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Family History

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Mr. Micahle

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Absynthe) and was a member of Dark


Mr. Absynthe

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Ademo) and was a member of Dark


Chancellor Ademo

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Ademo) and was a member of Dark

Most Powerful Rulers round 37: Era of Kobuskan

312. Mr. Absynthe Dark Elf 134123
Dark - Zetamania
Spaghetti (Yum)
Mad Against Drugs (MAD)
Elemental Graveyard (Grave)
Rebirth (Soul)
Internal Primates Forever (IPF)
Freedom Fighters (FF)
Revelation (RVL) - vs General Ezatious

Chancellor Ademo

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Ademo) and was a member of Spaghetti

Round 38: Era of Messiah

130. Chancellor Ademo of Dark (ELF)

Total land: 334133 Batles won: 40 Cities captured: 23
Total killed: 347747 Science lvls: 19 Total troops: 352810
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 96% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%


Spaghetti - Fantasia/Mantrax/Armageddon (ELF)
Abydos (Abydos)
Fruits and Vegetables (Veggies)
Foundation (Fate)
Rebirth (Soul)
The A Team (TAT)