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Mr. Aranved

Lived in Era 30 and got 1 heir(s) (Aranved).


Mr. Aranved

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Aranved).


Mr. Aranved

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Aranved).


Mr. Aranved

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Aranved).


Sir Aranved

Lived in Era 31 and got 0 heir(s) .

Aranved was a simple man living in the 31st Era. This is his story. A story of fighting alone, independent, against all odds with nobility, honor, justice, diplomacy and a helping hand to others as his weapons.

Chapter One: The foundations of Peace

Aranved wished only for peace and to help the people. Having attempted to settle more than once only to see his home town overrun by invading marauders only increased his burning desire to create a place of peace, a place where none of what had passed would be allowed to happen again. A place where he could protect his people.

That place was Greenshire. Aranved settled once again with the survivors of his previous towns and this time he was lucky. He could only thank the light for such a peacefull place. The area around Greenshire was bountyfull and defensible. His town would grow and his people prosper. But war and despair followed closely behind...

Soon closeby kingdoms warred between themselves. This war would eventually come to Greenshire, and that could not be allowed... Aranved talked peace with local lords of Generation and The Black Chain, and who would have guessed it, a small lord with a small city would gain the trust he coveted.

While war raged outside Greenshire, eventually ending up on the aparent defeat of The Black Chain, who had performed an aggresive campaign and took much land untill a standstill was reached and infighting tore them apart, Aranved kept his beloved people safe and at peace. Soon his people would grow to such numbers that more space would be needed. So the towns of Riverbrook and Southshire were settled. They too would prosper in time.

Soon local lords would marvel at Aranved's small county and ask him to join their forces. But Aranved was resolute. He wished to keep his people safe and at peace, but remain Independent. Joining a kingdom would result in war and politics that could place his one true goal at stake. He would not join anyone. And so time and again Aranved politely refused to join a kingdom. His place in the world would be carved by him alone, with only nobility as his ally.

Still, sometimes peace cannot prosper... one fatefull day an army reached the walls of Greenshire. Instead of taking the outer cities of the county, including the recently settled towns of Hillside, Southplains and Treeshire, the advancing army marched straight to the county's capital. It took some doing but an army was marshalled and the invaders would be defeated, after a hasty retreat, close to the city of Riverbrook. This was the only attack made against Aranved's people so far, even in this war torn land. He would not accept another...

So Aranved set out to negociate with the rest of the local lords, including his attacker, begging for peace. Once the messeges were sent he could only wait...

Thankfully most lords agreed to Aranved's peace requests, but peace was not to be had yet. An army from Mr. Hajime Saito had overrun the defenses of two Generation Cities and burned them to the ground. Soon he advanced to Treeshire and burned the small town. Aranved's army, marshalled before to defend his lands, would be forced to garrison the city of Southshire to avoid losses to the enemy Nazguls, but, thankfully to both parties, battle was not joined. Negotiations ensured the safe withdrawal of the foreign army and a terrible battle at the walls of a heavily fortified and garrisoned Southshire was avoided. Should the enemy have won such a battle, they would surely take heavy losses, only to find that the remaining cities were almost as well defended as Southshire. So they left peacefully and peace was finally attained.

Aranved's hard earned peace was crowned with the creation of a new city of Treeshire. This new city would shadow it's predecessor in size and glory, as the previous one was too small to ever grow larger than a small village. In a way, Mr. Hajime Saito had helped the development of Aranved's small County, but the loss of his people would never be forgotten... they were all that mattered. They were the reason for his unending quest to attain peace. A hard earned peace that was now within his grasp... even if only for a short time...

A few days later, word of a southern advance from The Dacians came. A messege was sent asking for peace, as was usual. Instead of what was hoped, Aranved recieved a threat... this was not taken lightly, but a quick response settled the matter. It was actually all a misunderstanding.

And so, around the day 600 of the 31st Era, after a great battle outside the city of Riverbrook, after hours of debating and discussing with the local lords and their kingdoms, after losing a small village to a foreign army only to rebuild it to be stronger a hundred fold, after all the trials that had passed, Aranved, a local lord that vowed to protect his people at all costs but remain Independent of the great kingdoms, had become a force to take into account in the area and had finally built what seemed to be a hard earned and lasting peace in his small county. The future looked bright for a change. The wars outside of his cities walls would still rage on, and he would still do all in his power to help out all those he could, without commiting to any war, but regardless, he had attained a promising peace with all the local lords. Surely they knew he was no trouble to them, and that should they need help they could come to his doorstep. And so a bright new chapter started for Aranved and his people. Who knew what the future would bring? Regardless, should he keep the peace forever or the world end the next day, Aranved would go down in history as a simple man who, in a war torn world, kept the peace against all odds and managed to protect his people at least to that day...

Chapter Two: Defending a hard earned Peace

A few days passed and all seemed well. But alas, soon word came of a small warband on it's way to Aranved's territory. This small warband was under the leadership of Mr. Anonymous, a lord of Swarm, and soon the mages of Greenshire used their powers to look within the army's ranks. They were Nazguls... close to 500. This made the small warband strong enough to take on armies 100 times their size. A messege was sent. Due to misspelling, Mr. Anonimous was mistaken for Mr. Awesome, with whom Aranved had signed a peace accord. A response never came. Once the mistake was discovered new mails were sent asking this lord for peace. Again, no response. In his bloodlust and stubbornness Mr. Anonimous ignored all of Aranved's messeges begging for peace, and instead of aiding others in his own kingdom to the west, who were under attack by The Dacians, he mounted an attack on Southshire. The army camped outside of Soutshire for close to two weeks, and for three times did they attack the fortified city and it's garrison. The defenders suffered great losses but they held fast and won two great victories. The city would not fall. Before a third attack was mounted the beleaguered garrison recieved reinforcements from Riverbrook. Even though they were not needed, they would help in the defense and prepare a counterattack. Even outnumbered and clearly at a tactical disadvantage Mr. Anonimous ordered his army to attack a third time. A third time were they defeated. This time they fled, but they would stop close to Treeshire. A vengeance stryke. Treeshire was sadly underdefended, but still they delayed the enemy army, now only 100 strong, untill the Riverbrook Guards arrived at the city walls. There, a battle took place that would seal the defeat of Mr. Anonimous's advance and, hopefully, also a lasting peace for Aranved's people. The victorious Riverbrook Guards were welcomed as heroes in Treeshire, where they would remain as that city's garrison.

Unfortunatly, due to Mr. Anonimous's stubbornness, Aranved had to enter diplomatic negotiations with The Dacians and their leader, Mr. The Gladiator. He proved to be a honorable man in the end, and peace was attained, but had the warband of Nazguls been sent to the defense of Swarm's Western cities, that kingdom could have kept the area, and Aranved would keep neighbours that he had come to see as noble friends. Instead, the army was decimated and the west was now a war-torn land, divided between The Dacians and Swarm, and at a stalemate with attacks and counterattacks occuring daily...

Peace was his for now however, maintained by blood and sweat. Even though Aranved had lost good and honorable neighbours, he had won new ones who were also noble. He could not help but sigh and feel sorry for the ones that lost their cities, and for their people, but war is war. There was nothing he could do now. And so he returned with his men to the capital. Peace was maintained for now...

Chapter Three: Prosperity on the Horizon

Some days passed with not much to report. Still war raged on, and still armies marched close, but peace was maintained. Soon however, Aranved's lands would face peril again...

An army from Mr. Kat of Swarm had come close and seemed to march directed at the center of the county. Every messege sent would remain unanswered. Soon the army would go past the border to the county and march twards Southshire. Southshire... the beautifull city and it's fair people seemed to be the envy of many, or cursed by otherwordly forces, for so many attacks to be directed upon it. However, two days away, Aranved's mages froze the army in place. There it would stay for 6 days, and in 6 days a great army was raised. This army would march and take on Mr. Kat's army in the field. But first they waited... hoping for an answer...

That answer did luckily come another two days later and negotiations were opened. The army was indeed marching to take one of the cities, in preparation for an attack on the west, to liberate Swarm cities lost to The Dacians. However, Aranved stated that he would not, ofcourse, let any of his cities fall for a war that wasn't even his. Mr. Kat was actually very cordial and friendly. A Non Aggression Pact was signed and the army would march past Aranved's lands with his consent. Peace was maintained by patince.

Soon after, a southern army from The Dacians, led by Mr. Genghis Khan also seemed to march twards Aranved. Not one boring moment...

Again diplomacy won the day and peace was maintained, but not untill the army had marched close enough to be worthy of some worrying. The army was strong... and for once, it brought mages. This stopped any possible attempts of using spells against them. Mr. Genghis Khan proved to be a noble man, but also a cunning and planning strategist. He would make a dangerously strong foe and worthy of fear and respect if he was the enemy, but fate would have it, he acknowledged Aranved's lands as neutral and did not march against him. A noble man indeed.

And so peace reighned and the realm prospered for the time being. This was a bountifull time, a time for building and growing, but also a time to fortify the lands that were won with so much work and sweat.

And time went by. And the people were happy and free.

Chapter Four: Showdown

Six months had gone by and peace had settled in. Aranved even began preparations for Armaggedon. It was a strange world they lived in. After a certain amount of time passed, roughly three and a half years, a great flare would engulf the world and leave no building or army standing. It would leave life on the surface of the world untouched, as it would the weary souls that knew what was comming and took shelter. Maybe it was the way the light chose to stop wars, even though between such events war would happen. He had prepared his people for the comming of the end, which was but ten mongths away. After the sundering he would start over and continue his mission. He had kept his people safe and at peace for close to two years now. He had done what he set out for, even if for such a short time. He would continue doing so for as long as he lived.

Close to eight monts from Armaggedon however, things took a turn for the worst. In an act that would remain in infamy for many years to come, Mr. The Gladiator, king of Dacii and a friend so far, one with whom Aranved kept a Non Aggression Pact, sent a messege stating that he would take Hillside for he needed the tax payers money. As simple as that. Aranved was enfuriated by such an honorless act and declared Mr. The Gladiator his eternal enemy. He would not forgive such a treacherous wretch easily.

An army was quicly marshalled to help in the defenses of Hillside. Before the enemy reached the walls, already was Hillside well fortified and garissoned. The battle that would ensue, if it did come to pass, would mean the end of Mr. The Gladiator's great army, and probably the loss of his closest cities to Generation or Swarm, or the merciless defeat of the city garrison and the conquest of Hillside and it's people, who would probably be taken as slaves. Aranved could not loose... it would be the end of all he had faught for. Even if only one city, he would not be able to protect his people there. However, the garrison was strong, and the walls high... Aranved was confident in victory... now all that was left to do was wait...

Only a few days into the preparatons for the attack on Hillside things took another turn. Locusts began devouring the enemy's provisions, and the sky opened and fire rained on the enemy army. Aranved called for his couselors and asked what had happened. His mages were resting and were not responsible for the spells that were destroying the enemy army before them. Then who? Before they even had time to wonder any further, the enemy broke their formations and began retreating in a disorderly fashion. And the watched from the walls as the greatest army to have come to their gates was decimated to one third of its size by magic. Victory had been attained in the most unpredictable manner...

Later Aranved discovered that it had been Mr. Blackguard who had helped him. Mr. Blackguard... the only thing Aranved knew of him was that he was a lord of Generation, with cities to the north of the river, and that he had accepted his peace willingly. Now, this great lord had come to Aranved's aid without so much as a doubt, and without being asked. Surely he had his own motives, but even so... Aranved's admiration for the man grew ten fold. He was a noble and honorable lord to have helped. Aranved would not forget his intervention in what could have been his loss and certainly a massive battle with rivers of blood flowing. A great man indeed...

After such a resounding victory to his people, even if not of his doing, Aranved could not help but shatter his neutrality, at least on this matter. Mr. The Gladiator was a traitorous coward, unworthy of attention or friendship. He was the enemy now. Unfortunatly, so was probably his kingdom. Aranved vowed, however, to keep this grudge just as it was and not extend it to the kingdom. This decision would put him in a precarious position... a local lord, alone against a whole kingdom... even if not the kingdom, against one of it's most powerfull members... it's King, no less! Now his friends and allies would count for everything. Aranved could not stand alone. This is why he used diplomacy so often. It was his greatest weapon, along with being honorable and just. Now he would need it even more...

Chapter Five: Memories

After the victory over The Gladiator and his army, peace settled for a few weeks. Aranved kept his policy of fortifying and building his cities. His goal had always been to keep his people safe and happy, and Treeshire needed to grow larger if it was to house Aranved's people. Soon, armaggedon would come and it would all be destroyed, but at least, for the next months, his people would know peace and hapyness. Or so he wished...

Some weeks after Southplais had reached it's peak, an army from Swarm arrived at the gates of Treeshire. This army, led by Mr. Ffhheero did not respond to any messege and prepared an attack. Treeshire was reinforced and fortified, and prepared for battle...

Before battle was joined, luckily, the army's leader acknowledged Aranved's peace, stating that he could destroy the defenses, but he would spare him... unfortunate that this arrogance was backed by a great army. Aranved thanked the lord for his peace and the army left for the south, to reinforce Generation's advance. Once again peace was kept...

The war to the west and south raged on, this time for a swift victory on Generation and Swarm's side. These last few months Aranved could do nothing but marvel at the great armies that had marched to fight Dacii on their own turf. Leading these armies were great generals and leaders of men, many of whom Aranved had had some kind of interaction and would not be forgotten.

Generation's Viceroys: Mr. Vpr, a great general who had sent many armies to fight in the war and had won great glory for his kingdom. Also a man of honor with whom Aranved had kept peace. Khan Matt Busby, who had sent his armies to the south and won great victories against Dacii and Empire of Meji. The feller of Mr. Saito Hajime. Aranved knew little of this lord, but had him in high regards for his might. Mr. Firehose, who had recently become a close friend of Aranved and whom he had in high regards for his sincerity and noble heart. Mr. Memory, who's aries took over many cities to the south. His domain was now greater and as powerfull as many lower kingdoms. Generation's lords who had seen the brunt of battle: Mr. Blackguard who had helped Aranved before and led much of the initial assaults against Dacii, truly a Noble and Honorable man and a great general. Mr. Spliced and Sir Knish, who had led many armies since Aranved had settled and were unfortunatly thorwn back to their northern cities only to come back later and win great glories for their kingdom. Helped in the pacification of Empire of Meji and OutLawZ. Mr. Stewie, whose reinforcemets kept Generation's army's momentum and helped push on. Mr. Tuck, remembered for his mages unlikely victory by freezing a great army from Dacii, which led to an invasion that would break their spirits and their armies. Mr. Mafia, a close and personal friend of Aranved, he had been a friend from the beggining and if not for him and his help, Aranved would not have gotten this far. A man of Honor who kept his word and listened to diplomacy, and a general who had also sent his armies to the south to help with the war against Dacii. And Mr. Razorfire, the leader of Generation, who had also been a friend and honorable in accepting Aranved's peace personaly. His leadership had ensured his Kingdom's overshadowing of all other forces on Starta. And many others whom Aranved had not met. Generation's exploits to the far northeast had also reached Aranved's ears. The defeats suffered by Star Kingdom were terrible and with each of them Generation grew stronger.

Swarm, greatest ally of Generation was also held high in Aranved's thoughts. Many of their members had accepted his peace and neutrality, and many amongst those had done even more. Lords like Mr. Kat, Mr. Transet and Mr. Amaroq III, who had been good neighbours to Aranved and who Aranved tried to help as often as he could, they were honorable and just. Sir Uther Pendragon, a brother in arms who's Honor, sincerity and unshakable will Aranved had come to respect and admire; and others like Mr. Awesome and Mr. Superawesome who had been thrown back and Aranved had not heard from since, but at their time had been friends. Mr. Acerf III, leader of Swarm, who was kind enough to accept peace. And Mr. Genghis Khan who had been a brother to Aranved and held in high regard. He was a member of Dacii only to leave the kingdom due to the infighting and disbelief in their leader. He held his ground on his own and lost, but then recovered and caused great confusion on his enemies lands. Ultimatly he joined Swarm, where he now faught for his survival and would eventually hold out. He would be remembered for his undying spirit and for surviving in a hostile land sorrounded by potential enemies... a feeling Aranved knew only too well... However Swarm also had other members who had been enemies or too close to that. Mr. Ffhheero, who had withdrawn at the last moment before battle was joined; although close, Aranved would not forget that he had accepted his peace honorably... others hadn't... and Mr. Anonymous... a lord who had been stubborn above all else in his attacks against Aranved's lands. Stubborn enough to let his allies to rot while he threw his forces at Aranved's walls. The victories achieved against his armies were hard fought and close to defeat, but in the end Aranved's armies threw them back. Many attempts at peace were tried, but he always refused. This grudge would not be finished without bloodshed...

Other lords among other kingdoms would also be remembered. Mr. Saito Hajime, who had attacked and burned Treeshire to the ground but later would accept peace and be remembered as a great and proud leader, who's armies raged north and were only stopped at the very core of Generation's lands. Many lords of Dacii who had been friends and almost foes. Among them Mr. Dartimos, a peacefull neighbour, and Mr. Snaps, who had been just and respectfull as none had ever been to Aranved. He would not forget him. And Mr. The Gladiator... Lord of The Dacians... at first he seemed arrogant and boisterous, but he then accepted peace and vowed friendship. Aranved had heard rumors of his mixed loyalties, but held him at high regard nonetheless... untill a messege came stating that he would take Aranved's city of Hillside. Hopefully battle was not joined, thanks to the timely intervention of Mr. Blackguard. Without being asked for help he selflessly ordered his mages to cast a powerfull rain of fire on the enemy army. Many died, but Mr. The Gladiator's army was decimated. A grudge started that day. The fowl betrayal would live on in infamy...

So much had come to pass... and now the era was closing to the end. Peace had been kept by blood and tears, but Aranved's people were safe... his work was almost done... at least for this era...

Chapter Six: Grudges

Alas, it would not be so. Having passed the last trial with Mr. Ffhheero and having won a victory for peace, Aranved retired for a few days of rest. Upon his return much had changed. Changed indeed... all he had worked for was now in peril!

An army from Mr. Anonymous had built a camp east of Treeshire and moved on to the fair city! Treeshire was in a build up phase, it would become the jewel in Aranved's small couty, a testemony to his resillience. A city built on top of the previous town of Treeshire, which had been razed only to be rebuilt greater in glory and size than ever. But this dreem to of a city would not be allowed to be completed. Mr. Anonymous, it seemed, had not forgotten his grudge... it was as if it was all he could think about! In the past he let his allies be taken by Dacii while he attacked Southshire, and now, instead of aiding in the offensive that Generation was launching or trying to gain glory for his kingdom in a war against their mortal enemies, he attacked Aranved once again. True, the era was at an end, but why this unwarrented aggression? Not being part of a kingdom was all that it took to be attacked with such bloodthirst?

This time the army was bigger... and pretected against magic. It would seem that Mr. Anonymous had learned something from the last encounter... pity that revenge had not clouded his mind to the point of not learning from one's mistakes. Or had it? What if Aranved won?

Alas, his chances were grim this time. Treeshire was fortified, but the enemy was numerous and strong. If battle was joined it would not be an easy victory. Chances were against Aranved this time. Still, he held on. This battle would meen everything. Victory would prove to all that Aranved was not to be taken lightly, even if always engaging in diplomacy and trying to be friendly and helping others. Defeat, even if only one city, would meen suffering for his people. So the garrison prepared. Dark clouds had formed. A dark portent for the battle to come. Looking above the walls of his fair city Aranved beheld the great army that had come to destroy him. They were many... and well prepared... rain dripped from Aranved's chin, along with sweat and tears... why must men fight such wars? Why theese feelings of utter hatred, this dispair? And he turned back and beheld his men. They were well prepared and ready for battle. They were ready to die for the cause. For the People... for happiness... for peace! And he could not help but grin. Indeed, for peace. His cause was just... THEIR cause was just. They would fight to the death for their beliefs. And although Aranved always held on to life, there was no running away from this. If battle was joined, then, win or lose, they had done what was right. Victory was theirs already! Even if they lost.

Still, a last messege suing for peace was sent. It read:


I would guess that it will be useless to ask for a truce yet again, but I will not give up on peace. The era is at an end, and I have almost attained my goal of surviving in peace. My current thoughts about you are of simple minded stubbornness and bloodlust. That will change drastically if you simply accept my truce. That would mean that you would be able to put aside a grudge for the sake of peace.

Please, I beg of you. Leave my lands unnatacked and let this grudge end here. The era is almos at an end, let us end it as brothers! Not enemies. Your kingdom and their allies of Generation are mostly good friends of mine. I have met nothing but great, Noble and Honorable lords from both kingdoms... you are the only one who will not accept my peace. Let us end this now!

I will await your answer... for Peace brother! What do you say?


And so Aranved retired to his quarters... to plan... and wait...

Mr. Anonymous eventually moved his army twards Riverbrook instead and answered soon after:


I respect the way you handle yourself, you would make one hell of a diplomat. I hold no grudge against you or anything else for that matter. What ever you may call me is fine with me b/c the is a war not a land of peace, you can never have peace with everyone so you can farm.

I have to say you really have a way with words, but they are just that.

Even if you beat this army back i will just send more and more. I have them everywhere and remember when you said i don't help my KD mates, well you way off the mark on that one. I have been helping them a great deal. If i wasn't helping them or attacking Dacii i would have 10k nazguls taking all your cities."

Aranved was ashamed... he had assumed much from his foe... after all what had transpired, had he been too arrogant? He had to apologise.

Soon enough letters arrived of members of Generation and of Swarm vowing to help Aranved in the defense of his cities. First he declined, not wanting to create any kind of trouble between the two great kingdoms he had grown so fond of, but they still pushed on! Aranved was surrounded, yes... but now he was surrounded of Noble Allies and Friends. Their words brought happyness and joy to his heart, and gave him strenght to face the enemy, whoever he was.

But an apology was due, and so another mail was sent. It read:


I am sorry if I offended you. In truth, I simply stated what I saw regarding what information I had. Your answer forces me to think over what I had thought of you.

I said what I said about you because your allies to the east of my position were being attacked. And you kept attacking me even after I assured you that I would do you no harm. I cannot comment on information that I do not have. If you have been helping your kingdom, then I apologise and ask for your forgiveness. If a public apology is needed I will gladly give it for the sake of peace. I will ofcourse reconsider my position if you change yours. What else could I do but admit that I was wrong if you left me alone?

It is true, this is no land of peace, but I made an oath and I will live by it. What would the world be if there was no Honor or Nobility?

I will however say that I disagree with some of your statements. If I do defeat your army, then I doubt that any other will arrive in time. And words are not just words. They are comunication. If not for words, then we would all be animals. It is because of words that I have gained so many friends and allies. I have already recieved two mails of lords stating that they will help me. I had to decline any active help not to give these lords any trouble about a war that is not theirs. If I fall, know that I will rise again! I have many good friends and trusted allies. They would help me if I asked. And all because of words...

Again I must ask you, can we have peace between us? We both know that I will not attack your army head on. My best chances are on defense. So the only way out is for us to fight it out or be friends. If we fight it out I will do all I can to stay on the defensive, where I have an advantage. It will take a long and tiering war of attrition for you to defeat me, and I am at my home ground, where I have the advantage.

As for the other option, if you accept my peace offering, then know that you will have found a friend and an ally for the remainder of this era and any era that is to come. It is not easy to accept peace from someone that you had planned to conquer and at the very last moment asks for peace. It will shatter one's plans for victory and make you look weak. However, it is the Noble path. Instead of defeating a foe that was thought easy to beat, give him the chance to redeem himself and give him the chance to live on. How much Honorable and Noble can you get?

I ask of you once again. Accept my peace and let us be brothers in war and peace. If you accept you will have gained my trust and respect, and I will apologise for anything I have said or even thought to you and anyone that speaks of the matter. Fighting is easy... fighting for peace, which is not fighting at all, is the hardest battle. I live and act on a principle that I believe in. I know that war is innevitable, but still I fight on! I will not give up. Will you join me, at least this time?

Best Regards, and sinceerest apologies"

Now, once again, there was nothing to do but wait...

Chapter Seven: Betrayal and loss

Aranved came out of his tent to meet the men. Most of them had blood stains on their tabards and scars on their bodies. Morale was low, and a sense of defeat crept around them. But they were free. Every one of them.

A month had passed since Aranved sent the last letter to Mr. Anonymous. An answer never came. In this past month much had changed, mostly for the worst... enslavement... treachery... defeat... all had happened to him and his people. All in a single month. More changes than he had seen in three years of work. However, not much was lost...

Two days after the letter was sent, Mr. Anonymous's army took Southshire, and then Riverbrook. Both cities were poorly defended and surrendered peacefully. Soon even Greenshire would fall to the enemy army...

In the midst of these events Mr. Mafia, once thought a noble and honorable friend, who had promised to help Aranved and even moved an army to support, did the most dispicable act that could have been done. Aranved knew that he could not help for Mr. Anonymous was an ally, but betraying one who had held him as so close a friend? Messeges were even sent to ask the reason for such actions, but they were never answered. The reason was, surely, simple. In their arrogance, both members of such great kingdoms of the land could not accept that a single lord had survived for so long... and they marked Aranved for death. And so, Southplains and Hillside also fell. No surprise, as Aranved's defense was concentrated on Treeshire. He knew the cities were in peril, but what else could he do? He had to hold his ground and try to save as many as he could.

Eventually Aranved's army attempted to reinforce his beliguered cities to the north, but in an unforseen turn of events Mr. Anonymous's army turned back and managed to outmaneuver Aranved's army and attack it. The troops met the enemy on the plains to the north of Treeshire, in what would be known as the Battle of Treeshire. There they bravely fought the inevitable. Victory was impossible to attain. Aranved's army was meant as a defensive force. Meeting a strong force of Orcs on the field was suicide. And, of course, the innevitable happened. The army was routed and retreated to Treeshire, where it would remain to defend to the last.

As for the enemy, they soon sent a small portion of their army to take Greenshire. However, Aranved's people at the capital proved far more resillient than any of his forces. The enemy army was delayed and battered to the point that Mr. Anonymous had to send a larger force to reinforce his prior arrogant warband. Eventually the city fell, but in an act of bravery and utter courage and will the people of Greenshire rebelled against their conquorors! The resounding victory would mean little in the long run, but it was enough to give them more time to fight an enemy that wished to break them and failed miserably. The news of the victory to the north gave the men in Treeshire a boost of morale that prompted the brave Knights of the city to attempt a last act of defiance. They marched with two warbands to retake the cities of Reverbrook and Southshire to the north. Southshire proved to be well defended and delayed the assault long enough for reinforcements to come and eventually rout them, but Rivershire was liberated! In both Rivershire and the Capital, all of Aranved's people that had been made slaves were freed and the people remained faithfull in their leader. Though they knew that they would eventually fall, they also knew that it would not be for long...

Soon enough the enemy claimed victory in the Siege of Treeshire, and soon moved to take Greenshire. There, the last vestiges of Aranved's power were rounded up and defeated...

Aranved managed to flee with a few of his troops and some survivors to the mountains to the north and set up camp. There he now stood, looking at his brave men. Much had been lost, but in their heart they knew that they had done all they could for their beliefs and for the good of the people. And whatever they had lost would soon mean nothing... armaggedon was comming, and with it, his people would be once again free to join his banner and once again fight for freedom, however brief...

Chapter Eight: Hope

However, one day later, once again and against all odds, the people of Greenshire showed their mettle and took back the fair city! They showed the world that they would never give up, and by giving control back to Aranved they assured everyone that his rule was fair and his motives good. Aranved's return to Greenshire was met with heavy applause and triumph by his beleaguered but free people, and soon the city gained a reputation as the city of freedom. The very name came to mean freedom to Aranved's people. And he would defend that freedom to the last...

Some days later word came from Aranved's friend, Sir Uther Pendragon. His Kingdom, The Black Chain, splintered from Swarm and was now reborn, and it's first order of business was to help Aranved however they could! Him and Mr. Transet were now alone and had sent troops to Aranved's captured cities, and pledged to help out to the last. The three would challenge all to hold out and defend what they believed in...

A letter also had arrived from Mr. Razorfire, the King of Generation himself! Mr. Mafia had been ordered to stand down and return Aranved's cities. It was probably too late, and certainly Mr. Mafia would be reluctunt to do so, but still, the thought of the very King of Generation to direct such words to a small lord Like Aranved filled him with humility and pride at the same time. He now knew that even after all that had come to pass these last two months there was still hope.

Hope... he would cherish that hope. Maybe Greenshire would remain the last free city in the world before armaggedon came. Maybe those that stayed under his rule would still be free when it all ended. And now... to hold on to that thought and make it true...