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Mr. Ken

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Ken) and was a member of Legacy


Mr. Ken

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Kenny) and was a member of Legacy

It was a long tough time, not only for me but for others too. When my father got called to arms, his brothers too. I was young and the only thing my mother would say was "Don't worry he will leave our name whereever he goes. We will hear about his stories." Every town he came acrossed there was always a few new stories told. He was a great man, very chrismatic. When he talked to them about the things outside the city. How beautiful changes would be if they let him show them. After his speech an evil person stabbed him in the back as he was walking around shaking hands of everyone he could...

Once the news got back to our home. I ran out of the house into the main part of town. I went straight to the blacksmith. I was once told that he wasn't always a blacksmith but after years and years of handling a weapon he decided to make weapons and armours which noone else could think was possible. He was a wise man for his age, he would always explain to me things which I never could fully grasp but was told it would come with time. I told him to save his speech, I have to train. I don't have much time. I will seek the ba*tard out and kill him myself, make him say my fathers name with his last breath.

I started training; New sword and sheild. I challenged other members of the town some good and bad but others great fighters. They taught me different techniques, which I was able to predict what the persons move was before they would make it. Now.... Is the time. Its now or never.

I called upon my brothers and anyone who could pick up a sword to fight with me. I will go from West to East, North to South. I will cover all the grounds, Valley to Mountains across rivers and through forests. The only ones that will put up a fight against me will be those dreadful orcs. I've heard stories about them how they treat others that walk across their lands. I have a few people that have lived to tell me about them, with their insight and information I will be able to stand a small chance against them. I asked everyone to pass the word. "Tonight we spend time with our families, tommrow we leave."

As I sat at the house, I made sure that there was enough men to stay at the town to fight against enemies that enter our lands. Morning came quick. I grabbed a bread roll off the table said my goodbye, and went outside. ... I couldn't believe it. My mouth dropped to the ground I was stunned... For quite a distance all I could see is my brothers in arms waiting for me to move out. I tossed on my gear and shook the hands of the people in the front, and cheered.. All I heard was hoops and hollars coming from the men.

We came across our first town, they made it tough for us, trying to pick us apart as we were traveling but once we came together they did not stand a chance. I ordered an assualt within hours the news came in that all the men were in place and the city was cut off. I waited for a day, and ordered the attack... "What" I yelled. "Sir, the troops in the city ran! All of them. They retreated should we give chase?" I replied "No, we will follow them lets talk to this town and see how many we can get on our side to follow with us to rid them of this evil." We crossed many towns fought many battles but it seemed like everytime we came upto the town they were staying in, they always ran leading us straight to their main armies, I knew they got word out to their generals to get reinforcements. The main battle will happen soon. But when. I got word that their reinforcements weren't going to come headon but they were going to hit our main lands. We all high tailed it home to prepare for the biggest battle we will have to fight this era. For the kingdom! For our King! We will not give up nor lose. We will make it back to our kingdom just within time too... Just barley. "A new paper sir, one of the generals from the king has said to deliver this to you right away. No sleep It is urgent." I opened up the letter and read it. Said the enemy has breached our lands, they have burned one town, taken another and this is not the biggest army he has ever seen. It is a force but not much of one. We will have to gather our armies and march like one and attack and leave NOONE alive! ... "We have to put a little pep in our step guys for our mages in our kingdom has just sent one colony to its own island of hell. If we do not get back in time, there will be no place where we can call home. They are coming striaght for our towns, not anyone else's but ours! We will have to put up a fight, I know you men can do it. I couldn't have made it this far without all of you! Each and everyone of you! I know our prices have more than doubled to build anything, thus is why we can't lose anything. We will fight, fight to the end."

The army has marched into town they were tired as I was too. Our families glad to see us. We rested for a day, and wouldn't you know it. More people grabbed weapons and wanted to help. Women were training with swords and axes even hammers! Heck some of them could give the vet hammer throwers a run for their money! We took everyone we could and started the march to the other armies that were already gathering. We will see if we can make it in time. My general stated "We have another army sir. They just reached the outskirts of our lands." I asked "What good is that going to do for us right now, they wont be able to make it in time even if they ran all the way." He stated: "You know they will be pushing it as hard as we are, they will fight... They are the brothers in arms that .... that" I responded " That ... That what. I have to get these men to the merge. Now lets send scouts to check the terrain and find us the quickest path. We dont have much..." "KEN! These men are the ones that marched, fought and thought much of your dad." I was speechless. For these men would really make a difference in the battle. I wrote a quick letter and sent it out. I asked my general "How many do they have with them? How long do you think until they get to the merge?" His respone was "They are a bit older, but none the less their experiance they have will give us the upperhand we need. They will take days but sir..." "What is it now?" I spoke. "They only have 20 thousand troops." I rolled my eyes "Do they even remember how to handle a sword?" He chuckled "Sir, your dad never taught people how to use a sword let alone a hammer like you. He always taught people how to use an axe. An axe does more damage and when you snap the enemies weapon with your axe they can not fight back... It is worse to see a whole army using the same weapon. Its like a moral breaker, your father knew this. He was confident that if you knew how to fight you could handle an axe sure it took more time to train and show them technqiues but once they got on the battlefield it was over within a few hours. Towns only took 1 to 5 days before he took them over." "If that is the way my father did it. We will train all the ones we have into Axemen. Pass the word get all the blacksmiths in the town to make axes for all of our men and women that are coming along." We will put up a bigger battle and we will not lose as many men in this battle. I will head to the merge, you meet up with me when you get all the men trained and I will be ready for you and all the men and their new axes.

When I reached the merge. I was amazed by how many troops were already their and saw alot of people that I knew from a long time ago. They greeted me and we spoke about what has happened in the past years and what we all were going to do after the great battle. I said. I will take my men back and give them all the work they can handle and I will make sure that their families will have jobs and homes for them. I don't care if building costs have doubled this year. I will pay with what they pay in taxes, they will see that I am more like my father and I will make the same stories as my father after this battle.

Now the wait begins. Waiting for the enemy army to come closer to our walls so we can send out attacks, not only was I afriad because I was standing there and instead of my general being by my side I had an a archmage on my left and on my right was nazgul. All I could think to myself was I hope they make it soon, I know there was no resestiance who could put up a fight to slow them down. No mages to cast upon them. We will see. I couldn't take my eyes off the horizon where there was a small sign of smoke. It must be where the front line of the enemy is within our kingdom borders.

Where to start, oh! The first wave was intense, we got drove back to our main gate, but it was not an easy feat for the enemy. The tally was up to 10,000 men that lost their lives holding the front line. What a second wave this quick? How could that be? After a long drawn out battle we forced the enemy to run across the river and flee to their lands, but after all was said and done we lost 20,000 good men. Those men were avenged the saying was for every one man that died, we killed five. Yes, during the aftermath we did kill 5 men for every 1 of ours that died. We will see them soon. We will not take any different course like they did. Instead we will head straight into them, cut off their supply lines. Destory their economy and we shall show a little compassion as we will not kill their women and children like they did upon us. We will win this war even when their allies join in and help.
The march will be long and painful as we will not be going home as thought. We wait for the word to pounce on the unexpected prey for they do not see what is coming next...