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Mr. Paladinofblood

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Thatguy) and was a member of The Gauls


Mr. Thatguy

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Assirra) and was a member of royal

The path that this man takes has always been bloody and never easy, i talk about bloodlust the warrior of the hills, he marches on an enemy with no mercy taking what he wants and destroying the rest, leaving no prisoners, The slave trade moved into boosts whenever his armies marched, the people fear him for he bath's in blood and lives off the sweet necter that flows from his enemy's necks, however he is kind to his allies and utterly faithful to his masters, never has he been a lowly peasent and never shall he, he pities the fools who farm and get drunk in there taverns he morns every-time he drinks life water, he is immortal but still human he feels fear of killing to many enemies that soon no one will dare fight him, he is the lord of war and blood and that is how he shall stay
of recent Bloodlust has been near the top of era he has been in usualy near the end he was always nearly killed or crushed, not even dracula could defeat all the peasent who weilded torchers at his castle door, he has worked hard to conceal his identy telling only those who he once trusted or allied with, changing his name every era to confuse his enemies or morning mad family member.
he will spend an eternity drinking blood and harvesting the souls of the damned for now he waits for the next coming so he can take revenge on those that nearly killed him he will hide in a halfing hideout for protection from the light until he can once again come back and take the Life blood of his enemies

Mr. Assirra

Lived in Era 33, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of royal
