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Mr. Stevanos

Lived in Era 34 and got 1 heir(s) (Hadranos).

It is I, Stevanos.I write this book to show my existence in this
word and i started in my adventure in this very place...

The day 23th of August 652,

The body of the dead lied in front of my house.The flies was already here to lay its egg.The thought of disgusting yet interesting crossed my mind.This is not the first time i saw armies fighting each other to control the village of Dynause.Then, i felt my body about to fall to the ground,then again i realised, it was the same feeling when....The Army Of Trondus attacked this village.I saw many horsemen begin to charge their way to the entrance if this village... "What can i do to protect this village?" asked a man.The guards then replied "Take this sword and use it,with great courage,to fend of the enemy".

Many people start to find a place to hide.I did not do the same as they did.I did what the brave man does, take a sword,with great courage, and fend of the enemy.Captain Marud, the leader of The Army Of Kand command the guards to close the gate.Then he command the archers on the wall to begin attacking the enemy.One by one the horsemen fell.However, they did little effort to save this village.Captain Marud again, command us, the voluntary soldiers to charge towards the horsemen.I charge toward the enemy with great courage and start engaging a soldier.He is mounted and wield a spear.I swing my sword without hestitation.The soldier parry my attack but i attack him again with the speed if light.He then fell to the ground, i shown what is the real meaning of fighting to him.

Mr. Hadranos

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Bladehadranos) and was a member of supernova

The Day of 23th August 665

It was the same date where Stevanos died.He is my father and i shall do what he done.I lived here in the city, Capital Arc and i'm holding the senate position in this city too.
For me holding this position means i am at top of the society.Moreover, i am also continuing what my father left,writing a book.Not an ordinary book by it looks.I took a charcoal and start writing....and i begin my story here...

"Today is Sunday and many people gathered at the Pihalpa
"What? Is there something important?
"What is so important?
"Senate Hadranos are there to tell the citizen of Capital
on how to defend our self when enemy attack us and it
also mean we have to go there and listen to what he say.
"It will be a long speech.

"To all citizen of Capital Arc, today i already shown the way
to protect your self if you are attacked by the enemy.
Those who brave enough should help the army to fend of
the enemy attack.Remember my word, take a sword,with
courage and fend of the enemy".

I had done something good as a senate,and i plan to hold this position for the next 5 years.I took my day to talk with other people and after that, i walk to my house."It is just a house" i said to my self and i remember bought this house long ago.