to become a ruler in the first place. The war went on for many years and in the end, The Alliance was over powered, Reece was now 15 at this point and fearing for his future, Tovladian sent his son with a few soldiers to go away from the battle and live his own life. He gave Reece enough money to survive upon and perhaps start his very own civilization. Reece left and now journeys to new land where safety is what he seeks. Tovladian unforchantly died in battles later to come, over powered by the armies that came from the Kingdom Hearts.

Tovladian is said to be a fair and friendly ruler and is gaining in popularity among his followers. He can be a very formidable opponent in times of war and will do all he has to, to protect his people. So warning to all those that wish to cause harm to his followers.

Sir Reece Soltyr

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Tovladian Soltyr) and was a member of Border Patrol

A lone tear streamed down the face of Reece as he left his family, his home, and his life as he knew it behind. He was commanded by his father, Tovladian Soltyr to flee the once grand city of Mjolnar during the times of pending defeat.

"Father, Mother, why don't you flee with me?" Reece cried.

"We must stay here and defend our people, Reece, someday you will understand why one must make sacrifice for the ones they love. I wish your mother would go with you, but she wishes to stay by my side as my wife to the end. You Reece, must continue the blood line, carry the Soltyr name onward to the future. I have faith in you son, you will be a great leader someday," Tovladian replied to his heart broken son.

After receiving the last memories of his mother and father that he would have to carry with him, Reece left the city with one of Mjolnar's most skill soldiers to guide him to safe lands. From his mother he received a necklace that was of a tears shaped sapphire entwined with a silver frame. From his father, one of the finest elven crafted longsword to be seen far and wide, the blade was long with a faint blue tent to it with an etching of a dragons neck and head on the blade, the hilt formed the wings of the dragon in gold, and the handle formed the body and tail. Reece to this day has never released those items from his person.

Reece and the army guarding him traveled to far off lands and settle within a kingdom known as the Border Patrol which the monarch of the kingdom was a friend of Tovladians. Reece was given some land to settle by King Army and thus Tivargull was born. Not to long after Tivargull started to flourish, Reece went on to settle Fljotmatr and Yagrisil. After his cities started to become larger, Reece decide he would like to become a very active warrior of The Border Patrol and within no time his now main city of Tivarofridr was settled and he prepared to construct an army the likes that no one has ever seen before. With as likable as Reece was he had no problem getting peasants to enlist in his armies, cause they new he was a fair and honest ruler.

And thus...the Era of a new Soltyr has started.......