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Sir Zweihnder Master

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Trippelsoldner).

Kraxmanina Fraxaboll is also known as "Zweihänder Master" because of his passion for the large two handed swords.
Each morning Fraxaboll practice his use with the Zweihänder.
He has a favorite sword which he has had for a long time and always keeps it by his side. The stast for the sword is:

Length: 177 cm/ about 6 feet
Weight: 2.7 kilograms

Fraxabolls forces mainly consists of infantry with full or half armour.
The infantry is mostly equipped with halberdiers, baridans, two handed swords and many other types of pole arms.
There is a law that says that all civilians should be equipped with at least one weapon if war broke out so they will be able to defend the cities. Fraxaboll is a warrior king so he takes part in the battles himself so he is well liked by the soldiers.

All who commits two crimes is sentenced to death by hanging.
People who murders someone is first wipped in 5 hours before being executed. Some might think that the punishment is too hard but because of the hard rules crimminal activites is almost non existant.

Viceroy Trippelsoldner

Lived in Era 12 and got 0 heir(s) .

The Sword was passed along to the new king, who always has it by his side ready to cut his enemies in half. He has a large beard and is a very tall man. He is known to have cut a pick-pocketer in half from the top of the head all the way down.