Family History
Viceroy Plokoon
Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Plokoon) and was a member of The Unvanquished
since the death of his father orange plokoon, and his father plokoon, plokoon the second has learnt alot.
his father was a leading member of agents of chaos, 3rd in command, but since the deformantion of the kingdom, plokoon has felt a little lost, but is eagar to destroy the sworn enimies to the plokoon bloodline, Shadow Warriors.
plokoon has decided to make the family law of naming all sons plokoon. he thinks its the best way!
King Plokoon
Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Plokoon) and was the leader of The Falcons
king plokoon left TU with the hope of having his own kingdom. he wanted to put his own views into a kingdom and help TU in other ways than being in the kingdom its self.
the falcons are an honest and decent new kingdom that will accept people that genrally want to join. this kingdom has contacts with a few other fairly powerful kingdoms and proberly isnt a kingdom to be taken lightly.
many people have already under estimated king plokoon and have learnt that he isnt easy pickings.
King Plokoon
Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Plokoon) and was the leader of The Falcons
king plokoons father did not do too while he was alive. king plokoon now is going to make his fathers dream better. The Falcons will be a great kingdom!
after the armgeddon, few survived. luckily, someone from the plokoon blood line did survive.
with other noble warroirs helping him out like drakos, this world will become a better place for all!!