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Mr. Fordius

Lived in Era 15 and got 1 heir(s) (Fordius).

In a far away land .. a myth would come true . The High Priest said there would come a great warrior , born in the kingdom of Serenity that would free the world of the tirans of the Great World of Fantasia ..

Ruled by the mercyless kingdom named Legacy .. all evil barbarians raping all man , women , childeren and animals .. they were pigs ..
Many Kingdoms and Rebels had tried to get up a alliance to beat those barbarians but all failed many man died or were to scared to fight them .

in 385 BC a baby was born like the High Priest told it would happen . He would be the knight that world free the world from the tirans. the king of serenity named his child Fordius .

Fordius was the name of a old anchient that fought a evil empire thousands of years back and won the Freedom for the World. This name would be sueted for the child as he also would become a chosen 1 .

Years passed by .. and many things happend ..

Fordius learned to fight with all kinds of swords and weapons , ride a horse , how to deal with womens cause they were the weakest link for a man .
they could break a man by there looks so Fordius had to be prepared for the beautifull womens that he would cross in his journey .

Fordius also learned to be a great strategies and how to be a true leader. As he had to lead the army against the Kingdom Legacy and take the thrown that was taken from the True King of Fantasia.

Fordius had a great friend that was with him all the time and they were never separeted they grew up as brothers and he would trust nobody as much as he does with him .

1 day teh High Council called Fordius to the meeting in
the great rooms of the castle Hollandra it was a old castle but had great defensive strategy this castle has never been taken by any enemy forces .. while Fordius was walking towards the council room .. he was thinking why he was invited . People were never allowed to enter the room without being placed in a high society.

Than something strange happend on the way up he got Visions .
Visions he didn't understand he saw warriors , blood , chaos , fights , a crown and a beautifull lady.

than it dissapeared .. wondering what just happend he entered the room . The High Council started to speak:
Welcome Lord Fordius ,
We gather us here to tell you a story that was decided by desteny please take a seat cause this might take long. Fordius looked around and found a seat he walked towards it and sad down . What is it that the council wants to tell me Duke Azaruc?
Well my son we learned you all our best to make you the best warrior and leader of the world fantasia. you are the chosen 1 to free our people from the tirannic kingdom Legacy Fordius.
That's why we want you to lead our armies to the victory on the fight towards freedom. You will occure allot of betrayal and fight towards the victory but we all believe you can do it as it's the faith that wants it. Fordius didn't hear all he was starting to think about the visions now he understood the visions more clearly but not compleetly . he had so many questions but he knew he would find the answers he . Duke Azaruc I will do all what's in my power to stop this evil kingdom . He bows down and walks out the room . He still was thinking aobut the visions and the mission he knew it would be a difficult mission but he was the only 1 that could compleet this journey.

Who were those warriors , who was the pretty lady and who was that deadman in his arms and the beautifull women standing next to him?

Convinced that he would find out what his mission was . Fordius runned to his best friend Frederick and told him what he just heard. Frederick responded with WOW , that's unbelievable lord Fordius when are we going my friend he ? Fordius said : Now my Friend Now :) Frederick is a great warrior but not as good as Fordius cause he got trained in Diplomacy and Social stuff more than Fordius was .

Frederick became Fordius right hand and together they jumped on the horse and set food to the battlefield .

a man stood there and welcomed them .
G'day Lord Fordius & Sir Frederick ..
I'm Sir Baldie ,

please follow me I will bring you 2 to the general .
when they arrived they saw a big man standing there with a beard his voice was deep. the people spoke to him with the name Augh and next to him their stood a smaller man but maybe even more dangerous than the man next to him .

This is Togglo the big man said noticing
that Frederick was looking to him with a bit of fear .

Will Be Continued :P ( I'm a bit tired now :P )

Mr. Fordius

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Fordius) and was a member of THE GOOD SIDE


Mr. Fordius

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Fordius).
