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Mr. Matthew

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Matthew II) and was a member of The Alliance

Chapter 1: Shattered Peace

Matthew was born in a time of civil unrest in his homeland.

Matthew at 25 winters old was 6ft 4 inches with deep brown hair and eyes though not pyhiscally strong he made up for it with his tactical genius.

He come from the west from a tiny island nation cut off from the rest of the was a utopia of peace. Till year 2057, Era 24 the old queen was assassinated, her son taking the throne. All was well but peace never lasts, the new king started to kill people for no good reason. The only reason was that he killed to slake his bloodlust.

Matthew was an soldier for the army, retiring before the queen died. For this the king ordered him to be executed in his own home, his family to massacred, his wife raped and then killed, Matthew barely escaped with his life and boadered a a ship to the east to a land named Zetamania so he could flee the kings agents.

They caught Matthew after 5 days touching down upon these shores. The agents were about to force him aboard a river barge when a wizened old man jumped down from above the cliffs, killing the black-robed agents with ease.

The old man reaveled himself to be a son of the old queen, he used magic to create a illusion over him so he can hide from the western agents. So the old man taught Matthew how to make a colony so that one day they both could one day return to their old country of birth, their homeland, the motherland.

Chapter 2: New Beginnings

Victory! The army of New England has won its first battle against the native barbarians of Bubbumeland crushing the defending army and claiming it for New England. When the army returned they were treated as heroes. Victory parties filled the streets everyone was the same class for this day.

Now the armies march southwest to find the second city of the natives to claim it for the safety of the people of New England.

A second victory! The army of Farmers Heaven was routed and stopped.Now the armies of New England march eastwards to where there are cilivised kingdoms were alliances can be formed to defend from the dark forces of the west and eventually take back Matthew's homeland

A troll was sighted not just a couple of hours after the town of New England was settled bearing grim news.A army in black armour was sighted in the far west burning down coastal towns stealing resources and quickly making a new city.

Matthew approached his new friend, prince Amarilo with this news,
"Amarilo!, the kings armies have been spotted in the west we have to keep moving milord"said Matthew
"What do you think we should do, oh and dont say milord your are the king of this fair city i am the one who should be saying milord"replied Amarilo
"I think we should stay and hold our ground and prepare our defences as from the information from the troll where they have landed it will take them years to reach us as they dont know the dangers of this land our how to get across this land"said Matthew.

Chapter 3: New love

Though Matthew knew he was returning hope to the easterlands his heart longed for a women.He knew he could never have Katlina back, yet he found himself yearning for a women in his life.

Then one day a old human women struggled into the city asking for medicine as she ran into bandits to the south east of the city.
Matthew personally gave the medicine to the women.
"Thank you sire",said the women
"No problem, your name ?", asked Matthew
"My name is Natalie, yours?",replied Natalie
"King Matthew of New England", replied Matthew
"Your the one", said Natalie
"Huh", said Matthew, then all of a sudden a flash of gold light surronded the old women, then dispesered into the air to reveal a beautiful young women of 25 winters old, her head covered in long flowing brown hair with blond highlights.Her face was a picture or perfection no poxmarks or anything.

Matthew had finally found happiness with Natalie who was caring, considerate for Matthew's lose. Within two weeks of meeting each other they married. Though they married there was darkness brewing in the west so the King and the newly crowned Queen kept on strengthing there defences for the inevitable siege upon there fair lands.

Reports:- Spotted armies in
real time 20:23

Two elven platoons were spotted:-
One under the command of a Mr.Scar who seems to be going south west.
The other under the command of one Mr.Thehero who has camped down for the time being.

Chapter 4: New township and New Friends

New Englands armies march north eastly to make a new township to be used for food, mining and recruiting men into the army but it failed with the lack of funds. Mr.Scar is a peaceful king with no intent as yet to start war a alliance could be made to defend this passage forever more (well until arma), if he declines that elf will feel the power of a human army...
Matthew was asked to join a new Kingdom called The Kingdom of Slovankia, Matthew accepted without delay because every help is needed to stop the advance of the King's Huroi-Shami army.
The Kingdom failed! So Matthew invented a new kingdom called The Alliance to protect and help the peasnats of this land.

Chapter 5: Close allies

Mr.Vieskna's citadel called Viestok is close to New England a couple of dayes march. Mr.Vieskna arrived in New England to talk about his duties in The Alliance,
"My friend, Mr.Vieskna welcome to New England, come lets go to the war chambers",said Matthew
"Of course", said Viesnka, the doors swung open to reveal a room with so many books on magic they reached the ceiling.The table in the centre of the room was filled with scrolls depicting tactics for use in small-scale battles.
Matthew and Mr.Vieskna talked for hours about how the land they controlled was in a precarious position. Though the only short way was through a pass in their lands, a powerful army could sweep through most defences so the 2 colonies strifed to further their defences.

Mr.Scar is incredibly rude unless he answeres in 48 days Matthew will be forced to invade and take his city.Finally a reply from Mr.Scar it is a application form to join The Alliance. Of course Matthew debated this with his gorgeous wife and his good friends, finally accepting this application to join The Alliance.

Chapter 6: Birth of a child

There celebrations echoeing in every city of The Alliance, the good Queen Natalie has given birth to a boy. The boy who will become known as Matthew the second is the sole heir of The Alliance and will continue the fight against the Huroi-Shami army.
18 years later
Viceroy Vieskna arrived with grave news to tell the royal family of The Alliance. Mr Auspex had casted amrageddon. Matthew sercertly started to stash food away and told his son that 3 days before amra strikes flee to the Forest of the North with the his mother. Matthew will stay to fight the hordes of the demon armies when the skys run red and gates to the nether world open up. Matthew told Queen Natalie to flee with Matthew the Second.

Chapter 7 : WAR!!

Though The Alliance is peaceful (and arma on the horizion) , a power hungry kingdom called Gods of Destruction (or GoD for short) draws this country into war. The Alliance holds strong treaties with Cloudy Sky so when word reaches the Council of the Four
of war brewing, each ruler starts to amass there armies for ther inevitable fight for survial (except Mr.Scar) .The Alliance depises war but when a faithful allie warns The Alliance of a impending attack the Defences are prepared. So in defencive reasons a new city was built called New Wales close to the warfare easily avabile to send troops out at any time, meanwhile the Migration army moves west to the mountains to establish a new city.
Then on the horizion a GoD regiment was spotted heading towards the main core of The Alliance so King Matthew ordered the New England Elites to intercept and hopefully hold the line. Success! the New england elites have beaten back the GoD regiment, there was heavy loses with the New Engalnd elites who were only a battalion, but this shows that The Alliance fights like the Spartans of Ancient Greece.

Chapter 8: Peace and WAr

All GoD members have either killed or have turned into peaceful Shogunates so for the time being there is a moment of peace in Zetamania

2 weeks later
The Shogunates have started to invade other peoples cities in this time of peace so the Allies (KoH, USSR, Cloudy Sky, the Alliance and the Rebels) now start a fite that will dwarf all other wars in Zetamania so far

(The remaining part of the tablet seems to be missing, but the last part of the remaining tablet remains partly intact and states that Queen Natalie stayed with King Matthew to fite.)

Mr. Matthew II

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Matthew Iii) and was a member of Slovaknia

Icrendash has shown wat happened to Matthew II fathers land after he fled

Chapter 1: Rebirth

Matthew II is the only heir and surving family member of King Matthew the noble leader of the old kingdom The Alliance.

Matthew II knew from word of mouth that his father and mother were fiercely terrororeal over The Alliance lands so when GoD started to take Alliance cities there was no other option but ALL-OUT WAR!
Mr.Vieskna son Icerendash already 30 winters old promised to train Matthew II in the way of kingdoms so he can train siblings when they come in the Kingdoms.

Matthew II was accepted into the council of Slovankia after he joined Slovankia as his father was legendary among the 2 leaders of Slovankia. A good friend of Matthew was Talon Vir and Matthew II hoped to become good friends with Talon Vir Ghorta ...

Mr. Matthew Iii

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Matthew) and was a member of Slovaknia

Matthew III is the son of Matthew II who was killed by a member of the treacherous Mirror kingdom before his prime but as luck would Matthew II had a illegitmate son.

So Matthew III sweared to have venege against the Mirror member Mr.Kelthas who attacked peaceful Matthew II.

Matthew III coulsnt hold so many attacksfrom Mirror so he fled north with his bride to be Chloe who was pregant with his child, to the northen bridge. Success!! Mirror is not guarding the bridge.

Mr. Matthew

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Matthew V).


Mr. Matthew V

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Grenshel).

This is the first long known history from the Matthew family discovered in Era 100 this history was written in journal.

I am Matthew V ( Matthew the Fifth) I have wisely fled to my fathers old stompin grounds of Zetamania away from the foul curse upon Fanatasia called Mirror so i desire to restart The Alliance and once again become the reknowned.

2 weeks after settling my town of Super New Engla a woman of such beauty that would of made my great-great-great grandma look like a common working peasant.

I found that her name was Grenshel from a elven tribe from a far off land untouched by time e.t.c, so i dated her for 3 full moons before askin her to marry me (never was any good at asking girls out) and she accepted oh the gods smile upon me on this glourious day.

I cant belive it has been 16 winters since I last wrote in my journal the only thing that has happend is that i have had a daughter who is now 16 and yet for her age towers above EVERYONE, yet wat shocks me that Grenshel has Trollian blood from 400 generations so it seems that by doing *** with me it reawaken the troll blood her name is Katlina which my father wanted to call any daughter he might of got but--------------------------------------------------- I am sorry to say but the rest of this chapter is smudged beyond repair.

Well the son of Firendash has finally arrived in Zetamania and has started to travel towards Super New England.

Ms. Grenshel

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Grenhell).
