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Sir Scythruler

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Scythlord) and was a member of Evolution

Man, in the time before time, Scythruler wandered alone.
Knowing no one, his friends dead or captured, he was all that was left of his starnge and unusual mercenary army.
Jonny Bacardi was the leader. Oh, what a man, He slew hundreds by the time he died.
being third in command, I had my own squad and everything.
Then one day, something went wrong.
We where fighting for a man known as king Neptunius. He was clearing out a rather large rebellion group, and offered us a nice sum to help out.
We are, as you might have guessed, not a small and.
Five thousand men where under our comand.
We fought, and we saw the enemy break.
The entire field charged.
They ran over a hill, we followed.
Then we stopped.
The armies of king neptunious fled at the sheer site of it.
The largest host I have ever seen in my life was gathered over that hill.
We stood there, and waited for them to charge, before we knew it, we where surounded.
Jonny yelled "This is it men, we're going down right here. All of us. But I say, if we have to go to hell, we take every man we can with us, so that the way is cleared for us!"
The men gave a mighty cheer, and rushed at the enemy.
It was a sight to savor.
The mercenary army fought like mad men, and some of us made it to the woods.
I was with a party of us, there where 10, I think, we made it in, and about 100 yards in, I heard us being followed, i waved them on, and hid behind a tree.
Sure enough, 20 or so men rushed by me.
I killed the last one, and slipped into his armor real quick,a nd ran the other way.
I still ahd my pay, so i bolted.
I made it, but, I'm not proud.
That, is my story.

King Scythlord

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Jonny Bacardi) and was the leader of Bacardi Mercenary Unit

Scythruler, my father, was a brave and powerful man.
Our family was small, i was the youngest, during the time between eras, our family got into trouble.
my fathers men, and my brothers, where all slaughtered in a raid.
Only i survived, and now, i lead.
My first test was to slay my fathers kilers, and, i did just that.
Just before the era of Saint Paul came in, me and my men went out, and had a battle.
We founf the mercs, but, they where strong, and very powerfull.
We had a full scale battle, in which i earned the respect of my men, and, i slew my first man.
In hand to hand battle, I slew the leader, his men became outraged, and they attacked us.
I slew 27 men that day, my second in command, Gianni Forello, and my good friends Joeymaimone, Tonymaimone, TwistedTwist, Open_Sesame, JP, Reagy, and lots of others.
They slew half, and the rest slew most of the others.
We returned home just as the new era started,
Here is how the era went:
17:22:54: Valar has declared war upon us!
--Going to go make an armory city so I can help out my kingdom
--15:23:12: Our Rebellions Militia army fought and won over the Kentas lifeguards army from Kentas. We lost 7 Farmers, 2 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 10 of our men got injured.
--04:17:12: Our Rebellions Militia army have surrendered to the army of Sujungsiu from Pisau. We lost 7 Farmers, 2 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 10 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
--07:01:09: Our Scout army have surrendered to the army of Geert lifeguards from Geert. We lost 2 Farmers, 1 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 3 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
--18:32:17: Haha lead by Mr. Mythyis attacked and took over Bacardi Mines. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
18:32:17: Our Rebellions Militia failed to defend Bacardi Mines. Haha lead by Mr. Mythyis attacked and took over Bacardi Mines. We lost 33 Farmers, 10 Slingers, 1 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
18:32:18: All troops in Rebellions Militia have died
--16:03:39: Merlex lead by Sir Xuaron have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 27 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 16 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
16:03:39: Our Scythlord lifeguards failed to defend Bacardi Realms. Merlex lead by Sir Xuaron have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 301 Farmers, 164 Slingers, 17 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 5 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
16:03:39: All troops in Scythlord lifeguards have died!
_-_-_-_-_-_==Abydos will die, i promise that==_-_-_-_-_-_-_
--13:28:17: Our Hells Legends army have surrendered to the army of Btk VI from Bill Thomas Killman. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 1 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
14:38:24: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Cali of Kind Regards all across our lands.
--15:17:36: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Cali of Kind Regards all across our lands.
--18:01:24: Geert lifeguards lead by Sir Geert attacked and took over Kind Regards. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Bacardi Realms. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
18:01:24: Our Exploring Bacardi Unit failed to defend Kind Regards. Geert lifeguards lead by Sir Geert attacked and took over Kind Regards. We lost 33 Farmers, 13 Slingers, 6 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
18:01:24: All troops in Exploring Bacardi Unit have died!
--06:04:28: Arrsebandit lead by Sir Arrsehole have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
--23:01:14: Our Abydos Killers army have surrendered to the army of Men from Mythyis. We lost 130 Farmers, 34 Slingers, 7 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 178 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Bacardi Realms.
--23:02:41: Scout lead by Sir Mythyis now has our Bacardi Realms under siege. We lost 13 Farmers, 4 Slingers, 2 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 1 Adventurers in the battle.
23:02:41: Our Abydos Killers failed to defend Bacardi Realms. Scout lead by Sir Mythyis have begun a siege of Bacardi Realms. We lost 3 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 3 of our men got injured.
--20:59:52: Dire Wolves lead by Viceroy Drakos have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 135 Farmers, 38 Slingers, 14 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 14 Adventurers in the battle.
20:59:52: Our Abydos Killers failed to defend Bacardi Realms. Dire Wolves lead by Viceroy Drakos have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 30 Farmers, 5 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our men got injured.
20:59:53: All troops in Abydos Killers have died!
-- Wtf lead by King Osiris have turned Bacardi Realms into a vassal city. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
--03:05:51: South lead by Lady Odin attampted to turn Evolution Compl into a vassal city. We lost 287 Farmers, 150 Slingers, 4 Pony riders, 28 Illusionists and 36 Adventurers in the battle.
13:38:07: South lead by Lady Odin have turned Evolution Compl into a vassal city. We lost 384 Farmers, 200 Slingers, 6 Pony riders, 36 Illusionists and 49 Adventurers in the battle.
--20:27:12: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Bradwardine Cruel of City of IE all across our lands.
--02:02:15: Section A lead by Sir Pascov attacked and took over Bmu Mining King. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Bmu Farmer. We lost 173 Farmers, 240 Slingers, 145 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
02:09:21: We got a message from Pascov.
04:00:53: Our adventurers found a magic ring! It increased the magic level within our realm.
06:56:40: Our DA Bmu Scouter failed to defend Deathpit. Section A lead by Sir Pascov have turned Deathpit into a vassal city. We lost 407 Farmers, 72 Slingers, 73 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 30 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
06:56:41: All troops in DA Bmu Scouter have died!
Your Highness. The city of City of IE is now under our command!
They had 61962 gold, 75633 stone, 469870 tree and 84145 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 2 troops.

Our troops gained +9 extra experience.
--15:01:43: Section A lead by Sir Pascov have turned City of IE into a vassal city. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 0 Adventurers in the battle.
15:01:43: Our Bmu Killers failed to defend City of IE. Section A lead by Sir Pascov have turned City of IE into a vassal city. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 100 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 102 Adventurers in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
15:01:43: All troops in Bmu Killers have died!
16:49:34: The people celebrates the victory over Sir Bradwardine Cruel of Black Tower all across our lands.
--02:00:48: Our adventurers found a secret dwarf mining tool; increasing our mining science.
03:00:59: Bmu Explring Ppl gained 1 experience from adventuring.
04:11:43: Our Bmu Explring Ppl army have surrendered to the army of Remove Yaself from Bradwardine Cruel. We lost 625 Farmers, 197 Slingers, 190 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists and 446 Adventurers in the battle and 1647 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to City of IE.

_-_-_-_-_-_$$<^>People i will never attack<^>$$_-_-_-_-_-_-_
These people have shown me great kindness, and i will never do harm unto them
Sage Bill thomas killman
Lord Soraban
Sir Cali
Sir Arssehole
King Greyye
Mr. Otize

I'm a king now, and I swer to uphold everything I think is honest

Armegedam is now Approaching
I'm trying to get my Kingdom, small as it is, into the best possible position for next ERA. Gonna make some friends, ike BB, and see where I can go from there.

My Son was born Today
By the time the next Era comes, he will be of Age to lead our people, and our Kingdom, into the New Era
Long Live Crown Prince Jonny Bacardi

Mr. Jonny Bacardi

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Jonny Bacardi II) and was a member of Legion of Marauders

I came home today
What a day it was, feasting, and Joy, and everything
I loved it
But there is work to be done, I'm gathering the troops, we are going to do this era right!

I disbanded the BMU today, for, my vacation is coming, and I cannot, with a good heart, keep an inactive kingdom as an Inactive king
I will join some one else, to see if they can help me out.

This is what happened in this era=====
--20:08:56: Cricket lead by Viceroy Sparker attacked and plundered OG Marker. They took 165547 gold, 23597 stone, 877 tree and 36348 food. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
20:08:56: Our Jonny Bacardi lifeguards failed to defend OG Marker. Cricket lead by Viceroy Sparker attacked and plundered OG Marker. We lost 11 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 11 of our soldiers got injured.
21:04:00: Cricket lead by Viceroy Sparker have turned OG Marker into a vassal city. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 1 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
21:04:00: Our Jonny Bacardi lifeguards failed to defend OG Marker. Cricket lead by Viceroy Sparker have turned OG Marker into a vassal city. We lost 29 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
21:04:00: All troops in Jonny Bacardi lifeguards have died!
--20:58:47: Our OG Tirading Virus army have surrendered to the army of Pinkie from Sparker. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 1 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to OG Marker.
--06:17:05: Refugees lead by Viceroy Corothionius attacked and plundered OG Marker II. They took 13838 gold, 8686 stone, 717 tree and 1057 food. We lost 10 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 1 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
06:17:39: Refugees lead by Viceroy Corothionius have turned OG Marker II into a vassal city. We lost 25 Swordsmen, 2 Archers, 4 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
--11:48:48: Our OG Leave ME Alone army have surrendered to the army of Ummese from Crom. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 1 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to OG Marker.
--11:09:01: Our OG Leave ME Alone army have surrendered to the army of Tourists from Bertrand Dugeusclin. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 1 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to OG Marker.
--12:58:29: Blackdagger[Abydos] bought 10000 food for 9500 gold from you on the market.
13:04:32: Blackdagger[Abydos] bought 10000 stone for 7400 gold from you on the market.
--10:55:18: Synbios[ADC] bought 30000 stone for 25000 gold from you on the market.
14:02:27: Our OG Tirading Virus army have surrendered to the army of Midnight Commander from Naerey. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 1 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to OG Looking FO M.
--2006-07-10 - Todays News
17:10:37: We got a message from Rhade.
2006-07-11 - Todays News
12:08:00: You have received a bonus turn!
14:17:22: We got a message from Greyyeswandir.
15:06:44: We got a message from Greyyeswandir.
15:09:35: We got a message from Greyyeswandir.
--12:38:36: IL Magnifico[NT] bought 20000 tree for 22500 gold from you on the market.
12:43:14: IL Magnifico[NT] bought 26431 food for 18501 gold from you on the market.
--13:25:22: We got a message from Shyers.
18:29:28: We got a message from Shyers.
23:33:01: Sweetheart[PKS] bought 500 stone for 375 gold from you on the market.
23:33:25: Dorian Gray[ADC] bought 49502 stone for 37126 gold from you on the market.
23:38:16: Dorian Gray[ADC] bought 20000 tree for 25000 gold from you on the market.
Your Excellency. The city of Wine is now under our command!
They had 5361 gold, 0 stone, 7378 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.
Our troops gained +9 extra experience.
Troops Alive Dead Injured
Los Attacker (your army)
Swordsmen 488 0 0
Archers 67 0 0
Knights 30 0 0
Magicians 0 0 0
Catapults 8 0 0
17:00:45: Bleh lead by Viceroy Bourne have turned Wine into a vassal city. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
17:00:45: Our Los Attacker failed to defend Wine. Bleh lead by Viceroy Bourne have turned Wine into a vassal city. We lost 488 Swordsmen, 67 Archers, 30 Knights, 0 Magicians and 8 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
17:00:45: All troops in Los Attacker have died!
18:53:58: You have received a bonus turn!
--09:06:41: Sephiroth[Zeon] bought 100000 food for 70499 gold from you on the market.
10:02:23: Public Unease[NT] bought 100000 stone for 70000 gold from you on the market.
10:47:40: First Man[Holy] bought 100000 tree for 117000 gold from you on the market.
--17:23:58: Our OG Tirading Virus army have surrendered to the army of LU Meng from Heavensbackdoor. We lost 490 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 490 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to OG Protector.
--07:00:56: Our OG Leave ME Alone army have surrendered to the army of World Cup Owned from Naerey. We lost 107 Swordsmen, 51 Archers, 14 Knights, 0 Magicians and 4 Catapults in the battle and 175 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to United.
--19:41:18: GO West lead by Prince Marduk attacked and took over OG Protector. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to OG Looking FO M. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
19:41:18: Our OG Tirading Virus failed to defend OG Protector. GO West lead by Prince Marduk attacked and took over OG Protector. We lost 686 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
19:41:18: All troops in OG Tirading Virus have died!
23:11:28: You have received a bonus turn!
--19:23:52: Our Marching Machines army have surrendered to the army of LU BU from Heavensbackdoor. We lost 1075 Swordsmen, 375 Archers, 202 Knights, 72 Magicians and 93 Catapults in the battle and 1816 of our men got injured. Our army escaped to Sweethearts Min.
19:58:54: Highwaders lead by Mr. Walker attacked and plundered OG Marker II. They took 33375 gold, 18226 stone, 15 tree and 2283 food. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
20:16:43: Fireiord[H] bought 450000 food for 350000 gold from you on the market.
20:19:32: Heaven Blesses YA lead by Viceroy Fireiord attacked and took over United. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Marginal Protec. We lost 148 Swordsmen, 76 Archers, 21 Knights, 0 Magicians and 6 Catapults in the battle.
21:54:16: LU BU lead by Viceroy Heavensbackdoor burned and destroyed Marginal Protec. We lost 2 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
--00:57:39: Paid 21442 gold in tax to King Greyyeswandir.
20:18:27: Our Marching Machines failed to defend Glod. Chaos Legion lead by Sir Chas Geoff attacked and took over Glod. We lost 1505 Swordsmen, 527 Archers, 283 Knights, 100 Magicians and 130 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
20:18:27: All troops in Marching Machines have died!
20:26:51: You have received a bonus turn!

Well, its coming, the end of the world, the Armagedon spell has been cast and so this era might be done
OG is defiently moving up in the ranks, when we started, we where like, 3rd from the bottom, now we are right around the middel, i feel i did well this round, if only I had not missed the ebginning, then, who knows the power i could have unleashed

_-_-_-_-_-_-_/////=I wonder why people keep attacking OG Leave Me Alone? maybe because of the name=]]]]]]]]]]]_-_-_-_-_-

I lost my wife in Child Birth today, the sadness is killing me
So I took my rage out on paraquat, here's how it went
Your Excellency. The city of United is now under our command!
They had 631972 gold, 64101 stone, 14735 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

My son, names after me, Jonny Bacardi II, will command a kingdom, just like his grandfather, scythlord did.
I hope to see him grow up big and strong, and I hope the three man kingdoms do not stay, for, RIOT, is splitting, but I, and my family, will always be loyal to King Greyye and his RIOT crew, never shall we falter, unless some inhumane events have occured. I hope my son will carry on the Kingdom well, for, he will have to, for the Glory of our family, and the glory of RIOT.

Mr. Jonny Bacardi II

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Jonny Bacardi The Magnificant) and was a member of Legion of Marauders

I'm the King of LoM
We're with Blitzkrieg, so, we're cool
Legion of Pirates will dominate this game, hands down
Been recieving a lot of messages, this is the beginnning, trying to set my self up to be the best.
I had to prove myself, of course, so, when my father, Jonny Bacardi, left to go to the Pirate legion Council, i joined him.
On the way back, we where attacked by a force of Heavan and MDoW men, and where soon forced to run.
My father fell, and I was forced to lead the men.
After the battle, we went back, and gave my father a proper burial, and returned home.
Now the men follow me, and this is how our era went:
02:18:00: We recieved a message from Mr. Almezo.
09:04:10: We recieved a message from Sir Grand Mielo.
09:34:39: We recieved a message from Mr. Greyye of Blitzkrieg Buccaneers.
12:15:52: We recieved a message from Sir Grand Mielo.
12:27:26: We recieved a message from Sir Grand Mielo.
12:56:07: We recieved a message from Sir Grand Mielo.
13:31:58: We recieved a message from Mr. Almezo.
--17:44:01: We recieved a message from Mr. Darkbeard of Skulls and Bones.
18:09:24: Darkin[Malice] bought 10000 food for 7500 gold from you on the market.
18:18:49: We recieved a message from Mr. Greyye of Blitzkrieg Buccaneers.
2006-08-02 - Todays News
04:14:53: We recieved a message from Mr. Darkbeard of Skulls and Bones.
04:21:08: We recieved a message from Mr. Darkbeard of Skulls and Bones.
06:00:17: We are no longer under protection!
07:41:57: You have received a bonus turn!
--12:45:29: We recieved a message from Mr. Greyye of Blitzkrieg Buccaneers.
12:45:58: Fafnier[IAA] bought 2000 food for 2500 gold from you on the market.
12:48:24: Spawn[NH] bought 8000 food for 10000 gold from you on the market.
--13:11:21: Merchant Killers lost a battle against Back Ups from Mr. Seth. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
13:11:21: All troops in Merchant Killers have died!
14:17:18: We recieved a message from Duchess Bonnie Davina.
14:44:14: We recieved a message from Duchess Bonnie Davina.
--18:01:21: Love You lead by Mr. I Find You Attractive attacked and took over Tortuga. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Marauding Farme. We lost 9 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 1 Catapults in the battle.
18:59:01: We recieved a message from Mr. Greyye of Blitzkrieg Buccaneers.
--10:58:55: Fajardo II lifeguards lead by Mr. Fajardo II attacked and plundered Pirate Mines. They took 28316 gold, 47894 stone, 0 tree and 0 food. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
11:03:16: Fajardo II lifeguards lead by Mr. Fajardo II attacked and took over Pirate Mines. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Marauding Farme. We lost 7 Swordsmen, 2 Archers, 2 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
--14:45:03: Move IT Ppl lead by Mr. Alpha attacked and took over Marauding Farme. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
14:45:25: Jonny Bacardi II lifeguards lost a battle against Move IT Ppl from Mr. Alpha. We lost 61 Swordsmen, 1 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 1000 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
My Leader is Dead
My men are dead
I have no Gold, no Land, no food!
But I will have revenge, oh sweet revenge will be mine!!!!!
--03:58:34: Port Royal Attackers lost a battle against Sauza from Mr. Serious Pimp. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
03:58:34: All troops in Port Royal Attackers have died!

Mr. Jonny Bacardi The Magnificant

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Jonny Bacardi The Brave) and was a member of Legion of Marauders

My father was a pansy and a pushover
with no military, he was able to accomplish nothing.
he died shortly after leaving protection, and I ahd to over throw him in order to get the people to stop rebelling
we have moved hearer to the rest of our friends, and are going to try for a good start now
I have lost gambino HQ, but I knew that would happen
I will beat down everyone that once tried to beat me, no one will stand a chance, everyone must be eradivated from the RIOT lands
I have some very strong cities now, and more on the way

Unprovoked attacks agiansts not only myself and LoM, but agianst the entire RIOT organization are now taking place.
It seems reconquista has decided that they dislike us, and has sent a 100k-200k army after us all.
I know run for my life, here are how the battles have gone so far.

13:23:32: Silly Assen lead by General Ezatious attacked and took over Bacardi Mines. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Mauarder Sataio. We lost 1314 Swordsmen, 100 Archers, 36 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
14:02:37: 176 walls in Mauarder Sataio got destroyed by magic!
14:02:53: Silly Assen lead by General Ezatious attacked and took over Mauarder Sataio. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Lucheese HQ. We lost 2530 Swordsmen, 564 Archers, 270 Knights, 153 Magicians and 51 Catapults in the battle.

Man, now my Help Us Mines where taken, thats not what i meant to happen at all.
I'm now running for my life, all I have left is Knights of Grac, and I have a bad feeling it won't be around for long.

10:37:01: Explorer I lost a battle against Ramalama from Mr. Elsin. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
10:37:01: All troops in Explorer I have died!
21:32:56: Swarm III lead by Dreadlord Valarion attampted to take over Knights of Grac. We lost 463 Swordsmen, 44 Archers, 104 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.

Knights of Grac has been able to hold for longer than I thought.
It might not be a victory for me, butI think it was a defeat for him, buying me some time

Reconquitsa is so powerful, but their big bad armies had trouble breaking though Knights of Grac.
00:08:53: Dreadlord Valarion attempted to cast a spell upon us.
00:08:55: Dreadlord Valarion attempted to cast a spell upon us.
00:08:56: Dreadlord Valarion attempted to cast a spell upon us.
00:08:57: Fire rains from the sky in Knights of Grac and kills 1201 peasants. 60 lumbermills also burned down.
07:10:52: Swarm III lead by Dreadlord Valarion attacked and took over Knights of Grac. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Protection. We lost 627 Swordsmen, 74 Archers, 113 Knights, 0 Magicians and 3 Catapults in the battle.

So big and bad, took them 4 tries before they where abe to make rain of fire work.
I scoff at them.

I still live, on the verge of death, but not for long, my KD has restared, and so my friends are now also my protectors

I wish to restart, there is massive rebellion in my cities.
My son Jonny Bacardi wants control, as does a new man named Ludacris. I fear I will soon lose everything.

mean while, the outside world is closing inon me.
02:21:45: Ramalama lead by Mr. Elsin attacked and took over Protection. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Jonny Mines. We lost 61 Swordsmen, 6 Archers, 316 Knights, 51 Magicians and 172 Catapults in the battle.
08:54:22: Movers lost a battle against Spanky from Mr. Cobra. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
08:54:22: All troops in Movers have died!

trying to restrt on Nirvana with Alrezo, so we can own that world of noobs
this is whats happening

12:19:48: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:19:49: 11 walls in Jonny Mines got destroyed by magic!
12:19:53: 11 walls in Jonny Mines got destroyed by magic!
12:19:59: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:20:02: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:20:05: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:20:08: 9 walls in Jonny Mines got destroyed by magic!
12:20:11: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:20:13: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:20:16: 8 walls in Jonny Mines got destroyed by magic!
12:20:21: 8 walls in Jonny Mines got destroyed by magic!
12:20:23: 8 walls in Jonny Mines got destroyed by magic!
12:20:26: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:20:29: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:20:32: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:24:22: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:24:24: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:24:26: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.
12:24:28: Mr. God attempted to cast a spell upon us.

17:20:59: Ramalama lead by Mr. Elsin attacked and took over Jonny Mines. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Vendetta. We lost 98 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 360 Knights, 26 Magicians and 360 Catapults in the battle.
17:20:59: Our Creator failed to defend Jonny Mines. Ramalama lead by Mr. Elsin attacked and took over Jonny Mines. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
17:21:00: All troops in Creator have died!

My dream is coming true
Moving to nirvana real soon, and I will be the leader once more.
I wish fantasia well, but it is no place for me.
Good bue my friends.

Mr. Jonny Bacardi The Brave

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Jonny Bacardi The Dastardly) and was a member of THE EVIL SIDE

Our troops gained +11 extra experience.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Take IT Back (your army)
Swordsmen 142 7 2
Archers 0 0 0
Knights 348 18 5
Magicians 112 6 2
Catapults 0 0 0

we rejoice at the return of our city

00:06:46: The progress of Take IT Back has been hindered by magic!
02:43:16: The progress of Take IT Back has been hindered by magic!
02:46:03: Mages have caused the morale in the Take IT Back army to drop!
04:57:39: Marauders lost a battle against Ripple from Mr. Anessen. We lost 143 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 351 Knights, 113 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 792 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
04:57:39: All troops in Take IT Back have died!
05:06:19: Ripple lead by Mr. Anessen attacked and plundered Bacardi Station. They took 229599 gold, 46159 stone, 0 tree and 534519 food. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.

It looks like more people are interested in us now, this is not looking good at all.

11:30:29: Ripple lead by Mr. Anessen attacked and plundered Training Mill. They took 22924 gold, 632 stone, 18076 tree and 10559 food. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 165 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
15:44:24: Ripple lead by Mr. Anessen attacked and took over Bacardi Station. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Training Mill. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
17:44:57: Ripple lead by Mr. Anessen burned and destroyed Training Mill. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 165 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
23:09:04: You have received a bonus turn!
16:58:25: Mad Cow lifeguards lead by Mr. Mad Cow attampted to take over Marauder Statio. We lost 2500 Swordsmen, 85 Archers, 276 Knights, 225 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
17:01:15: Mad Cow lifeguards lead by Mr. Mad Cow attacked and took over Marauder Statio. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Lom Marker. We lost 1136 Swordsmen, 39 Archers, 125 Knights, 109 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
11:18:54: Mad Cow lifeguards lead by Mr. Mad Cow attacked and took over Lom Marker. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Miningskull II. We lost 4884 Swordsmen, 106 Archers, 3150 Knights, 1420 Magicians and 35 Catapults in the battle.
11:18:54: Our Moving Ppl failed to defend Lom Marker. Mad Cow lifeguards lead by Mr. Mad Cow attacked and took over Lom Marker. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 1769 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
11:18:55: All troops in Moving Ppl have died!
13:49:29: Darknessoflight[GL] bought 2500000 stone for 1750000 gold
They really want me dead, i just wish i knew if i was doing any real damage to their army or not.

11:43:28: Mad Cow lifeguards lead by Mr. Mad Cow attacked and took over Miningskull II. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Knighthood. We lost 9325 Swordsmen, 1353 Archers, 4315 Knights, 2542 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
13:20:34: Defenders lost a battle against Ripple from Mr. Anessen. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 25 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
13:20:34: All troops in Defenders have died!
15:28:30: 200 walls in Knighthood got destroyed by magic!
15:28:39: 0 walls in Knighthood got destroyed by magic!
15:29:00: Mr. Anessen attempted to cast a spell upon us.
15:29:02: Mages have caused the morale in the Knighthood colony to drop!
15:29:05: Mages have caused the morale in the Knighthood colony to drop!
15:29:07: Mages have caused the morale in the Knighthood colony to drop!