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Mr. Zucox

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Zucox II) and was a member of The Great Duchy of Lithuania

One Great vallient warrior who serve the Great Duchy of Lithuania in Era 30.. Because of his mighty power he became the most trustworthy servent of the Kingdom..

Lord Zucox II

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Zucox The Great) and was a member of Against All Authority

When Mr Zucox, the warrior, died, he left his second son Zucox.Jr as his successor... Like his father Zucox II is a war like hero. At the beginning of his era, he alone fought with The Gladiator, the king of Dacii and with a little help from his Kingdom mate, he could able to drive out Dacians from LDK core... After waring with Dacii he went north and fought with Myrr and Dark Fire as an honor for his kingdom. and send another army of his to defend the eastern side of LDK.. As like other war hero, Zucox II has good relationship with his foes. Even he is fighting on the bettlefield he loves his foes and treat with respect behind the battle ground... After conquering many cities he became Lord. As other war lords he spent most of his time on battle ground than staying at home with family. In war council of LDK all of his plan for war were rejected and other plans never worked out.. His disappointment started growing. Once, one of the leader open the gate for the enemies, he realize he should look after for his friend and family as he started to get new generations.. then he took himself out from his beloved LDK and formed the new kingdom called "Against All Authority" with his trustworthy friends.. Althought he formed new kingdom he didn't have any desire to fight against his brother likes people from his old kingdom.. he avoided all battles against them..
He formed this new kingdom for his new generation and the new generations of his commerades.. He was hoping the kingdom he and his commerades formed will stand tall in next era...

Lord Zucox The Great

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Legandary Zucox) and was a member of Against All Authority
