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Mr. Cxc

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Cxc Junior).

One day Mr. Cxc started to travel arround Utopia.

He arrived at Hope and was pleased about this beautifull sight there.
ALso the citizen were very friendly, so he decided to stay and settled down.
He felt in love with Gelina, a beautiful elfen female, daughter of Nosfariton, Archmage at King Geldrions Council.
He tried a lot to get her attention, but failed. But his attemps were not unseen by Nosfartion.
So he called a spell upon Cxc to llok into his heart.
He was fascinated about this pure love this little human had in his heart and decided to help cxc.

He told him his daughters greatest dream, sleeping in a glasspalace and get woke up by her future husband...

Sadly there was no glass palace in Hope, so cxc decided to built one especially for Gelina.

He traveled to the north to found Stroma, where he mined the quarz needed for glass.
Worltour and Dynasty of Lost were founded too to get the needed resources.

Sadly no matter what he tried Cxc was unable to form the glass, so he asked the dwarfes cross the bridge. Their new king achilleus and cxc become good friends and so he taught him to form glass into solid raw materials.

Finally he was able to built Gelinas glasspalace, so he searched a beautiful place close to the river and not to close to the mountains.
Finally he found it and called it Last Stand.
It took 3 years till the palace was completed and another 4 till he he convinced Gelina for a visit.
The great day came and Gelina was fascinated about the beauty she found there.
So cxc left here alone to travel north to buy the morning star of Emalgon as an offical marriage proposal.

This dwarf who sold it was a hard bastard and it took 12 days till they came to an agreement.
But finaly cxc hold the morning star in his hands, heading back to Gelina.

When he came back the Pace was destroyed, burned down to ashes, death elfes have been seen in the street covered in blood and the most cruel thing was, no track of Gelina.

In a corner he found an old men breathing hartly. Forgetting his manners cxc shaked this man and ask who did this?
The old man died in his hands but not without giving his answer:

So Cxc left in rage the ruins of his dream theruins of Last Stands.
He tried to get track of playboys army but was unable to find it.
After two days of anger and pain and sensless searching he decided to head back to Hope, ask the elfs for help.
He feared to tell Gelinas father the truth, but he had no choice....

Mr. Cxc Junior

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Crissxcross).

Time has passed after the war with Playboy and the acient defenders, who got wiped out finally with help of many friends.

In one of his last battles Mr. Cxc found a lonly child laying on the street. His smile remembered him about his lost love Gelina.
So he decided to keep this young boy and treat him like the son he never got.

When Junior was 16 his father decided that it got time that he moves out for a little adventure like he did when he was young. So Junior moved out tovisit the halflings, he heart many funny stoies about. The first town he visisted was Dammdidumm.....