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Family History

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Mr. Aan

Lived in Era 28 and got 1 heir(s) (Awesome).


Mr. Awesome

Lived in Era 28 and got 1 heir(s) (Random).


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Cross Guards


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Kingdom Of Sin Cross

Random started this era in the mythical land of fantasia.
He was reigning death on all who resided there, until his kingdom of wolfriders was destroyed.
After his fall from grace he fled, in exile to the Lesser world of Zetamania and joined up with a kingdom called Sins Cross, mainly because of their cool banner, and of course his foresight for great potential on this world.
After a couple of short weeks he was again in a position of power within the Kingdom and with the help of his fearless comrades declared war upon two kindgoms of three times their size, the Downloads and Jumpers. Naping and Maping the right combination of people helped keep the other kingdoms off their backs as they waged a feirce and bloody war with the blood thirsty hordes.
After thousands of troops had been thrown away, the war continues, but not in vain. the horde has been pushed far back into their territory, Our scouts have reached their core. and it won't belong until out mighty armies reach their cities. (man in bored...)

Mr. Random

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Kingdom Of Sin Cross

(From the perspective of a soldier in the great army, Love You of Random, scribed by the royal scribe of the house of Random, survivor of the Armageddon on Zetamania)

Towards the end o' last week we was walking' around' looking for a band o' orcs that' had bin causing' us a spot of trouble for the last' couple o’ weeks when a shadow came over the whole world.
Well most of the other men freaked and ran didn't they. Well not me and the company. Nope we headed straight back to the capital. When we got there Lord Random was gathering up the troops and peasants, like he done last time....

We all gathered at the ships and sailed away. It was the scariest thing I ever saw. There was fire everywhere all but two ships were burnt by the fire from the sky. Ma Lord called it Armageddon. Anyways when we finally arrived on dry land we were so exhausted we just sat down and set up camp where we stood....

---The Beginning---
After surviving the land of Zetamania and the Armageddon Random and his fearless warrior friends moved to the mysterious lands of Mantrax, to start a new era of adventures and prosperity.

When Arriving on Mantrax, Random and his comrades decided to set up a tight-knit core around a non-descript group of mountains. The Viceroy Random decided to call his first city Slam, after one of his favorite pastimes. As soon as his first colony had become operational, that is all the peasants were working the mines and building the city, Random's army moved on to create a second city. This he decided to be his lumber Camp which he endowed with the incredibly witty name 'I've Got Wood'.

With his first two colonies operating successfully Random continued on to create his first armory, which he called Random Arms, to signify the use of the colony.

---Friends and Foes---
Soon after building his armory it became noticeable that Random and his brave companions were not alone in their lands. The scouts of Random had reported that a kingdom, Freedom had set up their core incredibly close to that of SinX. With the intention of befriending this kingdom, Random sent out a messenger to ask for a term of peace. The messenger returned with news that was neither good nor bad.

The kingdom of Freedom had given their reply, which was very courteous, but did not directly agree to an alliance; instead they proclaimed their council of elders required three days to decide on the proposition of the non-aggression pact.

This news made Random and his companions nervous and anxious, as both kingdoms agreed not to attack each other whilst the council talked of a Nap. Questions ran through Random’s mind... are they genuinely interested, are they trying to deceive me...

This shadow of doubt was however outshone by the News received by an exhausted messenger from none other than Mr. Goofy, formerly known as Mr. Professor. He was thought to have been lost in the Armageddon, when in fact his path had been altered due to a number of fierce battle on the voyage over the oceans. The Scout Reported that he had created a number of colonies in the north-eastern area of the lands.

---War Breaks out with Freedom---

After the three days that freedom required to make their decision the non-agression pact was declined, as soon as the message was delivered they begun to march and by morning an army numbering in the thousands had arrived at Lord Randoms Armoury.

Without Any show of compassion the forces of Sir Gallyon burned the city to the ground, sparing none but a scout, to report the devastation to the other cities of Random.....

(Passage from the chronicles or Random, scribed by the royal scribe of the house Random)
.....Soldier: Sir the armoury is lost.... im sorry they were too strong for us... they burnt it to the ground.
Random: Any other survivours?
Soldier: No my lord... i am the only one... Sir Gallyon let me live to give you the message.... "you declare war upon us, we will take your cities and lives"
Random: *sheds a single tear before regainnig his composure* Exclaims YOU SHALL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS! THEY SHALL ALL PAY! YOUR DEATHS WILL NOT HAVE BEEN IN VAIN! I SHALL AVENGE EVERY ONE OF YOU!.....

---The Fall Of Sin Cross---
The army of Sir Gallyon came to the capital the the next day, It reinfirced by another 4 armies of his KD mates took all the cities belonging to Random, aswell as many of Lord Randoms KD mates.

The battle for Mantrax was lost... so early in the era... Lord Random never fulfilled his oath... He was executed at sunrise on the day of his capture....

His son, exiled to another land... To find his own way, one day to return to seek vengance for his fathers death....

Mr. Random

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Flamers United

---Going to Zeta---
Random, son of Random and his small royal guard, affectionatley know as the Random lifeguards landed on the once scorched, and now repopulated land of Zetamania and began to set up an initial colony which was to be called Mine I, for industrial reasons, so it would be easier for his lordship to tell the function of each city by their names.

---Kingdon Applications---
Random by chance happened to land near to an old kingdom mate Opium. He had applied to join a band of lords called Flamers United or FU.
Random, in deciding that it was best to start with old friends thought it wise to send an application aswell. after a few days Opium's application was accepted, but Randoms was not...
unfortunatley there had been a misunderstanding over the amount of effort that Random would put into the Kingdom.

So after this set back he decided to join a kingdom called Ownage. The reason for this was because one of the leaders cities was in plain sight of randoms first colony. He sent an application and was accepted promptly.

---What is wrong with this kingdom---
Upon joining the leader was not on for 5 days after random joined, along with this there were no posts comming to and from the Kingdoms forum.
upon the lack of activity and that his friend opium said that perhaps if he applied again he would be sucessful Random tried his hand at getting into FU again.

Random's application was accepted into FU and from then on he and his kingdom mates banded together in an attempt to overthrow the other rulers fighting for dominion over Zetamania.
One day hoping to avenge his fathers death.

Upon Entering the Kingdom of FU it was aparent that the rulers were involved in a major power struggle for the world. The men and women of the gauls and Dogmen had banded together in an attempt to destroy FU.
At this time Lord Random was too weak to take part in this battle, as he only had a few small cities and troops numbering in the hundreds. Random Sat back as his Kingdom mates fought it out, biding his time until he could come out and fight along side his brothers.

Throughout the era, FU pushed back the tides of Dogmen and Gauls and took over the reigns of power in the land. When the two enemy kingdoms found themselves becoming weaker they merged and became only the Gauls.

The combined forces of the Dogmen and Gauls still could not take back what Random and FU had taken from them, but neither could FU advance, as small raids did not impact into the Gaul Territory.
The leaders of FU decided to hold a conference, They declared that an offensive deep into the south was to be made. After weeks of gathering of troops, The armies of FU descended upon the Gauls.
They Gauls never stood a chance. The armies move practically unstopped through the territory, burning and pillaging and capturing enemy towns.
FU was finally victorious, Although it took weeks to fully capture the land the Leader ArchShade the Dark declared the war hopless and that FU had won.

---Blah Blah the Brutal---
Towards the end of the Gaul war Blah Blah the brutal attacked the FU southern core. He sent up the two most powerful Armies in the Land.


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Flamers United

apollo got owned by pretty much everyone

Mr. Random

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Flamers United

GDI got pwned by FF =(

Mr. Random

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Random) and was a member of Music


Mr. Random

Lived in Era 32, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Music
