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Mr. Desert Marauder

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Desert Marauder).


Mr. Desert Marauder

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Karta Killa).

Well, I made it to the HoH... for a few ticks anyway. :P Still that's pretty damn good for playing solo on Mantrax.

Peak position:

Your character Mr. Desert Marauder is the 6th most powerful ruler in Mantrax

Most Fearsome Rulers

2. Mr. Desert Marauder has won 14 battles, captured 48 cities and killed a total of 117014 men and women.

Mr. Karta Killa

Lived in age 17 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Karta Killa).


Mr. Karta Killa

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Very Unpleasant Queefing).

Another new map to test out! (went Dwarf this era to test that out too.)

Peak Position:

Your character Mr. Karta Killa is the 10th most powerful ruler in Starta

4. Mr. Karta Killa has won 20 battles, captured 23 cities and killed a total of 338290 men and women.

Ms. Very Unpleasant Queefing

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Shat Turd Worlds) and was a member of The Death Dealers

New map, vuQ. Thought up the name in hurry. :P

8. Ms. Very Unpleasant Queefing of The Death Dealers (Halfling)
Had 333,918 land, 404,428 troops and 22 science points. Killed 126,486 soldiers, won 15 of 25 battles and captured 29 cities.

Mr. Shat Turd Worlds

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Karta Killa II) and was a member of The Death Dealers

Back to Shatteredwolds, looks like old is the new new.

Started 3 days late so I went pretty 'shat' this era. We lost. :P However I did survive (with one city left), so that's good I guess.

Mr. Shat Turd Worlds of The Death Dealers (Human)
Had 15,061 land, 2 troops and 7 science points. Killed 52,430 soldiers, won 4 of 8 battles and captured 3 cities.

Mr. Karta Killa II

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Desert Ranger) and was a member of The Death Dealers

Different Karta map this time. This map is crapper than the other Karta map but oh well.

Done pretty well this era. We won. Peak position: 10th Most powerful ruler. 1st on the Most Fearsome. Had 425,761 land, 159,258 troops and 33 science points. Killed 540,932 soldiers, won 24 of 35 battles and captured 67 cities.

Mr. Desert Ranger

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Xorgom) and was a member of The Death Dealers

Desert map again. This time on the side of law. Didn't work out well. Didn't even get to have any fun. We were mostly betten OOP managed to get out of it without dying but it put us way behind the other KDs. In the end we just wern't strong enough. Oh well. I think Peak position this era was like 18th Most Powerful. Not great.

Mr. Xorgom

Lived in age 23 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Xorgom) and was a member of The Death Dealers

Xorgom, Mogrox backwards.

Mr. Xorgom

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Icouldnotthinkofanewname) and was a member of The Death Dealers

Died once, but had a good place to restart in. We ended up loosing again though. Getting killed OOP set up back and we didn't have enough to defend with, still, we put up a good fight.

Ened up joining WTF as Death Dealers had no plans to restart and I didn't want to be bored for the rest of the era. Ended up loosing again anyway though but at least I wasn't bored and got to rebuild a bit. Peak position was 21st. :P

Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Karta Killa The Return) and was a member of The Death Dealers

I really couldn't.

Death Dealers did good this era! We bet 3 different KDs and came out on top.

Peak position this era, 6th. Made it on the HoH... for a few ticks anyway. :P 4th Most fearsome!

I went to America for a month so my position dropped a bit while I was away, went from 8th to 16th. :P Managed to bring it back though in the final fight against Forsaken. Got back to 8th most powerful.

9. Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname of The Death Dealers (Troll)
Had 810,812 land, 354,972 troops and 32 science points. Killed 613,078 soldiers, won 41 of 43 battles and captured 45 cities.