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Family History

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Mr. Dregolas

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Euston).


Mr. Euston

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Andres Bonifacio) and was a member of The War Gods Inn

Euston was just beginning to rule when he started to see his kingdom falling apart at the seams from the savage dwellers living in the farther areas. He tried to rebel against them, leading a small army of less than ten thousand to take back the Miner city, but that army was not able to return to celebrate its victory. He was only able to save one son from doom before dying in the Armageddon.

Mr. Andres Bonifacio

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Vorgak) and was a member of The War Gods Inn

Andres, the only heir to King Euston, was born in the middle of a massacre. His father was ambushed on his way back from a victoriuous battle and was killed. Hordes of savagesattacked his cities and almost everything was taken. Andres had to be taken away secretly in order to survive.

Andres grew to be a competent ruler, raising both cities and his economy fast. He expanded his rule outside of the core to fulfill his dream of creating a grand, rich capitol in honor of his father, which he would eventually call Manila.

Unfortunately, his dream was crushed as his new capitol came under attack. The savages that killed his father had returned, and they were ruthless. They laid waste to the buildings and people, and Andres wept as he stared at the fires arising from his city.

It was thanks to his allies, the rulers of the Kingdom of The War Gods Inn, that he was able to reclaim it. He further developed the capitol and his other cities, and became the most powerful ruler in Fantasia for a while.

Having completed his goals, eliminating the savages and proving himself to be a strong and competent ruler, Andres died peacefully, with his 15 children by his side.