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Mr. Physcic Paladin

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Holy Paladin) and was a member of Music


Necromancer Holy Paladin

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Lust) and was a member of Death Proof

at times necromancers work to be hated or distrusted and thats what i decided to do at the end. with a good active kingdom i wont betray because i wont have a reason to... but with music this era everyone went inactive and i decicded to take revenge for being one of the few that was actually fighting... also i missed being the most hated player in VU so i did this.....

Necromancer Holy Paladin

8/21/2008 9:18:00 PM you know what this Era has been missing???

they have been missing someone to flame hardcore and to hate

this city needs a better class of Criminal im gonna give it to them

Sir Grim Darkhammer


8/22/2008 12:15:00 PM I hate to get into the middle of all this bashing but I needed to post about this traitorous retard Necromancer Holy Paladin .
I know VU does not seem as honorable a game as it was in past era's but this is ridiculous. I thought we may have had a chance to have a really great war with Dark Blood this era but we will be robbed again. Holy Paladin has decided that since he cant fight Twilight & Dark Blood he would leave Music, pull out the armies he was hoarding in our core, and attack both PKS & Music. I do hope that no one takes in this douche bag into their kingdom next era. I already have word that he wont be going to the kingdom he had planned to. My only hope that he stays on Fantasia, as we will be looking for him for many era's to come.

Necromancer Lust

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Apprentice) and was a member of Heaven

Owned most of era 36, then fuzzy and heaven joined to take on 3 kingdoms and could not hold up the assault, Heaven attacked in there differant area's was killed at thier weakest point

i survived the end with a city of 15k nazzies.. not heavens best moments.. but eh "_"

Necromancer Apprentice

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Blood Reign) and was a member of Heaven

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