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Mr. Acerf III

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf) and was a member of Swarm

...I woke up one day, not knowing my name, where i came from or even what happened to me. The man who rescued me went by the name of Adizb. Feeble old man. He was the one who took the challenge to teach me everything he knew. He showed me how to use a sword properly, taught me how to think, plan strategies. At some point along the way I have met some people which i chose to follow. Time flew by as gained their friendship and trust. We decided to stay together, create a new Kingdom, and i was supposed to lead it. It was not easy, since right from the start we had to use force and show our true colors. To some extent i think we succeded. We stood our ground bravely, and gained trust in our own skills. However, I came to a conclusion it was far too soon to place such a responsobility in my hands. My leadership abilites were not great, not even decent, and the only reason i did not fail, is because i had my friends backing me up... I started teaching my son all i know, so that he can be stronger and dont make my mistakes. Every day i see him grow, and i am proud to say he will make a fine man...

Mr. Acerf

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf) and was a member of Swarm


Mr. Acerf

Lived in Era 32, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Swarm
