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Mr. Lord Krum

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).

Lord Krum struggled to free himself from the evil forces of his surrounding enemies. His fathers father’s had fought bravely, but it did not help. Krum’s father was crushed in the wake of his enemy. Now, Krum II has recreated a Kingdom where all shall live in peace. Any who stands in his way will be crushed three fold as his father was.

The Band of the Red Hand will prevail.

Lord Krum

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Saiyan Empire

The Red Hand did not prevail, but a son was born from among the chaos who uses his fathers name to avenge him. Krum, son of Krum, son of Krum will see to the destruction of his fathers captors.

The world will know the name and the lagacy that is Red.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).

Lord Krum, back from Armageddon. He survived the destruction that plagued the world, and has come back with a steel fist!

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Noob Table

Surviving the threats of Armageddon, Admiral Krum finds a new home. has begun!

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Noob Table

Conquering his enemies of last era was wonderous.

Krum, again has come back with his steel fist to continue his campaign of destruction.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Noob Table

He's back......what more can I say?

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Red Hand

After the chaos Admiral Krum had created, he found himself bored. He then embraced the arma that was started and began anew.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Red Hand

Once again....he's back. But Red Hand is born....

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Red Hand


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Red Hand

Krum, weary of his travels, finds himself in a new land unknown to him. Mantrax....

Never before has he seen such calm. Fantasia was the only world he had ever known, now to be thrust upon this stagnant land.

Young blood can be seen all across the lands, and as sure as the sun will rise, they will tremble at the name Red Hand.

No mercy!

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Red Hand


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Red Hand


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Admiral KruM has seen many moons go by. But on this particular moon, he decided to join a group of friends known as the Brotherhood of the Wolf.

With his tusty sword sitting on his great black gelding, KruM is a formidable force.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

He shall never be the same.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Ahjen) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Admiral Ahjen

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).

The list is growing.

He's like the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going...

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Red Hand

Red Hand has returned.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Wizengamot

From the ashes, Krum has arisen.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).


Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Krum) and was a member of Albatross

Over a decade and still going.

Admiral Krum

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).

I will never stop being surprised at how fast time flies.

I began my journey in the universe of Visual Utopia so far back, I don't even remember the year. Maybe 2003, 2004? I don't know, but I do remember there were already vets playing VU even then.

What's more incredible is playing games with people who may not have been born then. We have grown older, maybe got married, and or some who have kids playing these same games.

Drama. Oh the drama. This forum has always been a battle zone, probably more so than in the "Visual" part of the game. Trust me, I'm not immune to it. I've been in my fair share, and contributed in the past, but hopefully never malicious. I even stopped using Admiral Krum for many years and become known under a new name starting from scratch. Some know what I'm talking about, and to the others, I will leave that a mystery.

I'm not sure why I decided to write this. Maybe I'm being too melodramatic, or feeling a little nostalgic, but I do know that through all of it, this community has been apart of me for a huge portion of my life and I wanted to get it out. So thank you all for sticking with it, even to those friends who have long gone. Quite a few I miss.

Zeta, I want to thank you for keeping this train rolling all these years. You above all have had to take the brunt of most of the attacks, and you stayed strong. Maybe it made you a little too strong ;)

I'm not leaving or quitting, I just wanted to share my story.


Admiral Krum

Admiral Krum

Lived in age 96 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Krum).

I blink, and another decade has gone.