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Mr. Brashen

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Brashen) and was a member of Legacy

Started with BoW then when we were sounly beaten I switched kingdom to Holy since I never seem to get a chance against LGC enyway :P.
Never Managed really to build up since I never had a place in a core and been loosing all wars I taken part in this era :( maybe im bad luck.
But atleast I am learning patience rebuilding and getting the feeling how it is not to make a million a hour like regular people.

Mr. Brashen

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Brashen) and was a member of Legacy


Mr. Brashen

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Brashen) and was a member of Legacy

The Second era, Beta 8
115 Viceroy Bibendum Member of the Thyatia AR kingdom.

The second era, Beta 9
153 Viceroy Brashen Member of the Visual Utopia News Network kingdom.

Most Powerful Rulers round 11
130. Sir Brashen Another Related Rambo Slayers Empire Troll 44880

Most Powerful Rulers round 15
68. Sir Brashen The Shallow Grave Orc 419661

Most Powerful Rulers round 16
68. Sir Brashen Saiyan Empire Human 283646

Most Powerful Rulers round 17
101. Sir Brashen Saiyan Empire Human 266971

Most Powerful Rulers round 18
1. Mr. Brashen Human 25

Most Powerful Rulers round 23
99. Mr. Brashen Holy Human 475218

Most Powerful Rulers round 24
72. Mr. Brashen Legacy Human 241486

Most Powerful Rulers round 25
27. Mr. Brashen Legacy Dwarf 1375865

Best round ever for me.

Was the one who held top HoH for most of the time the first 3 weeks before I got stalled and could gain no more.
I ended with having built 65k buildings so my score depended completely on gains.

Went west together with Cobra coming OOP wile the rest of LGC went east.
Warred Shogun together with Cobra.
Rox joined us later on(a little it was not his main front)and gave
magic support.
And Shogun spammed us with bigger armies then I would have thought possible that early on in the era. But thanks to good coordination and teamwork and Rox slows + the fact that we were using lvl3 units against their mostly lvl1 armies we manage to
at first hold them of and then turn the tide.

BoW was also on this front and most of them were building arms and training troops over here trying to stop me and Cobra but then Ben (Amon Hen) sneaked around above them on the north edge and made a blitz on their ECO which they could not stop due to having their arms in the south, but they put up a good fight, But Rhade came in and attacked in their center and turned the tide for good.
But we never managed to completely remove them from our lands and Hamish with some aid from Drakos kept up pretty effective guerrilla warfare sneaking in and taking a town here or there with his nazies.

But when we almost had this front secured IE attacked us.
And honestly I thought we would loose this flank for a wile but we got some more help from most of the KD to turn the tide just in time before Abydos attacked on this front followed by Baccus.