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Mr. Stasik

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Stasik) and was a member of d-haran empire


Mr. Stasik

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Stasik).


Mr. Stasik

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Stasik) and was a member of THE GOOD SIDE

Stasik, lived a good life... His early achievemnts were building a big capital and big armoury with plenty of soldiers in it in less then 40 days! His first battle proved him flawless in warfare strategy. He had 400 archers and 500 swordsmen. He hid his archers in the forest and outflanked the Germain army with only 100 swordsmen...his army then started retreating to the woods and foolishly General Toka followed them...the archers killed of the chasing army because the enemy army did'int know where the archers were. Therefore Stasik had lost 350 swordsmen and 20 archers to a casualty of 300 knights.

The next battle proved a lot harder. His second battle was when he was 24 years old. His north blocker was beseiged and he sent a releif army of 60,000 Knights...The enemy merged army had almost 760,000 Hobgoblins. Again strategy won the battle. After this battle General Toka understood Stasiks manouveres and love for outflanking enemy armies.

The third battle was Stasik's first defeat. And very bad for him. He had a good elite army of 300,000 swordsmen. The enemy had 110,000 Knights. But he underestimated Toka who fully understood Stasik...Stasik lost his army with only 18 thousand enemy losses. Stasik escaped and planned new strategies for battles.

Stasik then put up an army of 30,000 Knights to battle Toka for the land in the North. Toka laughed at him and got 700,000 knights to "destroy Stasik forever". This time it was Toka who underestimated Stasik...that day Stasik fought so good that Toka suffered the most humiliated defeat in Era 19...He had lost almost 400,000 Knights while Stasik had 10,000 left...

After this battle Toka retreated to his country, where he rounded another huge army...At this time Stasik stayed at the place of the victory where soon reinforcements of 290,000 Knights came.

The last battle came and went away but after this battle Stasik was dead with an arrow in his heart.

Mr. Stasik

Lived in Era 20 and got 0 heir(s) .
