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Mr. Chaser

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Chaser).


Mr. Chaser

Lived in Era 40, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Shadows

I am the son of Chaser who was killed in battle the way any honorable soldier could wish to have, he befriended. but I have come up to bring greatness back to the family name. And with the coming pride I will also be a great leader and follower in the Shadows. and we shall rule Talents as our long lost for-fathers once did. Shadows is a once lost now found Kingdom our ancestors started and ruled the Universe with. they eventually met their demise. we are not sure how but they all died a beauitful death in battle. But back to my Father. When he led his army he put great fear into his enemies eyes. there was one such battle that the enemy troops became so fearful of death they took a sword and shoved it through their commanders throat. they then chopped off his head and placed it gently onto a catapult to send it hurling into the great sea of Ustio. when my father lived he commanded a renegade army that had detatched from the evil shroney. they fought all across the land. blood covered all streams and the woods were barren with the great fires that had started.We are the Elite, we are True Warriors, we are Shadows.

"Where there is light there is darkness, where there is neither lies the SHADOWS".