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Mr. Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Dendarii Mercenary Corps


Mr. Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Dendarii Mercenary Corps


Mr. Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of CITGO


Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of CITGO

Deep in the Duchy of Naergothrendar; The Telcontar Hospital, Erunion Ward.

Intern-Healer Telette walks down the pristine, crystalline corridor, the magical illumination casting an unearthly yet somehow perfect glow onto everything; this magically cleaned Hospital was the greatest in the world, the Healers were the best to be found anywhere and the facilities and equipment were unparalleled.

Telette walked into the room, familiar to her after her two years of internship at the hospital. Inside was the nations most famous patient.

Erunion Telcontar, builder of the Hospital and Duke-Elect of Naergothrendar lay comatose in the bed.
He hadn't moved for twelve years.
Telette finished checking the room, making sure all the wall monitors were functioning. The quiet hum and rhythmic beeping now so familiar to her. Everything was normal. She turned around and walked towards the door.
"Zeta no! Not now!" Telette spun around, checking the wall monitor. It was true, Telcontar had flatlined! On her watch! She'd have no hope of promotion now, she was ruined!

"Intern-Healer, did it work?" it was a strange voice, and coming from...
Wait, no. That's not possible! Telette spun around.

Head of the council of lords, chief of the military, Lord Protector of the land, reknowned throughout this and fourty-three other worlds. The Duke-elect of Naergothrendar; Erunion Telcontar.

And he was awake.


"Limber shields and pikes! The 212th will take it's place in the column and in History!"
Excited officers yelled their orders to their companies, with incredible precision the massive column formed together and marched towards the rent in the air; a rent through space-time itself. To most, this would be a terrifying sight, but to the Naergothrendarin Expeditionary Force it was common place. With The Telcontar back in charge, there was work to be done and the Elves of the NEF were excited. They were marching on a new land and were the cutting edge of the colonization of a new world. The NEF would march and quell belligerent locals and then the pioneers would follow in their oft-bloody wake.
And now, after years of waiting, they had a new world to conquer.


Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Revelation
