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Ms. Tinzt

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Tinzt).


Ms. Tinzt

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Gilian) and was a member of East Coalition

Started this new character with the restart of Valhalla. Joined KD with Angus Prime, a new player I met on Zetamania. Tried to teach him a thing or 2, but I am very rusty. Sadly he became inactive after a while.
Wanted to try an Elf with cheap Ghosts for an OOP fight, but didn't realize the low player density and high early game income makes this difficult when you are not top. Made some bad moves against All Might, who went on to defeat me and than took on the recovery core of H&S. I was able to resettle while All Might lost against KoH. End of era seems to boil down to KoH vs Ursidae.
