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Mr. Ranulf

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness III) and was a member of freedom

Lord Ranulf Dyrness, son of Lord Otto Dyrness of Alemania. Born in the city of Orkneyjar in late Era 29, Lord Ranulf Dyrness has accompinied his father on many travels. Now, since the recent death of Lord Dyrness, Lord Ranulf has fully accepted his father's wealth.

Mr. Dyrness III

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness IV) and was a member of freedom


Mr. Dyrness IV

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Silicon Knights

Ruling the grand city of Araluen at a young age, Lord Dyrness IV only sought to improve his only city. He was on his way to greatness until he was ruthlessly attacked by Lord Shadow from the nearby kingdom of Revolution. Lord Dyrness IV found protection with the kingdom of the Silicon Knights and quickly joined them.

From here he took over the city of Narnia, one day hoping to retake Araluen from its invaders. He was too late, however, for Araluen was retaken by the Silicon Knights but burned to the ground when the kingdom of Revolution invaded it for a second and final time.

Lord Dyrness IV carried on to improving his current city of Narnia and also took over the nearby cities of Lapland and Nadir. From here Lord Dyrness IV was attacked by the Dorian Empire, burning down Narnia and Nadir, leaving him only with Lapland.

Heavy-hearted again, Lord Dyrness IV carried on and soon joined Lord Kevdwayne on a crusade to the Dorian Empire. While away, Lapland was taken by the Empire leaving Lord Dyrness IV only with his grand brigade of Skandians, no money, and an abundance of food and stone.

It was here where Lord Kevdwayne took Lord Dyrness IV under his wing and helped him take over Ang Kio City to get back on his feet. It was also here where Lord Dyrness IV pledged to always help Lord Kevdwayne whenever needed, for as long as he and his kin survive.

Lord Dyrness IV took over the rogue city of Doronis and built the woodland city of Fionn, resulting in great wealth. Meanwhile, the kingdom of the Silicon Knights broke all relations to the remaining kingdoms. When informed of the destruction of the non-aggression pact, Lord Dyrness IV began to assemble a mass army to attack the Army of Anubis to rid them from the region.

This plan to attack the Army of Anubis was held off, however, when Lord Dyrness IV decided to rid his new homeland of Rouges. A few months before he left Doronis with his army, the Blue Crusade, Lord Dyrness IV married Arya, an elf from the East.

Lord Dyrness retreated to The Keep, half dead, after the Blue Crusade was attacked by the Army of Anubis. While living here temporarily, he over saw the construction of Dyrness Stronghold and hoped to return the Doronis, the official capital of Lord Dyrness' land, to his wife and soon-to-be-born child.

Lord Dyrness IV moved into the citidel at Dyrness Stronghold. Shortly after, The Keep was destroyed by Lady Kirta from the Army of Anubis. She was a traitor to the Silicon Knights and has lost all respect from Lord Dyrness IV.

With the great threat of invasion by the Army of Anubis, Lord Dyrness IV convinced his wife and newborn son to return to her elvish homeland to the East along with her highest servants and a small army. Now Lord Dyrness IV hopes for the survival of his land, as well as his wife and his progeny.

Lord Dyrness IV returned to Doronis to prepare his lifeguards. His prediction was correct, for Lady Kirta invaded his land and began an assult on Dyrness Stronghold.

Lord Dyrness IV begins to feel his once youthful body not as agile as he remembered, a true sign of aging. Hoever, he does not loose hope.

Lord Dyrness IV learns of his Elites defeat and withers in sorrow. He sees no possible way to get rid of this traitor, Lady Kirta. And so, Lord Dyrness IV prepares for his final battle against this enemy. He does not plan to survive this battle, but does not wish to share this with his people.

Lord Dyrness IV now leads his army, his Last Crusade against the enemy. He leads his last army to almost certain death, but has determination and hope as their strongest allies.

Lord Dyrness IV died honorably along with his Last Crusade at the final battle at Whopper against Lady Kirta of the Army of Anubis.

He will be remembered as an honest and loyal lord, and has instructed that his son will be taught all of the honorable values a lord should have.

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

During later era 30, Lord Dyrness' mother, an elf, left by the request of her human husband, Lord Dyrness IV, to return to her homeland, to keep his only son safe and to teach him of his duties and never to forget the Oath to Lord Kevdwayne.

Lord Kevdwayne has now become the leader of the Royal Order of Claidhmore and graciously accepted the Dyrness family to join him once again.

After the construction of Grey Havens, Valinor, and Nadindel, Lord Dyrness was informed of the war with the Knights of the White Wolf and hastely joined. Lord Dyrness will lead his first ever Elvish army, a force to be reckoned with.

Ever since, Lord Dyrness has been travelling afar to aid his allies in battle. While he was back in his capital, Valinor, Lord Dyrness began the construction of Silthrim, Shinar, Ceunon, and Sanctaphrax. He also built Araluen, a city in remembrance of his father.

Lord Dyrness is dying. He his proud of his accomplishments, yet wished he could have done more. He has ventured out to where he was told was his homeland. Lord Dyrness has once again been reunited with his human relatives.

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Young Nathaniel Dyrness was living with trusted friends of the Dyrness family when he learned of tragic news sent by a small group of soldiers, the only survivors of the invasion of Golgatha. They informed young Nathaniel that everyone had been slaughtered and only a few had survived and were camping just outside the city. Nathaniel, the only heir to his father's land, became Lord Dyrness at only age ten and three and left with his few survivors.

On the way to the North, near the capital city of the Royal Order of Claidhmore, The small Dyrness caravan was ambuched my rogue orcs. The orcs kidnapped Nathaniel and stole all his belongings and left his peasants and soldiers to die.

The orcs took Nathaniel to their cavern where he grew up to be very strong and handsome. On one of the raids, they kidnapped a woman, who which nathaniel fell in love with and she gave birth to a son. Not long after, Nathaniel became the clan chief and lead the orc clan until his death.

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Lord Dyrness, the chieftain of the Orc clan Erzengel, traveled from afar and reunited with the kin of his father's and grandfather's allies. Much has changed since his fathers kidnapping and everything and everyone is united and symbiont.

He built the city Mizpah for his Orcs to mine, Amram for his Orcs to cut trees and Succoth for his Orcs to farm. Then, through the instructions of his great leader, Sir Kevdwayne, he began to fortify his beautiful and fertile land. He built Erzengel Guard to protect his and his kingdom's land. From looking at the world from the back of his Nazgul, Lord Dyrness sees his accomplishments and looks ahead and sees his greatness.

Now Lord Dyrness is prepared for war. He leads his armies into the front lines without a hint of fear in their eyes. He molds them into the iron fists orcs should be. He aids his fellow clans and human allies in this long, hard war with the neighboring Kingdom known to him as Havoc. Many brave men have joined the Royal Order from nearby ignorant and weak nations and have readily joined this crusade.

Lord Dyrness flies to the East and settles two new colonies, Shagnoth, and Malak Outpost which is controlled by his second in command, Malak. Then Lord Dyrness flies to the land known as the UNSC which he captures the city of New Roc, but it is returned to UNSC and later destroyed.

Now Lord Dyrness moves to the West where Dark Fires rule. He is aiding his allies in the western front and sees this invasion's end is near, for the royal Order of Claidhmore has overpowered the Dark Fires and is quickly advancing.

There is a new wind in the air. Lord Dyrness can feel a rush of haste and a surge of chaos flowing with the winds. Word is that Armageddon is here.

Lord Dyrness leads the army Erzengel Invasion into battle. The cities Mag Haven, Ayax, Waterdeep, and Freedland are now under Erzengel rule. Ederes is also taken in the South, where the UNSC once ruled. While in Freedland, Lord Dyrness meets a beautiful woman who was the slave of the previous ruler. He now has one child, a boy, who will lead the Erzengels after his father.

The world is almost at an end! Lord Dyrness has sent his wife and son to the very distant land known as Mantrax, in hope that they will survive Armageddon and his family line will continue.

Armageddon is fierce. The fog and mists cloud the land by day and moonless skies hide the world at night. Lord Dyrness wonders if any of his allies and his loved ones are safe, or at least alive.

Lightning storms now spark in the sky. The fog and mists are gone but they have been replaced by lightning flashing between the clouds constantly through the day, they never stop. There is now thunder and no lightning strikes the ground. The world is eerie and nothing is certain anymore.

All hell is loose from the sky and from the ground. Fire falls from the sky instead of the usual spring rain. Lord Dyrness attempts to send out messages to his cities but he cannot send out messengers into the hell-storm and he has recieve no news from any of his cities. His allies also have not responded leaving Dyrness feel alone and abandoned.

Lord Dyrness, Chieftain of the Erzengel Clan, has died in the grand city of Freedland.

Erzengel Almanac

Remaining Wealth

Gold: 238,561,468
Food: 84,008,490
Stone: 110,131,910
Tree: 34,113,910
Slaves: none

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

After a long 14 year trek through the wilderness, Lord Dyrness finally enters the land of Mantrax. His mother, The Queen of the Erzengels, lets her son now rule while she helps the new nation in any way she can.

Orkneyjar becomes the first city of Erzengel rule and was erected only a few days after their arrival. They have also met many familiar faces, the kin of the great people of the Royal Order of Claidhmore of old.

The Erzengel Clan grieves at the loss of their former Queen.

Soon after, the cities of Hrafnbu and Araluen were constructed. However, the Erzengel economy was suffering. Lord Dyrness occupies the city of Stronghold, on behalf of Lord Orrises who had left the land to explore abroad. The city of Stronghold had greatly increased the economy and soon Waterford and the Palisade was constructed. This armory had much potential and was still growing when the Elements invaded along with the Musketeers.

In that invasion, Lord Dyrness lost almost everything. Only the cities of Waterford and Araluen remained under Erzengel control. With much discussion, the Erzengel Clan moved into the West and settled New Hranf, New Orkney, and Santaphrax.

Production was slowly rebuilding, yet Lord Dyrness suffered because he had learned that his brother had died protecting Waterford. Since Lord Dyrness had no children of his own, he adopted his brother's only son and raised him to be heir.

At the sight of armies closing in from the North, Lord Dyrness sent his nephew to Lord Kevdwayne's realm, where he is to be protected and learn the ways of honor and chivalry of the Royal Order of Claidhmore.

Lord Dyrness, King of the Erzengels, died in the small city of Santaphrax.

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

After long sessions with tutors and trainers, young Dyrness only wanted to be outside and travel with Lord Kevdwayne, his caretaker. Dyrness was asked to be protected by his late uncle, who had taken him in when his father died. he was the only living lineage of the Erzengels and so he could not leave the territory under Lord Kevdwayne's orders.

When the time finally came, Lord Kevdwayne sent him off with a small army and a few peasants. With a heart full of ambition and adventure, Lord Dyrness set off into the land with his Erzengels.

It was a brutal start for the Erzengels. The mining was low and the food supply was rapidly decreasing. Panicked, Dyrness traveled to Lord Kevdwayne for help. He returned shortly after with advice and began to improve the land with out rest.

At this time, the Erzengel territroy included the cities of Golgotha, Vanguard and the Stronghold. Lord Dyrness now has plans to colonize the nearby Fire lake, rich in fertile land and dazzling mountains.

However, war looms over head. the nearby kingdoms have been testing the outskirts of the Royal Order of Claidhmore. In fact, a small band of soldiers from the Kingdom of Hearts traveled to Vanguard, yet were destroyed there.

War in the North has taken hold. Lord Dyrness, after stabilizing and boosting his land's economy, travels many leagues to the Ant Mountains, where he establishes Clernova. Now, controlling six cities, he joins the war and hastily enters the land of the Army of Anubis. The winds change, peace comes between the Royal Order and the Army of Anubis. Yet new enemies linger nearby. The tension between the Royal Order and the joint kingdoms of Heaven and Insubordination intensifies. So Dyrness, himself, trains an onslaught of soldiers for this oncoming war. When they were ready, They all marched to Queen, ruled by the ally Flame Lord Phoenix.

Phoenix had betrayed the Order! Dyrness takes control of Queen to prevent Lord Phoenix to protect himself and his kingdom. Now the Erzengel people own 7 magnificent cities.

The war has begun with Heaven/Insubordination. Dyrness is prepared and excited for these battles to come. he has been informed that a spell caster somewhere in the land has summoned Armageddon, the same storm that his grandfather recorded two eras ago. He does not fear it, for death is a road all must take.

Insubordination has laid siege on Clernova. The Erzengels in the city have been made peace the the gods and are prepared to die for the Royal Order. The war has now evoked the Erzengels.

The war is over. The Order has shattered. The world has changed. This place must be hell on earth.

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

the shattered and shaken Erzengel Clan joins with the remaining fragments of the Royal Order of Claidhmore and sets off to find a world they can call home and reunite. After the long trek through forests and moors, mountains and seas, the Order mistakenly stumbles upon the land of Fantasia, where past and future enemies lurk in the shadows.

Lord Dyrness, who took his father's place after the Apocalypse, reunited the Erzengels and creates one strong clan. Soon, the Erzengel Clan resided in over 10 cities.

The peace is broken and the Order wages war on Aurora as well as on Heaven, it's enemy from afar. the Erzengels raise up their swords and march into battle.

The Order, decides to traverse afar once again into another realm and everyone prepares for the final battle.

Now, Lord Dyrness resides in only a single city. An old mining city taken from orcs long ago. The enemy camps surround the city while the Erzengels muster up their final army in this land. The army charges and, while sacrificing themselves for the Royal Order of Claidhmore, send over 500 of the enemy into the void.

While there is no hope for survival in this land, the Erzengels prepare to leave under their new leader, since Lord Dyrness, his uncle died defending the last Erzengel city in Fantasia.

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

The Erzengel Clan treks through the wilderness with the remaining Order. After several weeks treking in caravan, the Royal Order of Claidhmore arrives in the land of Nirvana. The Erzengels quickly settle two cities, Festning and Asilon, and scout out the new land.

Lord Dyrness is promoted in the Order and now joins the Council in leading the small kingdom.

After a long period of peaceful rest, the Erzengel Clan, ruling in 6 cities, prepare for war. A nearby group of men, known as the Pendragon Federation led by Lord Uther Pendragon, grows restless and moves to invade us. At this time, Lord Dyrness takes an army and takes over an abandoned city, Demons Lair.

The war with Pendragon and his federation ends quickly, yet a new enemy appears from nowhere. Lord Sorra with his numerous armies wreaks havoc in the Odrer's core. he has become a pain in our sides and he will be dealt with accordingly.

A new wave of Lord Sorra's armies advance. An Erzengel army has located his homeland and forces have been ordered to travel and destroy Lord Sorra's realm.

Lord Sorra is vanquished. the Order has captured his cities and he had been banished to the countryside. his is no longer a threat and the time of peace resumes as Lord Dyrness returns to his realm. He rests in the grand citadel of Festning, the shining city of the mountains.


Erzengel Almanac

Total Resources:
+1,230,658 gold
+47,799 food
+371,250 stone
+318,750 tree

Army Upkeep: -53,060

Building Upkeep: -125,823

Total Income: +1,051,775 gold

Remaining Wealth

Gold: 88,970,500
Food: 9,334,463
Stone: 26,717,207
Tree: 25,307,696


Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

The Order has been invaded by Sir Spoon. He has destroyed us.

Lord Dyrness dies in the wilderness. His good friend will not lead the remaining Erzengels.

Mr. Dyrness

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness The Tall) and was a member of Hot Rods

Lord Dyrness uneasily becomes the leader of the Royal Order of Claidhmore. His companions have either left the Order or are dead. He is alone.

An old friend of the order warns Lord Dyrness of possible death and suggests he joins the nearby kingdom, the Dark Rider Empire.

The new Lord Dyrness, the unkown son of the previous chieftain, quickly leaves the Order and joins the Empire, for his people's safety.

After years of battle and constant worry, the Erzengels find a small, private area where they can grow. Lord Dyrness enjoys the much needed rest and hopes his clan will survive the remaining years.

War then jumped upon the Erzengels, leaving Dyrness with only Hjerte, a small mining city. He sends a group of pioneers South an they built the mining city of Kisharo. With three cities under Erzengel reign (Hjerte, Zion, and Kisharo), the Clan income steadily rises.

Now old and war hardened, Lord Dyrness amasses a small army and retakes his nearby city of Silver Glade. He then advances towards other nearby cities, hoping for a successful conquest.

Megas Nikos, a good friend of the Clan, and Lord Dyrness agrre upon creating a kingdom between the two of them. With bother their progeny at the meeting, the union of the two factions will be secure.

Lord Dyrness dies in the fields outside Haven.

Mr. Dyrness The Tall

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness The Tall) and was a member of Hot Rods


Mr. Dyrness The Tall

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Lady Dyrness) and was a member of Hot Rods

The battered Erzengels came across a small contingent of halflings on their way to Mantrax. The shire folk welcomed them into their community and Dyrness, leader of the Erzengels, leaded the large family known as Dyrness the Tall.

Dyrness the Tall follows his kingdom, the Dorian Empire, out of Mantrax in search of quick peace.

Now that his daughter is old enough, she will lead the kingdom with his advisory.

Ms. Lady Dyrness

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Dyrness) and was a member of Hot Rods

Young Lady Dyrness travels with her old father and her people in the Dorian Empire caravan. The Erzengels are one fo the first to settle and they quickly gain income. But tension grows between the northern kingdom known to the Dorians as Elemental.

War brews and everyone struggles to stay on their feet. The Elementals have been in the world long than the Dorians, giving them advantage.

The Erzengels and the Dorian Empire slowly fall until all are banished save one, Don Juan, who still fights for survival.

Lady Dyrness meets a man whom she marries and they are blessed to receive two twin sons. Yet this becomes a dilemma for the Erzengels, who are unsure about which twin is worthy of the sword and shield.