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Mr. Die Kill Die

Lived in Era 42 and got 1 heir(s) (Die Kill Die).

Diary entry I: So I enter this land in the middle of a war, or so it would seem. I am surrounded by Outsiders, KRD and The Empire. There is hardly even room for a city around here so I decided to move my people South, but after only a few days I made the decision to settle and start up a city near a small forest. I wanted to call it "The City of the Damned" but that was too long to fit on the signs so instead of giving me the option to change it they just cut off the last 3 letters! "City of the Dam"? What Dam? We are not even near any water!

Diary entry II: Anyway, so far so good. The city has been attacked twice so far, the first time was by OutLawZ who got away with a lot of my gold, the second time my knights managed to defend the city but were injured. I am currently training additional troops for defence of the city. The Empire currently have a scout camped outside the city, they are planning to attack, as is a Corps of Orc from Dynamite. However, the blessed 50% rule protects me from them... for now... so I have no need to worry. I had hoped that by not joining a Kingdom I would remain neutral and not be attacked and that the warring factions would focus on each other rather that my little city, but it seems like that's not the case. This means I will need to pick a side... but which side?

Diary entry III: Well the Dynamite Orcs got rid of the scout, but then took their position camping outside the city. In the end they didn't even attack due to the 50% rule that protects me, or perhaps for some other reason, I do not know. Additional troops have been trained and are now defending the city.... well, WERE. The new troops fresh from the barracks were rushed into battle straight away. Another unprovoked attack, this time from a mercenary company, Dendarii or something, I don't know, they were elves anyway. They destroyed my walls using magic then sent it their troops to raid my city, which they did, then departed. However, not soon enough after their initial attack another group of attackers came in to try and repeat what their kinsmen had done. However, they were overconfident of victory, thinking that my defences were still down they sent it a lesser number of troops and thus my remaining men managed to defend the city from the group of attackers but many of my warriors died in battle, thus leaving the city without much defence. A second wave of attackers broke through our defence and took all of our resources! I thought that the 50% rule protected me from all of these attacks! I guess not... They are still outside my city... there's noting I can do but train more troops... and hope that they move on.

Diary entry IV: Well the attacks didn’t let up, the city was raided by a number of different people and groups and my requests to join kingdoms went unanswered… I fear I am alone in this world… for now… So many good me have been lost in defence of the city, yet the city still stands and is still under my command, their sacrifices were not in vain. The end of the era is fast approaching and it is only now that things have calmed down… it has been over a week without an attack on my city… and the number of troops in the city is the highest it’s ever been… alas, there is no more room for buildings within the city walls… housing is at maximum capacity… the more troops the less beds… Soon I shall have to start building outsing the city limits. All in all, The City of the Dam thrives and goes on strong… I am looking forward to the new era…

Mr. Die Kill Die

Lived in Era 43 and got 1 heir(s) (Die Kill Die).


Mr. Die Kill Die

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Die Kill Die) and was a member of The Knights of the Black and White

Zetamania, a new home. Not long had I arrived here before my first and only city "The Dead City" was attacked and taken over and I was forced to start again, still in Zeta but this time away from the fighting. It started out well, I was alone and my new city "Undead City" was prospering surprisingly well. There was another city nearby, but they were no threat, I think their ruler had left them. Soon enough scouts starter showing up flying the banners of their respective kingdoms. At this time I decided to safeguard my little area and so I built another city named after the famous pass the 300 Spartans defended. It worked well to keep out unwanted guests from the north. However a scout from The Knights of the Black and White had set up a city south-east of my city. It was a small city so I thought that I would take it seeing as it was in my territory however at this time I was talking to another member of The Knights of the Black and White about the common name of one of my cities, one of his cities last era sharing the name of my second city. He then asked me if I wanted to join their kingdom. I was hesitant about joining a kingdom, I didn't want to get involved in a war but in the end I chose to join seeing that if I did my fellow members would help protect me... not that they ever actually did... Why? Because unfortunately for me I sealed my fate when I joined with them. They lost the war with No Pulse in a very bad way. No Pulse completely took over Zeta killing everyone. I was the last remaining ruler against No Pulse in Zeta and that's why when they found me down in my little corner they sent in many, many armies to finish me off. At this point I knew that I was screwed so I tried everything I could to stay alive, I built up my troops, I even tried negotiating but in the end, as my final city lay under siege I sent a special party of VIP's and my most trusted men to escape the city and the realm itself. They just managed to escape to Mantrex as my city fell to No Pulse. My daring escape party didn't get far however, No Pulse were already in Mantrex and my path to the safety offered by Phi Factor led right past a No Pulse stronghold. Sadly all of the VIP's and guards died. I however live on as always, to start again once more. Hopefully things will work out better this time...