Family History
Mr. Eros The Trololol
Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Eros The Lost Traveler) and was a member of The Shaolin Monks
God Eros The Lost Traveler
Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Eros Butt Slapper) and was a member of The Shaolin Monks
Our adventurers found a treasure worth 567042000 gold
Our adventurers found a treasure worth 567042000 gold
We received a message from Lord Valkyros XXXII.
Our adventurers found a treasure worth 20969000 gold
All men in Luck You have died!
Our adventurers found a saw that will revolutionize forestry science.
Don Quixote gained 5 experience from adventuring.
Our adventurers found a treasure worth 867042000 gold
Military Science
Level 15
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +150% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 714,379,576,277,375,000,000,000 gold, 71,437,957,627,737,500,000,000 stone and 71,437,957,627,737,500,000,000 tree.
Level 34
Upgrading will cost 169,653,142,562,710,000,000,000,000,000 gold and 16,965,314,256,271,000,000,000,000,000 food.
Level 20
Upgrading will cost 18,925,046,932,471,100,000,000,000 gold and 1,892,504,693,247,110,000,000,000 stone.
Level 21
Upgrading will cost 27,910,864,755,523,600,000,000,000 gold and 2,791,086,475,552,360,000,000,000 tree.
Level 4
Upgrading will cost 38,220,316,452,776,100,000 gold.
Magic Level
Level 14
Upgrading will cost 1,210,750,049,043,880,000,000,000 gold, 107,622,226,581,679,000,000,000 stone, 107,622,226,581,679,000,000,000 tree and 107,622,226,581,679,000,000,000 food.
God Eros Butt Slapper
Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Eros The Tall) and was a member of Abydos
Played as elf. First era back in 500-600 days. Could have been like 400 or something though, I didn't check :p
Spawn in the NE corner. Warred with Feckers OOP who spawned just to our south, while MAD and Dark Riders Empire duked it out in the SE corner, below us. Feckers in the southern-NE area CF Dark Riders in the northern-SE area. Dark Riders defeat MAD, who resettled in the top-middle of the map to our west, we CF them, while thwarting Feckers attempts to wreck havoc in our core (blockers were hard to place...). All the while Albatros got a brief farming session in in the SW corner of the MAP, while Pact of Free Cities established themselves in the NW.
Its around day 10 at this point. Albatros then go on the offensive and start pressing into Dark Riders, who lose ground initially before bringing Albatros' advance to a halt. At this point, Alba starts sending a few players to attack MAD in the north (IMO big mistake). We in Abydos finally get our act together and steam roll over Feckers and then continue south into DR's backfield. DR slowly crumbles between the armies of Alba and Abydos before finally being ground out of existence. The lion share of their cities go to us.
Not sure what day it is at this point. Alba and us in Abydos turn our eyes towards each other in initial clashes in the SE region. Alba discovers that their armies are less powerful than ours on average, however they have a 4-5 player advantage on us at this point, so they start stacking key blockers with multiple armies - bringing us to a stand still. MAD start to feel the heat as they are assaulted by Alba, PACT, and Dalek (playing solo) up in the north - if they fall it leaves our initial core open to attack. Myself, Osi, and Bogdon run north to help, while the rest of our KD presses the advantage down south.
Slowly but surely we bash down Alba armies in the south making our way towards their core in the SW. The armies in the north start duking it out and the northern coalition of forces get knocked back by us. Abydos forces slowly but surely break into Alba's core using the same map-blocking glitches that gave us so much trouble in the beginning of the era and wreck havoc. Pretty soon Abydos has taken the whole map (besides MAD) Feckers and DR are long gone, Alba is toast (magnificent defense though), and Pact + Dalak are effectively defeated. MAD casts Arma and for some reason we are still waiting on it to get passed ending point (29-3 vote). Good era though
Total: +4,760,990 -333,244 +1,935,440 +367,488
Army Upkeep: -1,139,050
Building Upkeep: -1,285,270
Total Income: +2,336,670
*(production was over 5.5m at one point, probably could have gone over 6 if I let pez come in :)
Military Science
Level 7
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +70% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 129,418,699,500 gold, 12,941,869,950 stone and 12,941,869,950 tree.
Level 6
Upgrading will cost 3,251,257,500 gold and 325,125,750 food.
Level 8
Upgrading will cost 47,700,055,500 gold and 4,770,005,550 stone.
Level 3
Upgrading will cost 600,244,500 gold and 60,024,450 tree.
Level 5
Upgrading will cost 3,528,493,800 gold.
Magic Level
Level 8
Upgrading will cost 716,009,951,250 gold, 63,645,329,000 stone, 63,645,329,000 tree and 63,645,329,000 food.
Your character God Eros Butt Slapper has won 76 battles, captured 61 cities and killed a total of 2689383 men and women
Total (land): 1636407
God Eros The Tall
Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Eros The Morning Tented) and was a member of Abydos
First log)
Got banged over by an orc OOP whilst having 5k Gt's b/c moral dropped to far. Lessoned learned, build 500 or so taverns in advance if facing possibly such a sitation. Resettled. Two 90k's and one 56k land dropped day 16. Mining is at lvl 8.
God Eros The Morning Tented
Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Eros Please Cry) and was a member of Mad and Dangerous
Back after a loooooooong break. Dropped as a neutral. No plans. Can't see shit on the map yet. Era started a while ago by the looks of the hiscores. Probably a farming era unless someone decides to feed on me...
God Eros Please Cry
Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Eros The Tallest Halfer) and was a member of The Duchy of Lithuania
Fant era 91: Played with Mad for the first time. Fought Dutchy of Lith oop through mid/end era. Kind of a food fight era with wars going on all over the map. 4 kds on map each with 1-2 naps so every kd was fighting someone all era long. Ended second place
God Eros Please Cry of Mad and Dangerous (Halfling)
Had 461,088 land, 947,183 troops and 20 science points. Killed 885,962 soldiers, won 30 of 57 battles and captured 8 cities.