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Mr. Siberius Phenom

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Siberius Phenom II) and was a member of Rebirth

Many years ago, in a time before guns, or even swords and shields, a great war occured. A man by the name of Siberius Phenom, from the Drakovian tribe awoke to the sound of wardrums. A master in Muay Thai martial arts, he was also very knowlegable in using spears, as well as bows. He arose quickly and ran out of his hut and over to the village elder's hut. He spoke quickly to the commander to find out that a war had broken out with a neighbouring tribe over lands. As fast as he could he ran back to his hut to make sure that his wife, and young son, who carried on the name of Siberius, moved into the mountain side quickly with all of the other females and young children. After this, he went into the armory and put on his leather armor and grabbed a bow. Swiftly he ran to the west where the war was about to take place, and climbed high into a tree. With his keen elven eyes, he could see a vast army of thousands approaching his tribe. He yelled down to his commander to rally all the troops, and ready them for battle. Minutes passed and Siberius could now hear the rhythm of the enemry marching closer and closer. His commander yelled for everyone to be at attention. Out of no where a volley of arrows came flying in and killed but a few dozen men. Siberius drew his bow, and started picking off enemy tribesmen who'd eagerly ran ahead of the rest of the army. The battle had started, hundreds of men began to drop from both sides within minutes. Siberius was still in a tree picking off enemy from where they could not see. A few minutes had passed and then a volley of flaming arrows, something Siberius had never seen before had come in contact with the trees, including the one he was in. Siberius jumped to the ground, picked up a spear and ran into battle. He killed as many men as he could, but he was started to get weary having only a few hours of sleep. All of a sudden he got stabbed in the arm from behind. He let out a scream of agony. Spear still stuck in his army he tried to turn. It ripped out, and tore the flesh leaving a giant wound in his main arm. Forced now to use his off hand, he swiftly turned around and stabbed the man that had stabbed him in the head. As he did this, an arrow hit him in the leg. He dropped to the ground for a moment. As he went to get up, three spears stabbed him in his chest. His life flashing before him as he was dying, he could think of nothing more except a feeling of being content. He had lived a full, and great life. His now widowed lover was safe and so was his son. Passing through the mountain in secretly dug tunnels to the other side towards the village of Soratia. In the end, the Drakovian tribe was defeated. All but a few females, and the small children.
Siberius' son lives on!!!!

Mr. Siberius Phenom II

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Polydeuces) and was a member of Rebirth

Era 28- Mr. Lykou Kingdom: New Essence Breakdancing Crew *FAIL* lol
Era 34- Mr. Lykou Kingdom: NEBC; 77 place Fantasia
Era 35- Mr. Drakovia Kingdom: Burnt; 6 place Zetamania
Era 36- Mr. Lova Lova Kingdom: Requiem; 16 place Valhalla
-Had a great up and coming KD in Requiem too bad that went south.
Era 37- Mr. Polydeuces Kingdom: Velocity; start mid era; place 211 658k score

Mr. Polydeuces

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Polydeuces) and was a member of Rebirth

[23:24] Mr. Polydeuces: Resistance youre name is so familiar, were you in velocity?
[23:24] Lord Resistance: lmao
[23:24] Mr. Boombastic: roheran
[23:24] Lord Resistance: ahahahaha
[23:24] Mr. Ajax: buddie your fourth now :(
[23:24] Lord Resistance: wtff
[23:24] Lord Resistance: omfg!
[23:24] Lord Resistance: its poly from velocity
[23:24] Mr. Polydeuces: :O FOURTH
[23:24] Lord Resistance: OMG
[23:24] Mr. Polydeuces: lol
[23:24] Lord Resistance: the guy that killed me in less than one tick
[23:25] Mr. Polydeuces: hahaha
[23:25] Mr. Boombastic: you have a good memory resi
[23:25] Lord Resistance: HE TOOK ALL MY CITIES IN LESS THAN ONE TICK -_-
[23:06] Sir Sorra: poly
[23:06] Sir Sorra: are you guys warring rebirth?
[23:07] Mr. Goodluvin: lol
[23:07] Mr. Goodluvin: intra kd war sweet :P
[23:08] Sir Sorra: no poly is his own KD
[23:08] Sir Sorra: he is not considered part of rebirth
[23:08] Sir Sorra: he is there best player, it's like a KD within a KD