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Family History

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Mr. Agent Emann

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Tagmatarkhis Augustus) and was a member of The Slaanesh

The saga of Agent Emann is one of great adventure and speculation. Some say that he was borne of Cebrus himself, others claim that the great Titans of Greek lore brought him from a far away world. No matter what, this much is certain. His trophy halls were filled with the remnants of his enemies from whence he came. His mining knowledge was great and his treasure caverns full. He disappeared for a period of several ages. Then, during the 30th era of Zetamania this dwarf leader came forward, making gold and war his two greatest concerns.

Mr. Tagmatarkhis Augustus

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Hadrian Augustus) and was a member of The Slaanesh

The son of the great dwarvish leader Agent Emann, Tagmatarkhis Augustus arose to defend his families honor in a time of great tribulation. His father's forces fought valiantly to the end in the great city of Steve Trotter. With his father's legacy on the line, Tagmatarkhis, the eldest son of Agent Emann, stepped forward to rebuild the shattered existance of his father's house. He proudly carried on the line and lived for his family and his kingdom. Augustus, Captain of the Caverns, as he came to be known worked hard to bring new allies to the confederation which he helped grow from the rubble that was its original existence.

Mr. Hadrian Augustus

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Nehemiah Augustus) and was a member of The Slaanesh

Son of the the famed dwarvish leader Tagmatarkhis Augustus, Hadrian Augustus continued the tradition of building and defending the honor of both his family and his kingdom come what might. At times, it looked bleak as it had for both his father and grandfather before him. He believed in his troops and the will of his King and would rather die before he would dishonor either. The time of his kingdom had come though and as he looked out upon it he knew that though this time was at an end, this was also a beginning.

Mr. Nehemiah Augustus

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Plato Augustus) and was a member of The Slaanesh

Nehemiah Augustus watched with saddened heart as the kingdom that the kingdom to which his family had been so loyal for so long fell. He decided that it was time to strike out into a new venture. He consulted with the Great Teacher whom had taught him so much and with the Teacher's blessing he founded a new kingdom. Together with several others he forged a kingdom known for its honor far and wide and whom feared no one. His goal had changed from one for himself to one of his people. He carefully watched and guided them in their pursuits and became known as a wise and generous king.

Mr. Plato Augustus

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Solomon Augustus) and was a member of The Slaanesh

Plato Augustus was a short lived king, he bore the namesake of his family well but was occursed from his birth to mediocrity and lowliness. He was a humorous king and was beloved by his people.