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Family History

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Mr. Nitral

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Scelpucher) and was a member of Knights of Camelot

Lord Nitral was the greatest warrior of all the Arum clans.He grew up in Mawor Were he lived as a common soldier.He was not well known although soon his skills would become the stuff of legends.He left the army and was not heard of 5 years.he had sunk into the dark arts and after the 5 years he returned and took centura by force.he then moved on Mawor the Land that he had at one time been nothing more then another soldier to be used by the government.

Mr. Scelpucher

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Orchular) and was a member of Knights of Camelot

Sepelcher grew up afraid and alone.his father had been slain by cease to exist.scelpucher know waits in patience for the time to strike.his first action will be too take the cities of Mawor and Centura.Sepelchures stronghold wasa a county set up by Mr Nitral in which to hide his son in the dangerous it rises forth to destroy all in its path to regain his fathers city and punish those who killed his father.

Mr. Orchular

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Mimbrate Knight) and was a member of Knights of Camelot

Lord Orchular the Brave and bold son of spelchur was forced to flee to a peice of the kingdom largely controlled by the knights of camelot for protection.raised by nuiari-son he became a great warrior although unlike his forfathers was half elf.He plans to return the honour of his royal line and reunite his bickering friends.after bringing death to Mr.Pinguin of course.

Mr. Mimbrate Knight

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Kathandarion) and was a member of Knights of Camelot

I am here.The cheery and fair duke of mimbre.but i hold a dark secret.the destruction of many a city by my personal times of war attacking allies and enemies.but now i wish to follow a path of honour.and bring death to cease to exist.FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Mr. Kathandarion

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Kathandarion) and was a member of Knights of Camelot

I am here but my life is coming to an end.i have tried to delay the FF forces but have failed.Now my son and the sons of Godlike travel forth to find a safe haven were to grow and strike back into the hearts of all.I live For Godlike,I fight for godlike , And now i will die for Godlike.