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Mr. Crazy Zenka

Lived in Era 44 and got 1 heir(s) (Slark).


Mr. Slark

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Slark The Subzero) and was a member of The Federation

Era of Bluelight
Entry 1
-His name was Mr. Slark....he was a man who had come out of the west to found cities in the east. He had been a captain in his father's army, The Tower Guard, before he left in order to lead a new life....he came to the land called Valhala as a soldier for hire and ended up becoming a powerful part of the kingdom called Federation. He at first started out slow due to his towns not respecting his authority and thinking he was too young to lead them. With help from Lord Uther Pendragon he became quickly oriented with the job of ruling. In the coming war with the kingdom Relentless and kingdom NEBC he proved his ability to lead and gained the respect of his people and they rallied behind him. He raised his villages from small areas of scattered buildings into thriving cities of industry and magic power. He at first concentrated on building a strong arch mage army but has recently switched over to a powerful army of spellweavers and Magic Towers in order to support the entire kingdom with the huge war with the kingdom of Relentless to the south. He froze many forces of relentless in south in the war to buy time for his kingdom mate to mass production of strong armies. Relentless is being pushed back but still remains very powerful. in the mean time, the war with kingdom NEBC still goes on but they are not as powerful as they used to be due to the help of Mr Monkey Man capability to take down most of Kingdom NEBC's cities. Mr Slarks most powerful armies of Slark Scout II,and The Army of the Slark the Subzero. They are the best of the best and are heading north to take the fight to the final lines of NEBC's fighting forces. Mr. Slark has been training more and more powerful magic units to build up his magic offence and defence against Relentless. Mr Slark is planning to leave with the current leader Anubis for the land of Starta and Arma to take the kingdom into new lands in order to spread its power to the edges of the Earth

-Main historian for the lands of Mr. Slark

Entry 2
As time goes by, the war is getting tighter and tougher, NEBC is starting to push back against us and the consequences of this make the life of the peasants miserable. every one is suffering deeply throughout the war. on the other side of the core, Relentless remains strong and pushed us back, Sir Cadmus's strongest army of Smiley Face was killed by Mr kreed's army of Trickster.
As the war goes on, there has come to an agreement for an CF with Relentless, citizen jumping for joy. but this happiness doesnt stay long. After awhile, NEBC has remaked the kingdom into the unbreakables and continues to assault us, with allies of anti-federation and domination.
however, due to the overwhelming magic power that Mr. Slark has, Federation were able to stay survive through out this push.
Era is about to end, the suffering of citizen is also about to end. as anti federation and unbreakable continues to push in.. federation have to all out on defensive and all out of magic defence in order to survive through out this era.

-Main historian for the lands of Mr. Slark

Sir Slark The Subzero

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Slark The Emotionless) and was a member of The Federation

Era of Bogdan

Slark The Subzero, has landed on Zetamania with the rest of the kingdom mate. preparing for OOP war, every member has been working very hard.

Sir Slark The Emotionless

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Slark Will Kill Music Next Era) and was a member of The Federation

Era of Bogdan,

Part I
Slark..... was a man that made his father proud, now he has been taking over his father's duty into being an army. he was then, promoted to the rank of knights. Slark, has began his journey in Zetamania with the rest of his kingdom mates. The war in the field has been a tough time for the Fedz to survive as kingdom of music began pursuit the rest of the Fedz members after their victories in their OOP war. the lord of kingdom Fedz, Lord Uther Pendragon, used up all his income in troops training and neglect his economy and sacrificed himself for the sake of his members. Lord Uther bought many valuable time for his members in building up economy and more troops to defend the kingdom. Finally, Slark has not failed his lord and he successfully built a blocker which could withstand the incoming attack from kingdom MUSIC. The war prolonged and Commander Baldwin has been preparing an attack on Slark Block which is filled with elites and the best armies that federation could have. Defendres lead by Commander Baldwin successfully put Slark Block undersiege causing the food supplies to be cut off and the torture of the peasants has begun. it was reported by the people in Slark Block that they are surrounded with approximately 17k armies,1k wizard and 200 catapults preparing to taking down Slark Block. it was 1 hell of a disaster for the people in Slark Block. Nevertheless, the people and the army of Slark Block never gave up while putting in all their effort to try to defend Slark Block before reinforcement has arrived.

Part II
Slark Block, have failed to hold the overwhelming powerful armies from Music and was taken over by Commander Baldwin, The FEDS core has once again taken over by MUSIC, Slark retreated to a corner where he starts building his core up again. Half of the FEDS kingdom member was killed by MUSIC,
Slark was then being chased by MUSIC as a refuge. Its been a hard time for Slark, hoping that one that he could gain shelter from a kingdom as the Kingdom of FEDS had almost parished. Slark has joined forces with the Bear Machines to strive to handle MUSIC, but the fact that MUSIC has grown too strong, Bear Machines was also almost being wiped out by MUSIC, The War has extended long and the innocent citizen are suffering from this war.

Sir Slark Will Kill Music Next Era

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Slark The Killer) and was a member of Black Flag
