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Sir Zurin Blackhand

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Zaragor The Destroyer) and was a member of The Zaramothian Empire


Sir Zaragor The Destroyer

Lived in Era 25 and got 0 heir(s) .

The only son of Zurin Blackhand, first King of the Zaramothian Empire, Zaragor Blackhand has already made a name for himself as a fearless warrior and young but promising military commander.

With his deadly battle ax in hand, Zaragor has crushed all comeptitors for his father's throne, some of them his own friends, and has managed to become the successor to the throne.

As the King of fabled Zelingard, rebuilt in the memory of his father, and of the late Zaramoth, Zaragor has begun rebuilding his shattered kingdom and spread his reaches around the lands. Upon meeting emissaries from other kingdoms, he has adopted a new strategy, one of peace, in order to buy himself and his vassals some time quickly.

With potential enemies all around, he has little choice but to try to found a much greater alliance of kingdoms and create enormous political power for himself and his people in order to ensure their survival. The world shall see that the Blackhands are not tyrants but rather great heroes.

Having earned the title of the Destroyer for his spectular work on crushing all criminals and bandits within the area, as well as rebels, Zaragor has begun working toward building long-lasting alliances between the Zaramothian Empire and a select few other kingdoms.

Though, potential problems remain, and he has to think carefully on what to do. A crisis has arrived for the Empire now. And it is up to Zaragor to see what can be done to save his people and keep the empire intact. Perhaps it will be necessary to change the empire's internal matters and alter the government.

Only time will tell...

Furthermore, through solidifying his alliance to the Hells Wraiths and by demonstrating his good intentions by combating the threat of the Midnight Suns until his allies would be prepared to take up the fight themselves, he would go on to suggest an even closer alliance between the two, and show his allies something else entirely.

The destruction of the Phi Empire. That was what he would promise. In his mind, he had already crafted a long and enormous campaign of stunning destruction and mindless brutality. The destruction of a rival empire demanded nothing less. Despite being a strong believer in a free world and a balance among the kingdoms, as well as in Zaramoth's vision of a unified world, he feels somewhat uneasy with the campaign he would propose, but believes it to be a necessary evil.

Few held an opportunity to alter the flow of history. Zaragor felt himself on the edge of becoming one of those few. He also wonders the consequences... and the potential hope it may spark...