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Family History

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Mr. Xela

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Xela).

Xela has lived for a very long time but has traveled to local lands of late. In his old lands he was a hero with a unsatiable lust for blood. In battle he was what seemed like everywhere but in all reality we know that that is impossable.
more shall be recorded later.

As of current affairs it seems that Xela shall meet a untimely end to the hands of Rambo just because he doesnt like me around and wont even speak with me, he will only dystroy my towns.

Mr. Xela

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Xale).

when news of his fathers death ears reached xela's ears while he was traveling in a distant land he decided to grow his own empire under the rule of a distant king. After a month or two his empire has started to generate enough funds to start engaging in battle.