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Mr. Gravehaunter

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Gravehaunter) and was a member of Music


Mr. Gravehaunter

Lived in Era 45, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Music

Chapter 0: The Beginning,

From nowhere I rise, in a dark world, I cannot see anything... "Rub some acid in his eyes, that'll wake him up!" is the first thing I hear. I'm to weak to react and my eyes start to burn. Damn that hurts... When my eyes open I can see a few guys standing in front of me. But I can't make a face out of it. Suddenly I see a smaller man walking closer, as my eyes open I can see an older man standing next to me, he reaches his hand out and helps me stand up. Immediatly those other men come to aid the old guy and help me stand up. I was barely able to think of anything that happend to me and saw I was in a large chamber. The old man said something but I didn't understand it completely, I could make something from it. Most things I hear repeatly were: Music... Sin... Darkfaith... and suddenly as out of nowhere I heard the name "Gravehaunter" a cold wind blew through the chamber. The old man suddenly said: "Follow... My King..." I started to hear better, I was even able to see the man's face. He looked like a guy who lived for centuries, and then. When I looked to the men next to me... I saw skeletons!! I fastely pulled me away from them, fell and crawled to a torch, I reached it and stood up. The old man said: "Have no fear, these people are your finest soldiers, my King" I didn't knew what to say: Soldiers? King? Chamber? I looked around fast and saw a lot of skelletons, a few broken coffins, and gold? Where was I? The old man walked to me and said again: "Follow me if you want to understand." I followed the old man to a door, and entered it. Once inside I saw a giant statue standing, well giant isn't the word. It used to be bigger, but now it looks more of a pile of stone instead of a statue. "This" is what the old man said "are you, my royal highness." I walked closer and saw something that was written in the stone. I blew away all the dust and saw a name coming up. "Sir Gravehaunter" it said. That name, gravehaunter, it sounds so familiar, but I couldn't remember anything. Then the old man started to speak: "Once you were a great warrior. A powerfull ruler, but you got betrayed, by your own kingdom!" "Kingdom?" "Oh, ofcourse..." is what the man responded "Come here." I went towards the old man and he pointed his finger towards another door. "Go throught there and remember what you used to be..." I walked to the door, and I openend it. A white light blinded me, like in a dream, and I started to see a lot of people in front of me, fighting. And one guy dressed in an unique combat armor killing every man standing in front of him. Until his army emerged victory, and another white blast came, this time I flew back into the chamber. The door closed and I saw the man standing behind me. I crawled back up and relised a lot of thing going throught my mind. I... I... I remember!! I'm gravehaunter!! I lead a giant army once, Sin, Music!! Damn!! The guy said to me: "Calm down, this isn't the time to overreact, fast, follow me." I followed the man up a stair and thought about that chamber. That was my tomb! I'm dead!! I'm... ? Alive? How? The noticed me thinking and said: "Before you died you ordered your men to make a tomb for everyone you need in the afterlive. You agreed with the devil you wanted a second live, or was it already your 3th live? or 4th, ah, I forgot. Now that tomb contains everyone you knew, and is a lot bigger then you think, but most of the chambers collapsed during all the armageddons that went on during your "Death". But now you're awaken so let's not wait here. Follow me." I followed the man up the stairs and saw a lot of doors passing. Untill we stopped at the top of the stairs, then the older man said: "Here your adventure begins, forgive Music and Darkfaith. Join them, you will need them in a struggle against a giant enemy, but have no fear. You will be safe." I opened the door and stept into the light. This is where my adventure begins...

Chapter 1: Setteling

I suddenly flew throught the sky and landed in the middle of a marching army, no one reacted, they seemed to be used to see such things. But it wasn't that. It was like they knew me for many years. But that didn't mather. A settlement was in sight and once we got there I suddenly said, out of nowhere. START BUILDING!! The people smiled at me and fastly started to construct small houses. A few men walked at me and asked if I wanted something to drink. I asked for something expensive, they gave me something they call... Vodka... Strange name, but it feels good. After a few days one of my architects entered the building and said: "My lord, we still need a name for this colony, or else we won't be able to identify our selfs to the other people living nearby us." And so I did. Woody I, was the name. And soon I started expanning. I commanded a scout party to go to three locations and that the build of three colony's: Woody II, Insanity and Iron I. Insanity was going to be my biggest city and Iron I would be my armory. After a lot of work. All of my city's were done. I started producing troops at a low rate. I didn't had the intension of starting war. Either defending because I now had a kingdom by my side. Music... But who cares, what happened was almost 20 era's ago. I went to Insanity and saw a wonderful market, and ofcourse, a palace, only for me. After that I went to Iron I. I witnessed the build of an army. But when I saw an armory, I started to remember weapons. Powerful weapons. I fastly took a horse and rode to an abandoned village. I wandered around for some time until I heard the old man speaking: "Here they are. Take them, and release the world of fear." A few weapons dropped in front of me. A spear, Sword, Buckler. And all in black with a slight blue shine. "The shine shows how many blood these weapons have seen. Use it to conquer this world..." Those were the last words I heard from the man before his voice went on with the wind. I took my horse and went back to Iron I...

Chapter 2: The Defensive Line

A few days later I hear my kingdom was in grave trouble, a kingdom named FEAR was going to break through the northern defenses and attack us. Well lets just say slaughter us. I saw giant army's passing by. Quick-thinking I commanded the chief of Iron I to train troops as fast as he can. And yes, a few days later FEAR came in sight and I took my troops to the defensive line. Under a strange city named buttpluged I ran to Valhalla. I created a city called The Pitt. But the worst part had to come. I didn't produced enough gold to keep my army's up, my food stock was to low to give my people something to eat. And eventually lead to people leaving the army, leaving my colonys. And all of sudden I lost all of my city's in Talents. My once giant army crumbled to an end. I tried to do anything I could. Most people tried to make a living by eating rats, bugs... I sold everything I got and bought all the food I could. After a few weeks of fighting against our belly's I was able to produce food and gold again. My colony's, my army's, my people were saved!!! Untill...

Chapter 3: FEAR

Our archenemy was able to mobilize a strong army and was right now knocking on our doors. Immediately I sond all of my men towards the gates. Hoping to kill at least a bit of that army. In the middle of the night they attacked, and completely got crushed!!! None of them survived! Another prove of how strong Music can be.