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Sir Hirgon

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Hirgon) and was a member of Dark


Sir Hirgon

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Hirgon Sadron) and was a member of Dark


Sir Hirgon Sadron

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Hirgon Tegalad) and was a member of Dark

Hirgon Sadron was the first of his name to be knighted. He was an elf, of a race called "High Elves." Hirgon, like most elves, loved forests and moonlight and starlight and the sea. His people were skilled in archery and in the magic of the forests.

Lord Hirgon Tegalad

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Zany Zorander) and was a member of Dark


Lord Zany Zorander

Lived in Era 39, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Dark

Lord Hirgon Tegalad, formerly Sir Hirgon Tegalad, and once known as Sadron, had finally cracked. Years of monotonous study, ceaseless decades spent in his Wizard's Keep, and eras of raining fire down upon his foes proved to be too much for the mage. He took for himself the name Zorander; a nick-name given to him in his childhood, when he used to try mad experiments with magic. In his newly-acquired madness, Zorander returned to those days of experimentation, only this time, his experiments were darker, deeper, more successful, more intense, and less innocent. From summoning battalions of ghosts with which to attempt to tear down a so-called "Toweroflove" merely because its name offended him, to developing the ability to burn down a forest with the mere snap of a finger, Zorander's experiments caused chaos in the world around him. Friend and foe alike called him Zany Zorander, and he merely laughed at the name; he even played along to some extent, styling himself "Zorander, Wizard the First of the Mad Order."

Yes, Hirgon had cracked, and now could find no one who would accept his use of his talents but a kingom ruled by a Raving Lunatic. He joined that Crazy kingdom, but it lasted only days before it was overrun by more well-established (not to mention completely sane) warriors. As the kingdom fell to pieces around him, Hirgon had a decision to make; should he flee with the rest, or stand and fight to the death? Alternatively, he could attempt to join the devastating kingdom wreaking havoc through his territory...