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Mr. Spoonie

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Spoon) and was a member of Holy


Mr. Spoon

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Spoon) and was a member of Holy


Sir Spoon

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Spoon) and was a member of Holy


Duke Spoon

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Balloon) and was a member of Holy

I walked trough the hall, step, step, step... The steps kept getting louder. Damned echo, I thought.
Finally, I reached the room I was heading for, opposite of the kitchen. I entered the room cut out of stone, and was amazed.
Gryphons are such beautifull creatures. And intelligent, too.
I walked closer to one, when I heard a voice yelling, telling me to stop. I stand still, and looked around. After a while the voice started talking again. Almost whispering, but the echos made it all clear to understand.
I was only half listening to his words, already knowing that it was Darkfaith.
'You need to come back to the runeroom once more, the runemasters discovered something of great importance. And it is time for us to hurry.'
Can't it wait, I spoke. 'No, come, now. No time to loam around.'

Sir Darkfaith left the room. Sigh. I followed him, not noticing that there was a third person in the room, right next to the doorpoast. He catched up all we spoke of, and with his rogueing skills he followed us, on a safe distance.

Spoon and Darkfaith entered the runeroom, and walked ten steps right, two forward, and one more right.
This unlocked the secret spell that was cast in this room, to keep unwanted souls outside. As the rogue that was following us approached the room, finding it empty for him, while the people who have unlocked the spell for them saw him.
I turned around, and looked straight into the face of a troll. Not knowing the troll, Spoon looked it in the eye suspicious. This must've been strange for the troll. Rogue's usually noticed when somebody was looking. But he didn't see anybody. One of the mages casted a simple tangling spell. Which made the troll unable to move his arms nor his legs. The troll was astonished, and gave a high girly yell. Spoon moved out of the magic shield, and the troll quickly recovered him from the still quite astonished face.
Immediatly he barked something. It was trollish, so Spoon didn't understand a word from it.
I ordered my men to lock the troll up in the dungeon.
Tomorrow he will get a fair process, and he will either join us, or be against us!

As Spoon went to find himself his bed, Darkfaith remained heavily discussing in the runeroom. His talks were about the dissapearing armies. Nobody had a clue where they went to, nor what happened to these mighty regiments. He let several of the runecasters study the stars, search in the books, read old scrolls. Everything what could give them a clue about whatever was approaching them. Maybe it were armies from hell, to destroy every last soul alive, to let the world burn.
Darkfaith himself took place on the ground, closed his eyes and waited. And waited.
After several hours finally a tiny dwarf gave a scream. 'I found it! I know what it is!'
After he had read loud a scroll, he explained in more easy to understand words. 'Some powerfull mage, possibly the strongest mage in the whole world cast an evil spell. The spell makes forest burn, rivers and lakes dry, mountains crumble, and kills nearly every soul. The world will end'.

This is horrible Darkfaith whispered to himself. I..I.. I will let Spoon know tomorrow. He is still tired from the riot in our eastern realm, that he had to force those people to leave us.
Let him sleep, tomorrow, in the first dawn of the morning he will be able to take it. Else he will take overheated decisions. Something we must avoid.

I woke up the next morning, noticing someone sitting in a chair in the corner of my room.
'My lord, I have some terrible news. Our runecasters finally discovered what it was, that what destroyed our armies. It is a spell, a very powerfull spell. One that destroys the whole world, and what kills every soul alive. However, this scroll is written by your grandfather, and is still here. Not burned. After reading some of his notes, we discovered that there are secret caves, all over the mountains, where atleast thousand men could survive safe for atleast half a year, if they have enough supplies.'
I remained silent for a moment. Then I spoke.
Allright. Get every ruler to send out his son, or daughter, with thousand of their most loyal, most qualified peasants. And fifty of their lifeguards.
They will have to rebuild. And let no person know about this.
It would cause people to end their lives in fear, rather see some happiness the last few days.
I also want to get all of the soldiers back from their fronts. Get back to their families before that spell gets any impact. Darkfaith, farewell my friend.
Wish your son luck.

Duke Balloon

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Spoon) and was a member of Holy

My father condemned himself to death. That for I will wreak on him on the son of whoever killed my father.
I have got his knowledge with me, and my mothers quality to see trough lies immediatly.

As the sun rose, for the first time in months, my people yelled out of happiness. It was time! I gave one of my men the order to find a place, near a mountain with stone and gold. Near a lake with fish and water. And far away from those elfish woods. No sneak attacks from those nasty elves, no burning arrows upon our stone houses. We will get them sometimes, we will. With the force of our axes, they will give up immediatly.

As one of my men went ahead of us, to search for a pittoresk place to create our settlement, our big mass of people slowly walked forward. We walked for a week, then we found ourselves a hut. I went inside together with two of my guards.
Happy to see it was the man who I send forward.
'Aye bossy, this is ye place to live'.

The news spread fast, and people started to build small huts for the first few days to live in. I ordered my lifeguards to give everybody some meat and vegetables for the day. For myself I thought 'Tomorrow we'll need to organise a fishing party, else we'll be hungry people soon'.

The people found themselves jobs near, or inside the city the following days.
I had thought up a fair system for everybody, where you get to work in the mines once every three days, and the people could live with that. This would be a peacefull era for us all, although, it seemed.

Three days later, a scout came back to report. His name was William. 'There is spotted a barbaric kingdom just the west of us! I acted friendly, not hostile, as I am supposed. But they just fired arrows! No wounded, nor dead. But they have awaken a sleeping dog I may hope.'
I spoke loud and clear, as a king. And said the following: 'Allright, William. You take a rest now. I have another job for you tomorrow. Make sure you bring three others with you.

Duke Spoon

Lived in Era 25, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Holy
