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Family History

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Mr. Virah

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (The Momo Friend) and was a member of Odyssey

A human ruler who, being under attack from the evil KoH (Kingdom of Heaven) sent out his scouts and settled colonies across the world but stayed behind to fight to the last at Always Here with his army of 7,000 men.
As the days passed Virah realized that hiding inside his city was just not going to make it. So He decided to move his army out... now with a force of 11,000 men he abandoned his city to the enemy fleeing north to retake the cites of Virahs Arms and Progress.
Entering each city ground Virah realized he was entering a desolate wasteland. The Cities had burned to the ground... nothing was left. So the destroyed remnants of his kingdom and embedded with rage he marched his army west. Towards the enemy that had done this to his people.
Meanwhile to the West the scouts sent out by Virah had arrived at his dear friend Manwe's Country and chose the location of the new city Virahs Ambassoders right in the crevice of a mountain range close to Manwe's Country. The Regent (Rae) was a good friend and a sister to Virah. She lead the city faithfully and it grew prosperous.
However it had one fault. It couldn't support too large a population. So Rae decided to settle two more cities. One would produce food for the general population of the western country while the other would produce wood. Both cities were settled near the Unjung forest to the south of Manwe's country.
The one for wood was named Fighting for Survival as tribute to Virah who worked hard out in the east. The other for food near the Cutran River was named Dai Carne (You give Meat in ancient elven) as during the first two months of beginning the city there was a huge shortness of meat.
Out East Virah was encountering huge problems as fire rained down from the sky upon his army killing hundreds. The enemy magicians were extremely active in the area and he had no magic defense of any kind in his army. By the time he reached the Sin Armory, his army had lost over 7,000 men and more were deserting as storm after storm of fire hit the army.
As soon as his army arrived at Sin Armory ten thousand men poured out of the gates attacked the remaining 3,000 men that were left of Virah's army. Only a few knights remained who with Virah embarked upon their journey west to join the Western Country governed by the regent Rae.
While Virah was marching his army across the plains towards the Sin Armory, Rae sent out scouts to find the best location of the western countryside armory. She soon found the perfect place and named it, in honor of Mr. Virah himself, Virahs Stellar. Their armories were built and peasents gathered as the western country readied itself for war.

Mr. The Momo Friend

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Vocah) and was a member of Odyssey

The Momo Friend... real name is Vocah. As virah marched to his death he sent his son with a few loyal followers to the south where his allies were. There Vocah looked for a good place to settle inside the Allied Core.
Vocah decided upon a simple new city named the salvation in the northern mountains for his new beginning. There he built mines and dug into the mountains with all that he had. Within two months Vocah had two more cities one to the west which produced all the food for the country and one to the south for building its armies! His kingdom was growing fast, with its production already at 40,000 double as fast as his fathers country had grown.
Now with four cities and an income of 120,000 Vocah decided finally to build his army. Science was at its highest for the young ruler. Another city was soon settled to bring wood into the new empires control. Axemen flocked to his banner as Vocah's population grew by the thousands daily. The Ruler and his newfound country were thriving!

Mr. Vocah

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Makuta) and was a member of Odyssey


Mr. Makuta

Lived in Era 37, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Odyssey
