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Mr. Com

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Kingdom Hearts


I am Mr. com it is a great pleasure to be writing to all you people out there, i have come to this game and started my own kingdom called Kingdom Hearts also known as KH, we are respectable we fight, we win , then we get absolutely trashed at the after party woooowwwwww!!!!! yeah but anyway its not all fun and games we work hard and play long. its the KH way.but we shall prepare for the next era and get drunk and go to war and maybe have a few cone as well but our cities are big, our Hearts are big, and so is my bottle of piss. KH is not the original Kingdom Hearts i just got told that there was a nother lets go home and get stoned..........go home .....get .....stoned ...and pissed ... yes.. pissed.. and ... stoned..,,,

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

we had started Kingdom Hearts again this era, and had grown in to a great medium sized kingdom, we made many friends this era, our first ally was LW, who turned on us as soon as we tried to ATTACK there good friends DB. as LW was trying to take us our new found friends MAD, came i throw the east and helped us to make them retreat just to the west of our KH core and whipped up a CF for now. As MUSIC, BOW and ZEON came down and wiped out GOD off fantasia, as soon as they where finished with GOD, MUSIC came for us and had taken my biggest city and soon my hole kingdom was consumed but be for they could finish us off, a few members and i retreaded and where forced to leave my be loved kingdom and go to MAD.

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 29 and got 1 heir(s) (Com).


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage

the great Mr. com is back and ready to play i have no kingdom as of yet but soon, shadow hearts will rule this world

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage

Mr. com the great i am now a member of the great Carnage and will be fr a long time to come i am happy wear i am and will stay here, the people are great i have made some good friend, we now fighting ZEON like always and are also allied with db and lgc who i fort 3 eras back and sort of won, but i disband the kingdom and join MAD and sort of won again but i stoped playing so we died lol but this is where i am and this is where i'll stay for hundreds of eras to come.

PHI and ZEON have put up a great fight but it has been a stalemate this hole time, and our allies are useless ( not PKS ) DB just keeps on attack PKS, and lgc is stuck with abydos, and on the other hand we have to put up with PHI,ZEON attacking all the time, but we have dont a great job this era, perfect response to attack from everyone in carnage. and this is my biggest army this era, i started late...about half way through the era.

[your army (Around 500,000)] Comschocolate
Owned by Com

these are my kingdom friends that are merged with me.

[Group of Armies (Around 500,000)] Comschocolate
Owned by Com

[Corps (Around 50,000)] Clone Xxiclone XXI lifeguards
Owned by Mr. Clone Xxiclone XXI

[Group of Armies (Around 500,000)] Acute Testicular Tortion
Owned by Mr. Brock Samson

[Corps (Around 50,000)] Scottclones
Owned by Mr. Scottclone

[Corps (Around 50,000)] Clone Slugs
Owned by Mr. Brock Samson

[Army (100,000-200,000)] Carnage Legion III
Owned by Duke Vytautas Didysis

[Scout (1-5)] Mover
Owned by Mr. Clone VII

[Division (10,000-20,000)] Agent Orange
Owned by Mr. Clone XXI

[Group of Armies (Around 500,000)] The Last One
Owned by Duke Vytautas Didysis

[Army (100,000-200,000)] Death II
Owned by Mr. Clone VII

and this is my production this era,

Total: +3,981,365 +39,971 +1,313,120 +150,622 443,650
Army Upkeep: -1,141,483
Building Upkeep: -330,716
Total Income: +2,509,166

I wonder what will happened to com next era, what fights he will get in to, and what carnage will get in to lol.

i went crazy last few hours building walls and sending out scouts , it was a few hours later that my army got there but an other hour after that i had 50% chance, with one scout and toke that chance and lost, but after that a few more hours later i merge two scouts together and had 50% chance again and toke that chance agian with VICTORY. 0:10:59 just before the end of the era.

sincerely,Mr. com

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage
