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Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Dark


Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Dark


Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Dark


Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Spaghetti


Lady Mzzery

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Strawberry Mzzlkshake) and was a member of Hellbunnies

I was born in the last few days of the Era of Kobuskan. I was but an infant, struggling to learn how to live in the cold, Dark kingdom I was born into. The world was called Starta, and it was a start I guess.

Then followed the Era of Messiah. I learned the most basic things, but I was still but a child, looking for a great teacher to learn from. My kingdom was Dark, and I saw the light in a bowl of Spaghetti. I then knew where I had to go. The world was Zetamania, and I ventured into a few other worlds from there.

In the Era of Agent Smith, I moved and joined YUM, the kingdom I had found in that bowl of Spaghetti the previous era. My leader was the awesome Spoon, and I learned so many things from him. My friends in that kingdom were all amazing, and I could ask anything and they would teach me. <3 The world we grew up in, was Fantasia. We then moved on to Mantrax and then Armageddon.

The following era, the Era of Dvsmasta, I was all grown up. I was lucky enough to get most of my friends from YUM to come with me as I migrated to my own Kingdom, Hellbunnies. I shared leadership with 2 others, Ademo and Spoon. We had so much fun. I loved Hellbunnies, but we decided to move on after the era. We wanted less diplomacy and more wars. We got on a ship and sailed to the promised lands, where our Fate awaited us.

A Random duke had spent many days this era teaching me things I never knew. I owe him greatly for that. There was a bird running around, pecking the eyes out off it's enemies too. The bird couldn't fly, for it was a Penguin, but it sure did teach me a thing or two.

We have but sat foot on the soils of these barren lands, but the Foundation feels safe and we will build here.