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Family History

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King Azaruc

Lived in Era 10, got 1 heir(s) (Azaruc) and was the leader of Mirror

Azaruc is the ruler of the great kingdom Mirror. Mirror existed for 9 era's, but suddenly, in the tenth era, a evil magician destroyed all of Azaruc's possessions, along with Mirror. After this Azaruc had to rebuild Mirror completely. Azaruc has fought many battles and is a hardened veteran. He came on this world with three of his friends in "The Beginning". Together they fought in Mirror. Only one out of this four friends survived... And he's ready for a revenge against everyone standing in his way, so be carefull....

King Azaruc

Lived in Era 11, got 0 heir(s) and was the leader of Mirror

Just before his father died in the huge armageddon, Azaruc was born. He was raised on the home planet of his family, Auronta, by his mother Fienkara. After his early childhood het was sent to a well-known war strategy school, so he would be able to take revenge for his father's dead. Together with his friends he would fight in Mirror again. They decided to try and kill the biggest Kingdom around, together with some allies. This worked out quite fine, due to the fact that one of their biggest players was hit by a terrible spell and wasn't able to fight anymore. Then comes the next era...