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Mr. Gravehaunter II

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Gravehaunter III) and was a member of clones

Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

...First there was nothing, nothing at all, only darkness, until someone found me... I didn't realise who I was, until an old wizard told me... I was the son of an ancient warrior called Sir Gravehaunter, he took place in a giant war between a Kingdom called SiN and Music long ago. People betrayed him, killed his followers and murdered his people. First there was Music wich he got kicked out from, because of that betrayel he went looking for people of SiN and joined them. Years later they betrayed him to... Destroyed all of his villages and city's. People didn't knew what they would do... So a totale chaos begon... In the darkest of the night he ran... Leaving his total domain behind him... He didn't realise what he was doing. So he ran into an island only accessable from 2 sides... A bridge protected by 2 hughe city's and a wall, the other path was protected by a weaker player with no kingdom... He asked for an alliance... Days later a courier arrived and told him he could come on... He rebuilded his collony and killed the weaker player... So called protection against SiN... Finally he got killed in a fierce battle for that island...

The wizzard kept going on and on... About master tactics and sharp blades. I asked him if I still got any allies left in this giant world. He said yes, my fathers cousin... A duke without fear, protected by his kingdom he fought for justice. But he lived to far away from here. And with the armageddon casted I would never make it to there unless...

Chapter 2: Expansion

I created my home at the side of a mountain togheter with the men who found me... I grew stronger everyday. In the middle of the night I took off with some men to find a second base some sort of emergency place. We found an abondoned village a the side of the same mountain... That's what we tought when we walked throught the village some men showed up and asked us what we came looking for... We said them we were searching for a new place to live. They agreed with us and joined us... Many days later I went off to the nearest lake and waited for the builders to arrive... Well they actually never came, they got ambushed by some unnatural creaters... That's what my scout say... Probally some creatures made by the Armageddon...

Chapter 3: Preparing for attack

I stayed there for many days, until I sond one of my scouts back with a message...

Dear people of Goldminy II

It's been a while since you heard from me so this is why I wrote this letter... Also to inform you that everyone has to prepare for a battle. I'm planing to attack Luknja in a few days. I'll send some other men from Goldminy I so they can help you. You will have to merge into them and battle like an united Kingdom. Do this for me, my dear friends, do this, so we will rule Zetamania next era!!!!

Mr. Gravehaunter II. A loyal ruler.


I tought I was strong enough to kill Mr. Sandoran but I wasn't... My message reached Goldminy I to late, Mr. Sandoran already took it over... My messagers got captured, tortured and one finally executed, that's what the surviver said... He got brandmarked on his head, and tortured... They send him back to Goldminy II. In that time we were able to create a small town at the border of a lake. It was a town that I should use to make food for my armys. When I finally thought that it was save. I prepared to return to Goldminy II, but, several days later a injured men came running by. An arrow in his back proved of an ambush or war... But... He told me he was one of the many killed people in Goldminy II. He kept telling about an attack, until he died. I was afraid... In the middle of the night I ran, with some proviand, 2 horses, my loyal sword, armor, shield and spear. When I reached the first forest I saw my city burn... I ran as far as possible... I kept running and running and running... Until a found a cave, that cave gave me a well feeling... I found a little guy there. He told me his parents got killed by an ambush and that he ran in here... I told him I would take care of him and teach him the ancient secrets of Gravehaunters sword...

Mr. Gravehaunter III

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Mystery) and was a member of clones

My father was teaching me one of the last sword techniques he knew... After I learned the last attacks I began to train again... Carry buckets full of water on the mountain... Break wood, stone,... When I was climbing the mountain at the north side I saw my father at the top. He waved at me... He looked at me and suddenly I saw a pair of hands puching him... He fell and yelled my name... His name... I fastly climb up and saw barbarians plundering our outpost... I grabed my fathers sword and began to slice them, I was hitting them so hard you could see their arms and heads flying all over the place... When they finally were dead. I took my stuff. And went down... Searching for his body... But I didn't found anything, not even blood... I walked further away and fastly camped near a close mountain. Soon some caravaneers travelled by and they joined me... Soon my city began to grow like no other, it grew above all other... I found an old outpost, from there I saw Darkfaith's army platoon pass by... Hopefully he will find a safe place...