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Family History

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Mr. Yorimm

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Yorimm) and was a member of Vini, Vidi, Vici


Mr. Yorimm

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Yorin).

he was beginning with bilding a empire but was brutaly murderd befor he could finish it

Mr. Yorin

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Yorinn).


Mr. Yorinn

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Yorimm) and was a member of Exiled Force

when my father was killed i moved far from his kindom a made a new one far to the east. but i did not know that is was close to the core of legacy so i was under attack as soon as it was posible.
if i would be killed in combat my son yorimm wil continu this fight for me. he wil becom more powerful than all bevor hem in my bloodline.

Mr. Yorimm

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Ripcurl) and was a member of Exiled Force


Mr. Ripcurl

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Yorimm) and was a member of NARRSE

i started my vilage near one of my allies. but also near one of my enemy's. when i was planning on attacking that enemy, the enemy attackted me. i fought bravely. but they won the 1 time but my cidecens were loyal and gave me my city back. but the enemy returned and took it again and killed al people loyal to me. so there is nothing that i can do but wait and hope that my son is able to join NARRCE. if so he wil continu the bloodline if not. he probebly wont live long.

Mr. Yorimm

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Yorimm).

at last one in my bloodline is growing stronger than ever bevor. when an army of 50k is attacking one of my city's my fathers and grandfathers would have died devending the city. but i had enough man at my comand to stay and servive. and with help of my friends i servived. but then i played everything or nothing. and lost. i lost my bigest city's and my army's were crusht. but i never gave up hope of serviving til the end of this era. and it may come out to be so. next time around my son will continu my fight. he will probebly fight against my worthy oponent devi. if i had to lose from someone he would be the one.

Mr. Yorimm

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Yorinn).

this it the first time that someone of my family servived threw 1 complete era. i have even made it to the top 10 for a wille but then, i got to mutch selfconfidence and left my newly concerd city's undefended. and went on a quest to cocer more. but to gain in power, my kingdom attacked a kingdom that was to powerful at the moment in that area. they took over the city's that i had just concerd and killed al of my troops in the area. i servived. i was woonded but there was no rest for me. my home basse was under attack. and becous i just went on attacking in other area's and left the defending to someone els i was defeded there as well. so now i have almost nothing left. but i wil continu just as my father told me to. no fight for me against devi. althow i would like to. but then again there are a lot of other people that can beat me so i am not in a hurry. our time will come. my famiely wil learn form my act and will make good use of my experiance. this era may be our best jet, but we wil do better. once we wil be feared among my enemy's and loved among my aliance. we wil go and win! there shall be no stopping us! and maybee then i will meet my match and gain the respect that i would like to have.

Mr. Yorinn

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Yorimm) and was a member of BACCUS MONKS


Mr. Yorimm

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Yorimm) and was a member of BACCUS MONKS


Mr. Yorimm

Lived in Era 25, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Carnage
