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Sir Adelbert

Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Adelbert) and was a member of Shen an Calhar

Adelbert is heir to a line that have learned that in face with the great god of VU one must stay humble. For the furius wrath of the almighty god has been fatal to many of Adelberts ancestors.

In the days before the armagedon in era 11 Adelbert foolishly left the path of sanity and began worshiping the demons of the underworld. Strenght and prosperity where promised to the ageing Adelbert who had been sitting in the shaddows of the great kings of Vigilante and Shen an Calahar for the whole age. Though Adelbert still served loyaly under King Sezymon, his corrupted mind grew impatient. In the final days before the era ended Adelbert gave in to the burning lust for power and intended to abuse illegal magic. But the god of VU's counteract where swift, for Adelberts mind where truly lost. The fury of the gods brought Adelbert on his knees, and none under his command where left alive. As if he had never excisted. The lands showed no scars of previous civilization. Adelbert himself is still held captive in the forever darkness, to forever suffer for the crimes he made. The world forgot his before so powerful presence, and the armageddon where casted. The world where once again destroyed, for only a few chosen ones to survive. Among the chosen ones where the heir of Adelbert.
The son beared the same name that his father beared, but the young childs mind was not corrupted by darkness. And Era 12, the second era of Sezymon began

The chosen ones emerged from the dust of the armageddon in the newfound lands. The era was started and as his father, young Adelbert found a band of Trolls and gained their trust. He became their ruler. And under the red hand he serves with his friends Thangbrand and Mablung. To aid when the great Sezymond calls. Loyal to the Shanatar, he fights under the Shen an Calahar banners. With a mind as pure as one can get. For he have been teached by history, the hardest way of all.

Adelberts life seemed going to it's end as armies sent by Sir Nimitz advanced. As a SaC Adelbert believed this land was given to him and his brethren in arms by the same god that before had cursed his own blood line. He thought his ancestors sins where finally pardoned. He believed his loyalty to Sezymon had blessed his fortune for the rest of his life.

Adelbert simply lost the will to live as he saw farmers, women and cildren fell in the burning of the villages of the promised lands. Holy to the Shen an Calahar. Strangely Adelbert blaimed the invading soldiers nor their mighty lords for doing anything wrong. He knew it was kill or be killed for them. And accepted the cold truth of death. As news of his kings fall, Adelbert lost the will to fight, and ordered soldiers to abandon post. Insanity it seemed for most, but Adelbert knew death where the only certain thing in life.
He hid his son, the only heir to the mighty house of Adelbert.
Adelbert kissed his son goodbye for the last time in life, and died asleep in his last remaining city. While the son, not yet named. Fled with his mother, away from both prosperity and power.

King Adelbert

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Malfurion Stormrage) and was the leader of Harstad Vikings

Adelbert was the Lord of the golden halls of Andunie. Wielder of Ragnarok, the sword of oblivion and faithful servant of the lords of Legacy. He became known for many things. For Adelbert of era 13 was a true champion, but he lived in the shadow of the great rulers of Legacy. The noble and humble Lord Protector where the kings most humble servant. Though the king himself hardly knew his name.

Adelbert was forced to battle in a young age. He rised in ranks faster then most. He receaved recognition for his skills on the battlefield. The young heir of the Adelbertian bloodline were a strong man. Capable of anything he set his mind to. He was tall, and proud. On the battlefield he showed no mercy. where he swung his sword, Ragnarok. Fear was spread. The sight of Adelbert drawing the huge sword were greater and more frightning then when the worlds shatter, and armageddon destroy all. For the blade was black as the murky shaddows from the hither and beyond. But when the blade where drawn from it's sheath a blinding lightning hit the enemy, causing dispear and horror amongs their ranks.
Adelbert never hesitated to draw Ragnarok. For it raised the morale and fighting spirit of his warring halflings.

Adelbert never came to war, but war alwais seemed to come to him. And if someone deared to challenge the wielder of Ragnarok, there would be no mercy coming from Adelbert. Under the banners of Legacy he served. Undefeated he fought with the lords of the great empire. He remained loyal, eventhough as when the armageddon aproached, he left the ranks of Legacy. For he knew the faith of his heir laid through another path.