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Family History

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Mr. Nomak Drome

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Nomak Drome).


Mr. Nomak Drome

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Nomak Drome) and was a member of Canis Exercitus

Mr. Nomak Drome, re-entered the worlds in era 48.
He is a direct descendant from Sir. Drome who lived as from era 11 and the later famous pirate Captain Black Barty in the twentieth era's. It is rumoured he had also ancestors from before era 10, but there is no proof left after so many wars fought.

Nowadays Mr. Nomak Drome serves Canis Exercitus, defending the new souls and guiding into their true strength.
For the good of all and everything.